2000字范文 > 中继站 relay station英语短句 例句大全

中继站 relay station英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-11 12:00:18


中继站 relay station英语短句 例句大全

中继站,relay station

1)relay station中继站

1.Take Huolinhe Opencast for example elaborates the application of RTKrelay station in strip mine survey to solve the actual problem of measune.以内蒙古霍林河露天矿为例阐述RTK中继站,在露天矿测量中的应用及所解决测量中的实际问题。

2.The function and form of the high voltage electric network monitoring system of KJ79 mine underground and the main technical characteristics of the monitoring system centre station,relay station and high voltage vacuum switching arrangement of the network service.介绍了 KJ79煤矿井下高压电网监控系统的功能、组成以及监控系统中心站、中继站、网络通讯高压真空配电装置的主要技术特点。

3.Electromagnetic wave interference on ultrashort waverelay station has influenced the normal running of the whole flood forecasting system of Fuzhou hydrological information sub-center.抚州水情分中心超短波中继站受电磁波干扰影响了整个报汛系统的正常运行,通过对超短波通信干扰的机理分析研究,找出干扰的原因,研究出适合于干扰环境中传输信息的通信系统与应急处理方法,有效地保障了超短波信道的安全运行。


1.buoy repeater statio浮标中继站中继站浮标

2.General radio station. End station or repeater station can be specified.常规无线电站。可指定终端站或中继站。

3.plan position indicator repeater平面位置显示器中继站

4.low-power repeater station小功率转播台[中继站]

5.General radio station with end station and repeater station options.具有终端站和中继站选项的常规无线电站。

6.Implementation of embedded network management agent in the microwave relay station微波中继站中嵌入式网管Agent实现

plete set of equipment for TV microwave relay statio电视微波中继站成套设备

8.Research on optimization relay stations handover strategy in WiMAX networksWiMAX下优化中继站切换策略研究

9.Less ash than that would knock out electrical power and relay stations.而火山灰数量稍少的地区,电力站与通讯中继站可能会遭到破坏。

10.Study on the Multi-channel Point to Point Digital Mirowave Communication Relay Station;多频段点对点数字微波通信中继站的研究

11.Design of Wireless Sensor Network Based on Mobile Relay Station基于移动中继站的无线传感器网络设计

12.Development and application of TKR720 repeater in the radio shootingTKR720中继站在Macha编、译码器无线电放炮中的开发与应用

13.Now most cities have a lot of antenna towers, not just one.现在大多数的城市里不是只有一个中继站,而是很多。

14.This was because most cities had only one antenna tower for mobile phones.这是因为大多数的城市里仅有一个供手机使用的中继站。

15.The Design and Research of Distant Monitoring System for the Microwave Relay Station Supplied by Solar Energy;微波中继站太阳能供电远程监控系统的设计与研究

16.relay pump stations(管路的)替续泵站,中继泵站

17.Unrepeated optical fiber transmission over 507 km long haul507km超长站距无中继光传输系统

18.North Atlantic Relay Communication System北大西洋通信中转站系统北大西洋中继系统


booster pumping station中继泵站

3)multihop networking多中继站

4)the midst branch substation中继分站

5)GPS relay stationGPS中继站

6)minor relay station小中继站


中继站1.在运输线中途设立的转运站。 2.在无线电通讯中,设置在发射点与接收点中间的工作站,作用是把接收的信号放大后再发射出去,增强效果。
