2000字范文 > 类典型 prototype英语短句 例句大全

类典型 prototype英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-21 13:01:51


类典型 prototype英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper introduces the state-of-the-art in the terminological concept theories with the focus on the introduction of the classical concept theory and theprototype concept theory.介绍了术语学概念理论的发展状况,着重介绍了传统的概念理论和类典型概念理论,并且用类典型概念理论来分析矿物学中的一些术语实例,以此证明:类典型概念理论不仅适用于人文社科领域而且适用于自然科学领域。

2.From the perspective of theprototype theory,there are differences inprototypes,category domain,category level,cultural meaning and absence of categories between English and Chinese words.在类典型及基本层次范畴理论的视角下,英汉翻译中的词语范畴在类典型、范畴域、范畴层次性和文化意义上存在不同,并且存在范畴的缺失现象。

3.Address forms are of different types,and their distribution observes Prototype effect in their categorization.称呼语的种类多样,但是它们在范畴化中遵循类典型的排列。


1.Study on Computational Methods for Two Typical Classes of Nonlinear Problems;两类典型非线性问题的计算方法研究

2.Design and Implementation of Three Typical Kinds of Driver in Windows;Windows下三类典型驱动程序的设计与实现

3.Control and Synchronization of Several Typical Autonomous Chaotic Systems;几类典型自治混沌系统的控制与同步

4.A Probe into the Nature of Five Typical Cases on Railway;铁路“五类典型案件”行为性质的探讨

5.Two Kinds of Typical Initial Value Problems for the Simplest Chapman-Jouguet Combustion Model;最简Chapman-Jouguet燃烧模型的两类典型初值问题

6.China belongs to typical exogenous nomocracy.中国属于典型的外生型法治类型。

7.On The Types and the Characteristics of the Double-Objects Sentences with Verbs Denoting Demanding;广义索取类双宾句的类别及其典型性

8.Europe and America, and China are the typical representatives of the two types.欧美和中国是这两种类型的典型代表。

9.The "Volcano" disco is a typical case of the spatial types of disco."火山"是迪斯科空间类型中的典型一例。

10.The Theory of Type and Prototype:Tunneling Towords the Deep Mentality of Human Being;典型与原型理论:向人类深层心理掘进

11.The types and structures of bilingual dictionaries--Taking A New English-Chinese Dictionary as an Example;双语词典的类型及结构——以《新英汉词典》为例

12.the horseshoe crab is not a true (or typical) crab.鳖并非真正的(或典型的)蟹类。

13.Study on Synthesis and Characterization of Typical N, N"-dialkylimidazolium-based Ionic Liquids;典型的咪唑类离子液体的合成与表征

14.Word Class Prototypes and Verbal Nominalization;词类范畴典型概念与动词名词化现象

15.On the Typology,Characteristics and Compiling Principles of Translatological Dictionaries;翻译学词典的类型、特征及其编撰原则

16.On the Function of Image Type in Classic Poem;古典诗歌意象类型的目的性角度分析

17.On the Classification of Humanism in German Classic Philosophy;德国古典哲学中人本主义的类型划分

18.The Type of Pragmatic information and Pragmatic information in Dictionaries;语用信息的类型与词典中的语用信息


Typical carcinoid典型类癌

3)typical analogy典型类比

4)dictionary type词典类型

1.The present empirical study investigated the effect of differentdictionary types on the translation and acquisition of business English(BE) new words,with the purpose of finding out which type of dictionary should be adopted in the .本研究通过实证方法探讨了不同词典类型对商务英语新词的翻译和习得的效果,以确定在商务英语新词翻译与习得、以及商务英语教学词典编写中应该选择的词典类型。

5)type species典型种类

6)"non-typical" type"非典型"类型


