2000字范文 > 地市级党报 Municipal Party Newspaper英语短句 例句大全

地市级党报 Municipal Party Newspaper英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-23 19:52:57


地市级党报 Municipal Party Newspaper英语短句 例句大全

地市级党报,Municipal Party Newspaper

1)Municipal Party Newspaper地市级党报

1.Discussion on How To Play the Role of Public Opinion by Special Issue of Community News inMunicipal Party Newspaper——Taking "Xianyang Daily o Social Perspective" as an Example浅谈地市级党报社会新闻专刊如何发挥舆论监督作用——以《咸阳日报·社会视点》为例


1.Different Reports on the Same Topic in Local Newspaper of CPC;浅谈地市级党报同题新闻报道的创新求异

2.To Be New and Flexible--how to make a good column in a newspaper;专中求活 活中求新——办好地市级党报专刊浅见

3.Discussion on How To Play the Role of Public Opinion by Special Issue of Community News in Municipal Party Newspaper--Taking "Xianyang Daily o Social Perspective" as an Example浅谈地市级党报社会新闻专刊如何发挥舆论监督作用——以《咸阳日报·社会视点》为例

4.Advertising Market s Cultivating and Opening of the Provincial Party Newspaper in Less Developed Western Regions;欠发达地区省级党报受众市场培育与开拓探析

5.On the Actuality、Problems and Countermeasures about City Level Party Newspaper of Anhui Province;安徽省市级党报现状、问题与对策研究

6.Humanity in Advertisement for Multi-storey Buildings on Prefecture and City Level CPC Party Newspapers;浅谈地市党报楼盘广告话语的人文性

7.Where newspapers are published, the Central Committee and the Party committees at all levels should take the running of newspapers as a matter of major importance.中央,各级党委,凡是出版报纸的地方,都要把办报看成大事。

8.A Bit of Experience on the Trouble Processing of up Municipal Encrpytion Message地市级加密报上行故障处理经验点滴

9.A Research on the Administration of County Level CCP Committees under Constitutional System宪政体制下地级市党委依法执政能力建设研究

10.The Implication of the Reform of "Jiaxing Daily" on the Improvement of the Core Competitiveness of Town Organ in the Yangtze River Delta;《嘉兴日报》改革对提升长三角地市党报核心竞争力的启示

11.The Differences of Style between Party Organ and Metropolitan Daily;党报和都市报报道语体风格差异研究

12.Inner-Party controversies should be reported promptly and truthfully to the higher levels and important controversies must be reported to the Central Committee.党内有不同意见的争论要及时地、真实地向上级报告,其中重要的争论并须报告中央。

13.Affinity to Attract Readers;用“微笑”赢得读者——地州市党报增强亲和力的对策初探

14.Mao Tze-tung, chairman of the Communist party, and General Chu Teh, commander in chief of the army, and other high party leaders left the city without a murmur.共产党主席毛泽东、队总司令朱德将军以及党的其他高级领导人悄悄地离开了这座城市。

15.Relations between the Nationalist Party (Guomindang) and the Government:Party Rule at Local Levels (1927-1937);党政关系:国民党党治在地方层级的运作(1927—1937)

16.Party newspapers and journals must in all circumstances publicize the Party"s views.党报党刊一定要无条件地宣传党的主张。

17.Study on the Social Controlling by Public Opinion between the Party Organ and the Citied Press in the Newspaper Group;报业集团党报与都市报社会舆论控制的比较

18.Research and application on the monitoring warning of network breakdown in municipal meteorological department地市级气象部门网络故障监控报警的研究和应用


City level party newspaper市级党报

3)Part Organs of Municipality地市党报

1.The Development ofPart Organs of Municipality in Re-extending Regions:Networks;地市党报发展地域性的再延伸:网络

4)the prefectures"Party organs地州市党报

5)county level party committees地级市党委

P is a party for leading and governing in China, so the administration ofcounty level party committees is the key to its construction.本文在研究方法上采用了历史分析法,即从对地级市党委设置的沿革的研究,对中国共产党及地方组织执政的合法性、宪法地位的历史考察,概述了中国共产党依法执政能力的基本内容、地级市党委依法执政的合法性和依法执政能力的相关问题;采用实证分析法,即以湖北荆州市为实证,针对荆州市委执政的现状结合我国法治的建设来研究依法执政能力建设的问题;采用比较分析的方法,即比较研究新加坡、美国的宪政制度、政党政治,对比我国的宪政制度及政党政治,从中分析研究值得我国借鉴的依法执政经验;比较研究了地级市党委与其上级党组织即党的中央组织、省级组织的执政,结合地级市的依法执政的特殊环境,提出提高地级市党委依法执政的途径。

6)municipal Party newspaper office地州市党报社

1.,this paper expounds the idea for "one-divided-in-two" reform ofmunicipal Party newspaper office.从机构重组、组织架构、运行机制等方面,阐述了地州市党报社"两分开"的改革构想。


地市1.地下城市。指秦始皇墓。 2.即蜃景。光线经不同密度的空气层,发生显着折射时,把远处市镇景物显示在空中或地面的奇异幻景。
