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方言语气词 dialectal modal particle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-16 11:14:12


方言语气词 dialectal modal particle英语短句 例句大全

方言语气词,dialectal modal particle

1)dialectal modal particle方言语气词

1.The study ofdialectal modal particle will help us to better understand its nature and features,discover dialect grammar system’.方言语气词的研究对于我们深入地认识语气词的本质和特点以及揭示方言的语法系统的特点具有重要意义,而且它还可以为语气词的历时研究提供活的语料和证据。


1.A Study of Guangfeng Dialect s Tone Words on Its Conformation,Pronunciation & Function;广丰方言语气词的构造、音读和功能

2.The Function and Parameter Meaning of Particle Lei in Lou Fan Dialect;娄烦方言语气词“哩”的功能及参项意义

3.Grammaticalization of Some Modal Words in Sichuan Dialect;四川方言中几个语气词的语法化问题

4.On the Formation of Imperative Mood Marker 着(zhe) in Contemporary Chinese Dialects;论现代汉语方言祈使语气词"着"的形成

5.Functions and Categories of Mood Particles of Lianjiang Dialect,Guangdong Province;广东廉江方言语气助词的功能和类别

6.On Some Characteristic Mood Particles of the Loudi Dialect in Hunan Province;湖南娄底方言中有特色的语气词举例

7.On Anhui Yingshang in Dialect at the End of Sentence Particles Indicating Mood "Lai"安徽颍上方言中的句末语气助词“徕”

8.The Analysis of Changsha Dialect as A Transitional Dialect--Take Changsha Dialect Question Modal Word as An Example;长沙方言作为过渡方言的分析——以长沙方言疑问语气词为例

9.Chinese Dialect Words in Modern Uyghur Dialects;现代维吾尔语方言词中的汉语方言词

10.The Study on the Tone Adverb Lian and Its Related Structure in Qiyang Dialect;祁阳方言语气副词“连”及其相关结构的研究

11.The Embody of the Modal Particles in the Dunhuang Narrative Literature in the Tang Dynasty in Wu Wei City Dialect敦煌变文中的语气词在武威方言中的体现

12.On Dialects Elegance and Vulgarity: Yichang Dialects (Part2);方言词语的雅与俗——宜昌方言词零拾(二)

13.(grammar) relating to a mood of verbs in some languages.(语)关于一些语言中的动词语气的。

14.On the Common Colloquial Words in A General Dictionary of Chinese Dialects;关于《汉语方言大词典》的通用口语词

15.Use and Level of Structure about the Modal Particle Used Consecutively in the End of the Dialectal Sentence in Guiyang;贵阳方言句尾语气词连用的结构层次和语用功能

16.From saying verb to sentence-final particle: The grammaticalization of yun (云)in Archaic Chinese;从言说义动词到语气词——说上古汉语“云”的语法化

17.On the Auxiliary of Mood"Man(曼)"in Alternative Questions in Shanxian Dialect陕县方言选择问句里的语气助词“曼”——兼论西北方言选择问句里的“曼”类助词

18.A Comparative Study between Dialect Words in SHUO WEN JIE ZI and Modern Chinese Dialect Words;《说文解字》所收方言词与现代汉语方言词比较


the modal particles in Chengdu dialect成都方言语气词

pared to common character of the Northern dialect,the modal particles in Chengdu dialect shows its own character, which provide us with special research value.本文在前人研究成果的基础之上,对成都方言语气词进行了比较充分完整的描写,考察探讨其功能,从而归纳总结出成都方言语气词系统。

3)Tone Words in Shicheng Dialect石城方言语气词


1.Through this paper,the author wants to offer some new views and methods to researchdialects and regional custom culture.本文从特定视角,即方言词语与地方风俗文化的三个小方面,"同一词语在不同地方的不同比喻用法;同一词语在不同地方表示的不同意义;同一意义在不同地区用不同的词语表达"看地方风俗文化来论述方言词语与地方风俗文化的联系,以期给方言与文化的学习研究提供一些思路和视角。

2.Sun Li uses a quite number of Hebeidialects in the plain description.河北作家孙犁的作品在方言词语运用方面呈现出“素淡”的特色。

5)dialect words方言词语

1.The motivations ofdialect words in modern Chinese can be classified into explicit and implicit motivations.词的理据是词的表达形式与词义存在的某种内在联系,现代汉语方言词语的理据可以分为显性理据和隐性理据两大类。

2.It preserves a large amount ofdialect words which are the more important data to study Shandong dialect especially dialect of central Shandong.《醒世姻缘传》是一部以鲁方言写成的白话小说,书中保存了大量的方言词语,是研究鲁方言尤其是鲁中方言的宝贵资料,但不少方言俗语不易理解。

6)dialectal words方言词语

1.This paper offers some notes on thedialectal words of the Chaoshan dialect based on materials from ancient literature.本文引古籍以笺释若干潮汕方言词语。

2.Lu xun is a great literary giant in China, who used many Shaoxingdialectal words in his novels.通过分析杨宪益、戴乃迭对鲁迅小说中方言词语的翻译,评析其再现原作风貌的成就,并指出其存在的不足。


