2000字范文 > 盲区 Blind area英语短句 例句大全

盲区 Blind area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-11 18:56:45


盲区 Blind area英语短句 例句大全

盲区,Blind area

1)Blind area盲区

1.Calculation and analysis design for blind area of photoelectrictransformation system in transmission detection lnstrument for visual range;透射式能见距离测量仪中光电转换系统盲区设置的计算与分析

2.Blind Area of Application and Research of Educational Technology——Education of Disabilities;教育技术应用和研究的盲区——残疾人群的教育

3.The two-axes infrared horizon is an absolute detection methodology which avoids blind areas that occur with the single infrared horizon technique.针对单轴红外地平仪在飞行器姿态绝对测量中存在盲区的问题,提出了利用两轴红外地平仪进行全范围角度测量方案。


1.steering hub and spoke obstruction转向盘毂及辐条盲区

2.Visual-field defect: Blind spot (scotoma) or area in the normal field of vision.视野缺损:正常视觉范围内的一个盲点或盲区。

3.Development of the Road Obstruction Forewarning Device for Drive Blind Area汽车驾驶盲区障碍预警装置的研制

4.(4) The blind area in the systems of the economy and the law.(4)经济、法律等制度层面上的盲区。

5.Regional Council for Adult Education and Literacy in Africa非洲成人教育和扫盲区域理事会

6.Research on the End Testing Methods for Compressed Pipeline;承压管道无盲区端头检测方法的研究

7.On Reader Services Blind Area of University Libraries and Countermeasures;论高校图书馆读者服务盲区及其对策

8.On blindspot in school management--management of school culture;关注学校管理的盲区——学校文化的管理

9.Disscuss the Blinding Area in the Art--Empiricism Leads to the Way of Creation论艺术中的盲区——经验引导创作方法

10.Research on Dead Zone of TOFD Test and SettlementsTOFD检测盲区的研究及其解决方法

11.Non-devastating Islanding Detection for Microgrids Without Non Detection Zone微电网非破坏性无盲区孤岛检测技术

12.Shallow comment on application study of "temperature regulation blind zone" for temperature regulation type dehumidifier调温型除湿机“调温盲区”应用研究刍议

13.Non-Detection Zone of Slip-Mode Frequency Shift Method滑模频率偏移法的孤岛检测盲区分析

14.The region is called the blind spot.这个区域叫做盲点。

15.Arab Regional Literacy Organizatio阿拉伯区域扫盲组织

16.Arab States Regional Literacy Organizatio阿拉伯国家区域扫盲组织(阿拉伯扫盲组织)

17.To prospect for(oil, for example) in an area supposed to be unproductive.盲目开掘在认为资源不足的地区盲目找(如油)

18.Some people are colour- blind: they cannot tell one colour from another.有些人是色盲,他们不能区分各种颜色。


blind zone盲区

1.This paper discusses the principle of MPRF wave-form design for airborne PD radar, and the range-velocityblind zone is calculated.探讨了机载PD雷达MPRF波形设计的原则,并计算了距离-速度盲区,最后,分析了检测精度对解距离模糊的影响。

2.The reasaon that createsblind zone in radar display and tactics to this problem are also presented.阐述了与普通计算机图形系统静态显示完全不同的雷达信号的图形显示,并介绍了雷达显示盲区的产生及利用信号处理技术克服盲区的方法。

3.Theblind zone problem in the wide-swath synt he tic aperture radar (SAR) is usually solved by method of variable pulse repetiti on frequency (PRF).目前解决合成孔径雷达盲区问题的方法通常是采用可变脉冲重复频率来实现 ,然而其变化的PRF会导致非均匀采样 ,增大了后续成像处理的运算复杂度。

3)dead zone盲区

1.A discussion aboutdead zone of double-slits eccentric photorefractor;双裂隙摄影验光仪盲区研究

2.Explore and Study of thedead zone of mobile communication;移动通信盲区的探索与研究

3.Then three conventional methods to solvedead zones of mobile communication, namely redesigning base stand, installing repeater and increasing new base stand, were analyzed and compared.对解决处于移动通信"盲区"的三种常见方法重新定站、安装直放站及增加新基站进行了分析和对比,并结合山东建筑工程学院新校区的实际情况及新校区的未来发展规划,从系统扩容的角度出发,提出了在该校区建设定向宏蜂窝基站的解决方案。

4)blind spot盲区

5)blind region盲区

1.Remote pulse laser range finder with smallblind region;远距离低盲区脉冲激光测距的实验系统


1.First,aiming at the problem ofblind-zone,basing on reducing the multiple of decimation,the algorithm is improved,a mathematical model of non-blind-zone channelized receivers is derived.针对其存在盲区的问题,以降低抽取率为基础,对该算法进行了改进,建立了无盲区信道化接收机模型。


