2000字范文 > 电视偶像剧 TV Idol-dramas英语短句 例句大全

电视偶像剧 TV Idol-dramas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-13 12:25:46


电视偶像剧 TV Idol-dramas英语短句 例句大全

电视偶像剧,TV Idol-dramas

1)TV Idol-dramas电视偶像剧

1.TV Idol-dramas and Masculinities:The Typed Construction and Gendered Narrative Strategy电视偶像剧与男性气质:类型化的生产与性属化的叙事策略


1.TV Idol-dramas and Masculinities:The Typed Construction and Gendered Narrative Strategy电视偶像剧与男性气质:类型化的生产与性属化的叙事策略

2.A Tentative Study of Red Youth Idol Drama Just When We Peers Were Young from the Aesthetic Perspective从美育视角解读红色青春偶像剧《恰同学少年》

3.Suffering·Anti Orthodoxy·Orthodoxy--the New Explanation to Xiejin"s Film from the Perspective of Inspirational Idol Drama苦难·反正统·正统——从主旋律励志偶像剧的视角重审谢晋电影的大众性

4.One of the most popular reality television shows right now is called American Idol.目前最受欢迎的纪实电视是《美国偶像》。

5.I"m going to record that television play on my video.我打算用录像机把那部电视剧录下来。

6.Chinese Television Drama: The New Tactics of Picture-narrative in the Living Room;中国电视剧:客厅里的图像叙事新策略

7.A Tentative Discussion on the TV shooting Movement and Production;浅谈戏剧电视摄像镜头的运用和制作

8.Making Programs As Doing TV Serials--The Way Out for Dialect TV Program from the Success of"Night talks in a City of Fog"像做电视剧一样做栏目——从《雾都夜话》的成功看方言电视栏目剧之路

9.Another popular television show in the United States today is called @American Idol.当今美国另一受欢迎的电视节目叫做“美国偶像”,

10.To See "Idol" in the Paper "No Idol" ──the clairvoyance of Mr Tangyitse s "Comment on Mr Qian s works;于“无偶像”中见偶像──汤溢泽“钱评”透视

11.Winners stand a chance to role-play in the988 idol drama.获胜者有机会在988偶像剧扮演角色。

12.He was shooting a television show and video cameras caught the attack. State police are holding the tape for evidence.他拍摄电视剧,摄像机捕获的攻击。国家警察掌握音像证据。

13.Radio or TV serial drama dealing with the events and problems of the characters" daily lives, often in a sentimental way(电台或电视)连续剧

14.The TV plays adapted from adventure stories caught the imagination of many a young viewer.由冒险故事改编的电视剧激发了很多年轻观众的想像。

15.State-building and the Establishment of Democratic Politics;新时期中国电视剧中的现代性体验及其镜像呈现

16.Play-Oriented,Visualization Desire and Filmic Skill:on New Perspective of Narrative of Modern Fiction剧本化倾向、影像化诉求和电影化技巧——当代小说叙事的新视角

17.Taiwanese idol drama fans should be familiar with Fahrenheit.台湾偶像剧的粉丝们应该对飞轮海很熟悉。

18.Anxiety of Pleasure--Cultural psychological analysis of TV series of the youth idols;愉悦的焦虑——青春偶像剧的文化心理分析


idol TV series偶像剧

1.Basic on relative research system of visual culture, and using cross-subject methodology of cultural studies, the thesis tries to start from the visual ascethic style ofidol TV series, then analyzes three visual ascethic main aspects inidol TV series which are body, daily life and spectacle images, aims to research on the unique visual ascethic culture inidol TV series.本文主要借鉴了视觉文化的相关研究体系,结合文化研究的跨学科研究方法,尝试从偶像剧视觉的审美风貌切入,分析了偶像身体、日常生活以及奇观视像这三类偶像剧中视觉审美的主要组成部分,进而探寻偶像剧独特的视觉审美文化。

3)red idol teleplay红色偶像剧

1.In order to keep the durability ofred idol teleplay,the paper analyzes the cases of successfulred idol teleplays and distinguishes the differentia between red idol and other types of teleplays.红色偶像剧作为一种新的电视剧形态,开始为广大观众所接受。

4)Chinese-made Idol play国产偶像剧

5)Youth idol drama青春偶像剧

6)production of idol drama偶像剧创作


