2000字范文 > 地下咸水 saline groundwater英语短句 例句大全

地下咸水 saline groundwater英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-07 17:29:30


地下咸水 saline groundwater英语短句 例句大全

地下咸水,saline groundwater

1)saline groundwater地下咸水

1.Research of the Optimization on Restoration Schemes of Saline Groundwater at the Low Reach of Dagu River;大沽河下游地下咸水恢复方案的优化研究

2.Discussion of vertical variations ofsaline groundwater and mechanism in North China Plain华北平原地下咸水垂向变化及机理探讨

3.Exploitingsaline groundwater and utilizing it for daily life of urban residents can reduce 58 % of the demands on freshwater resources, which can also increase underground storage capacity, increase rainwater infiltration, freshensaline groundwater and improve the eco-environments.开发地下咸水,用于城市居民生活,可节省58%淡水资源。


1.Mechanism Analysis of the Contributing Factors of Salt SubterraneanWater in Alar Area and Ways to Obtain Fresh Water阿拉尔地下咸水淡化处理的机理分析

2.Key Techniques Research of CO_2 Storage in Salinity Aquifer地下咸水层封存CO_2的关键技术研究


4.Research of the Optimization on Restoration Schemes of Saline Groundwater at the Low Reach of Dagu River;大沽河下游地下咸水恢复方案的优化研究

5.Numerical Simulation of Underground Salt water Changes at the Lower Area of Dagu River in Qingdao青岛大沽河下游地下咸水体变化的数值模拟

6.Numerical Analysis of the Saline Groundwater Restoration Scheme in Ligezhuang Region李哥庄地区地下咸水恢复方案的数值分析

7.Study on the Dynamic Distribution Characteristic and the Feasibility of Remediation in Coastal Salt Groundwater滨海地下咸水分布动态特征与治理可行性研究

8.Discussion of vertical variations of saline groundwater and mechanism in North China Plain华北平原地下咸水垂向变化及机理探讨

9.Experiment on the Cultivation of Fugu obscurus in Mixing Underground Brackish Water and Fresh Water地下咸水兑淡培育暗纹东方鲀仔鱼试验

10.Exploiting and utilizing saline groundwater can also vacate underground capacity, increase rainfall infiltration, freshen saline groundwater and improve eco-environment.还可腾出地下库容,增大降雨入渗,淡化地下咸水,改善生态环境。

11.Subterranean water in Alar area is salty, with high total salinity, and surface water becomes less salty orsaltier with seasonal rhythm.阿拉尔地区地下水矿化度含量高、咸,地表水也随季节变化时咸时淡。

12.A study of the characteristics of groundwater circulation and the formation of bitter and saline groundwater in the Qingshuihe Basin in the southern Ningxia宁南清水河盆地地下水循环特征与苦咸水成因

13.Effects of brackish water irrigation on soil and crop under different groundwater depths地下水作用下微咸水灌溉对土壤及作物的影响

14.Relation between formation of salt-fresh water and water-bearing medium in the plain of Su Bei苏北平原地下咸淡水形成与含水介质的关系

15.Research on Exploitation and Utilization of Shallow Groundwater inside Plain Containing Saline-Water平原有咸水区浅层地下水开发利用研究

16.Subterranean water in Alar area is salty,with high total salinity,and surface water becomes less salty orsaltier with seasonal rhythm.阿拉尔地区地下水矿化度含量高、水咸,地表水也随季节变化时咸时淡。

17.Numcrical Simulation Study of Groundwater Based on FEFLOW and GIS Technology in Xianyang City基于FEFLOW和GIS技术的咸阳市地下水数值模拟研究

18.Study on the Irrigation of Summer Maize with Underground Brackish Water from Different Buried Depths不同埋深地下微咸水用于夏玉米灌溉研究


mildly saline groundwater微咸地下水

1.The effects of leaching withmildly saline groundwater on salinity and crop yield in medium saline-sodic soils were evaluated in a two-year field experiment.通过田间试验,研究了用微咸地下水淋洗改良中度苏打盐碱化土壤对土壤盐碱含量变化和作物产量的影响。

3)groundwater salinization地下水咸化

1.Therefore, it is very useful to make research on the cause and law ofgroundwater salinization.因此,研究盐池地区地下水咸化成因及规律,不仅对于查明干旱区地下水的水盐迁移、富集和成矿具有重要意义,而且对于西北内陆干旱区地下水合理开发利用和盐矿保护也具有重要的指导意义。

4)high Fluorine groundwater咸阳高氟地下水

5)salt water descent咸水下移

6)exploitation and utilization of saline groundwater开发利用浅层地下咸水


地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。
