2000字范文 > 基本偏向 basic bias英语短句 例句大全

基本偏向 basic bias英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-11 16:05:23


基本偏向 basic bias英语短句 例句大全

基本偏向,basic bias

1)basic bias基本偏向

1.This paper adopts the view of"basic biased news"advocated by Fuller,a scholar from the United States,for analysis of the types as well as reasons of the low-quality reports in the context of current market economy.本文借鉴美国学者富勒的"新闻报道基本偏向"的观点,对当下中国市场经济语境下劣质新闻报道的现象进行了类型分析、成因探究,指出了当前市场经济转型过程中相关法律约束与道德规范的缺失与劣质新闻中基本偏向趋势存在正相关的因果关系。


1.Basic Bias in News Reports:An Analysis on the Low-quality Reports in the Context of the Current Market Economies新闻基本偏向:当前市场经济语境下劣质报道分析——再论商务传播

2.The continuum of the corona is essentially radially polarized.日冕连续区基本上是经向偏振。

3.Bias is the of basic tendency Ming Dynasty politics domain morals life.偏执,是明代政治领域道德生活的基本倾向。

4.fundamental solution of partial differential equation偏微分方程的基本解

5.For instance, both vortices, representing the ejection and sweep events respectively, are rotating towards the first principal direction of the strain rate tensor, and strengthened by stretching ete.例如发现两种渴都向基本流的第一主变形率方向偏转,不断受到拉伸而增强等等。

6.At present, a major tendency is to go against the decomposition principle and "a scientific research management with economic ways" is unable to embody the basic principles of scientific research management.违背分解原理是当前的主要偏向,而且认为“用经济办法管理科研”不能体现科研管理的基本原理。

7.Performance evaluation procedure based on MPA method for uni-directional eccentric structures基于MPA的单向偏心结构性态评估方法

8.The net effect of biases on international comparisons is easily summarized.偏差对国际比较的基本影响容易概括。

9.Fractional Partial Differential Equation s Numerical Solution and Fundamental Solution;分数阶偏微分方程的数值解及基本解

10.Study on the Enterprise"s Cost Control Based on Client"s Leaning基于顾客偏好的企业成本控制的研究

11.Small Sample Incremental Biased Learning Algorithm for Sketch Retrieval面向草图检索的小样本增量有偏学习算法

12.One-way Eccentric Column Base Independent of the Substrate Size Calculation单向偏心受压独立柱基的基底尺寸计算

13.This paper gave the calculation formula of minimum deviation angle of a prism and the curved relation line of minimum deviation angle varying with wave length of entrance light.本文给出了棱镜最小偏向角的计算公式 ,最小偏向角随入射光波长变化的关系曲线。

14.A Method to Determine the Azimuth of Polarization Axes of PMF Based on the Characteristics of Backward Diffractive Patterns;基于背向衍射图像的保偏光纤定轴技术研究

15.An Analysis on Deflection of Comparative Education Discourse System and its Theoretical Basis;比较教育学的话语体系偏向及其理论根基分析

16.Analysis of University Students Employment Preference on Present Based on Efficiency Wage Theory基于效率工资理论的大学生就业偏向研究

17.Infrared Polarimetric Scene Simulation Based on Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function Model基于双向反射分布函数模型的红外偏振仿真

18.Identification Method of Welding Seam Offset Based on Support Vector Regression Machine基于支持向量回归机的焊缝偏差识别方法


basic deviation基本偏差

1.This paper presents the tolerance range displacement method, with which thebasic deviation of a hole is determined and therefore the basic hole system becomes the basic shaft system.提出了公差带位移法,以此来确定孔的基本偏差,使基孔制变成了基轴制,并给出计算实例。

2.Basic the analyst of parts reality survey size in machine survey and drawing,the article has started the way that how to decided the coordinate size,tolerance and concert,basic deviation and deviation.文章从机械测绘中零件实测值的分析出发 ,探讨了实际测绘中配合尺寸的圆整、公差配合、基本偏差及偏差等的确定方

3)fundamental trend基本走向

1.Thefundamental trend decision support system for new railway;新建铁路基本走向决策支持系统

4)Basic vector基本向量

1.Given that basic vectors α,β and γ of curve Γ:r=r(s),there curvature and torsion parting for κ,τ.已知曲线Γ:r=r(s)的基本向量为α,β,γ,曲率和挠率分别为κ,τ,研究了由γ,β和r所作出的曲线Γ-:ρ=r+aγ+b ∫ from n=S_0 to S(βds)的曲率-κ和挠率-τ的计算问题。

2.Some conditions for the basic vector curvature and torsion of two curves with one-one corresponding relationship are studied when,two of their tangent line,main normal and subnormal parallel or coincide in the corresponding point.有一一对应关系的 2曲线在对应点处的切线、主法线、副法线中某 2条平行或重合时 ,研究了曲线在该点处的基本向量、曲率、挠率满足的条

5)basic orientation基本取向

6)the basic orientation基本向度

1.This paper tries to analyze the organic combination of ethical value with a harmonious society and make a further study ofthe basic orientation of the ethical value in a harmonious society.文章试从精神层面解析道德建设与和谐社会的有机结合,并进一步探求和谐社会中道德建设需要把握的基本向度。


逼近函数的偏差逼近函数的偏差deviation of an approxmating function通近函数的偏差【山血位扣of ana即.油加tiI犯如‘丘.;yoo.e。。e np:6二:狱a沁川e‘中y。二明。。1逼近函数g〔K和一个给定函数f任叨之间的距离p匆,f).在同一个类叨内可以考虑用不同度量p,譬如一致度量p(g,f)一碧笃}g(x)一f(x)I,以及积分度量 /(。,,)一(i一(·)一,(·):“·)’‘’,p一和别的度量.至于逼近函数的类K则可以用代数多项式、三角多项式,还有f关于某个正交系的正交展开的部分和,这些部分和的线性平均,以及一些别的集之、
