2000字范文 > 齐鲁传统体育文化 Qilu traditional sports and culture英语短句 例句大全

齐鲁传统体育文化 Qilu traditional sports and culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-09 19:33:07


齐鲁传统体育文化 Qilu traditional sports and culture英语短句 例句大全

齐鲁传统体育文化,Qilu traditional sports and culture

1)Qilu traditional sports and culture齐鲁传统体育文化

1.In middle of Chinese sports and culture,Qilu traditional sports and culture is not only a major source of the culture of Chinese sports,but also the core and trunk of Chinese traditional sports and culture forming.在中国体育文化之中,齐鲁传统体育文化是中国体育文化的主要源头之一,而且也是中国传统体育文化形成的主干和核心。

2)Qilu traditional Sports齐鲁传统体育

3)Qi-lu physical education culture齐鲁体育文化

4)Qilu culture齐鲁文化

1.The Influence of Qilu Culture In The Emergence and Development of Wushu Sorts of Quan;地域文化对武术拳种产生和发展的影响——以齐鲁文化为例

2.A Study of the Creation of Shandong TV Documentary Worksfrom the Perspective of Qilu Culture;齐鲁文化孕育的山东纪实作品创作研究

3.Thoughts of Social Harmony about Qilu Culture齐鲁文化的社会和谐思想


1.The Significance and Value of Qi Lu Culture Idioms in Cross-cultural Communication;齐鲁文化成语在跨文化交流中的意义和价值

2.The Analysis of Factors of Qi Lu Culture in Shandong Tourism;山东旅游主体文化模式中的齐鲁文化因素试析

3.A Study of the Creation of Shandong TV Documentary Worksfrom the Perspective of Qilu Culture;齐鲁文化孕育的山东纪实作品创作研究

4.Research of Shandong Television Art Resources of QI and Lu Culture;具有齐鲁文化特色的山东电视艺术资源研究

5.About the Roles of Qi Lu Culture in Enhancing National Cohesion;试论齐鲁文化在增强民族凝聚力中的作用

6.The Humanist Structure of Qi-Lu Culture and Zhou Zuoren s Humanist Thinking during the "May Fourth Movement";齐鲁文化的人学结构与“五四”周作人的人本思想

7.The Influence of Qilu Culture In The Emergence and Development of Wushu Sorts of Quan;地域文化对武术拳种产生和发展的影响——以齐鲁文化为例

8.Research on the Cultural Resources of Chinese Initial Sport Recreation Activities under the Qi-Lu Culture;从齐鲁文化看中国早期体育娱乐活动的文化渊源

9.The Inheritance and Re-creation of Shandang Literature in the 20th Century to Qilu Cultural Tradition;20世纪山东作家对齐鲁文化传统的继承与再创造

10.A Study of the Forms and Culture of Urumqi Regional Architecture;乌鲁木齐地域性建筑形式与文化研究

11.Look at the End of Qing Dynasty Qilu Diet Culture from "the Travels of Lao Can";从《老残游记》看晚清齐鲁饮食文化

12.The Study on the Exploitation of Urumqi International Bazar s Culture Tourism;乌鲁木齐国际大巴扎文化旅游与开发研究

13.Chi-Lu Moral Couture and Construction of National Core Values;齐鲁道德文化与民族核心价值观的构建

14.Female Images in Qi and Lu in the Zuo Commentary and Their Cultural Connotations;论《左传》中齐鲁两国女性的风貌及其文化内蕴

15.Developing the Modern Functions of the Qi - Lu Traditional Cultures selectively;有选择地开发齐鲁传统文化的现代功能

16.Cultural Information of Shop Names of Xinjiang Urumqi Friendship Block新疆乌鲁木齐市友好街区店铺名称的文化蕴涵

17.Study of Qilu Culture and Shan Dong Clothing Enterprise Development齐鲁服饰文化与山东服装产业发展研究

18.A Study of the English Version of Qilu Tourism Culture from the Perspective of Cultranslation and Contrastive Text Analysis从文化翻译观和篇章对比分析的角度谈齐鲁旅游文化的英语翻译


Qilu traditional Sports齐鲁传统体育

3)Qi-lu physical education culture齐鲁体育文化

4)Qilu culture齐鲁文化

1.The Influence of Qilu Culture In The Emergence and Development of Wushu Sorts of Quan;地域文化对武术拳种产生和发展的影响——以齐鲁文化为例

2.A Study of the Creation of Shandong TV Documentary Worksfrom the Perspective of Qilu Culture;齐鲁文化孕育的山东纪实作品创作研究

3.Thoughts of Social Harmony about Qilu Culture齐鲁文化的社会和谐思想

5)Qi Lu culture齐鲁文化

1.Qi Lu culture is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization,the cultural foundation for Confucianism and the homeland for all Chinese to get close to Confucius and seek our spiritual home in these 2000 years.齐鲁文化是中华文明最早的发源地之一,是孔子诞生和儒家思想产生的文化基础,也是两千年来所有海内外华人亲近孔子、追寻思想之根、寻找精神归宿的家园。

2.In the rural cities of Shandong province greatly influenced by traditionalQi Lu culture,there are only a few young writers working on the creation of novels.传统齐鲁文化熏陶下的乡村化山东都市 ,仅有为数不多的几位山东青年作家在支撑着该方面的小说创作。

6)Qi-Lu Culture齐鲁文化

1.Research on the Cultural Resources of Chinese Initial Sport Recreation Activities under theQi-Lu Culture;从齐鲁文化看中国早期体育娱乐活动的文化渊源




