2000字范文 > 综合性分析 synthetically analysis英语短句 例句大全

综合性分析 synthetically analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-16 16:50:03


综合性分析 synthetically analysis英语短句 例句大全

综合性分析,synthetically analysis

1)synthetically analysis综合性分析

2)comprehensive qualitative analysis综合定性分析

3)comprehensive analysis of characters性状综合分析


prehensive Analysis of Traits for High Quality and Bollworm Resistance New Cotton Variety Ji228优质抗虫棉花新品种冀228性状综合分析

2.The Clinical Report of Acute Coronary Syndrome;急性冠状动脉综合征的临床分析报告

3.Studies on Characteristics of Transgenic Upland Cotton Jifeng 1056转Bt基因抗虫棉冀丰1056综合性状分析

prehensive Analysis on Quality and Agricultural Characters of Spring Wheat;春小麦的品质性状和农艺性状的综合分析

5.Data Analysis of Complex University under the Direct Control of the Ministry of Education and the Research of the Reasonable Scale;部属综合性大学现状数据分析与适宜规模研究

6.Study on Synthetical Characters and RAPD Analysis of Early-maturing Mutant in Brassica Napus;油菜早熟突变体综合性状研究及其RAPD分析

7.Investigation and Analysis for the Present Situation of Comprehensive Study of Chinese in Junior Middle School of Handan;邯郸市初中语文综合性学习现状调查和分析

8.Statistical Analysis and Overall Evaluation on Characters of Regional Trial Cotton Varieties棉花区试品种性状统计分析及综合评价

9.Mood and its related factors among inpatients in general hospitals综合性医院病人情绪状态及相关因素分析

10.Incidence of metabolic syndrome in primary hypertensive and normotensive people原发性高血压患者代谢综合征发病状况分析

11.Analysis on the compensation of the secondary-level public general hospitals in one district of Shanghai上海市某区二级公立综合性医院补偿状况分析

12.Current situation survey and analysis of a district general hospital in Shanghai上海市某二级综合性医院现状调查及分析

13.Analysis and countermeasure of healthy conditions of medical personnel in comprehensive large hospitals综合性大型医院医护人员健康状况分析及对策

14.Analysis on Well-being Status of Clinical Doctors in General Hospitals综合性医院临床医生幸福感现状研究与分析

15.An Analysis and Thought on the Present Situation of the Clinicians" "Three-Basics" in Large General Hospitals大型综合性医院临床医师“三基”现状分析与思考

16.Analysis of Clinical Characteristics and Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome;急性冠状动脉综合征病人临床情况及治疗现状分析

17.Analysis on ECG and coronary artery disease in patients with acute coronary syndrome体表心电图与冠状动脉造影在急性冠状动脉综合征中的对比分析

18.Correlation Analysis of Main Cotton Yield Characters and Molecular Marker SSR in a Synthetic Population;棉花综合群体主要产量性状与SSR分子标记的关联分析


comprehensive qualitative analysis综合定性分析

3)comprehensive analysis of characters性状综合分析

4)complicated analysis with multiple characters多性状综合分析

5)directed synthetic analysis综合指向性分析

6)comprehensive analytical report综合性分析报告


