2000字范文 > 断面平均流速 cross-sectional mean velocity英语短句 例句大全

断面平均流速 cross-sectional mean velocity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-13 18:12:04


断面平均流速 cross-sectional mean velocity英语短句 例句大全

断面平均流速,cross-sectional mean velocity

1)cross-sectional mean velocity断面平均流速

1.With the testing results of thecross-sectional mean velocity of aerated flow in spillway tunnel,the velocity of aerated flow in high speed flow is analyzed.结合明流泄洪洞掺气水流断面平均流速的试验成果,对高速水流掺气断面平均流速进行分析。


1.There is improvement as compared with the method of total flow, which only gives the average velocity of transverse profile of open channel.较总流量分析法,仅能给出明渠断面平均流速有所改进。

2.Velocity Distribution of Steady Uniform Flow in Open Channel with Trapezoid Cross section梯形断面明槽中恒定均匀流的流速分布

3.and the average flow velocity of rising tide is generally bigger than that of ebb tide.涨潮平均流速一般大于落潮平均流速。

4.points of mean axial fluid velocity平均轴向流体速度点

5.Application of the vertical discharge weighting method in determining the cross-section mean sediment concentration悬移质取样垂线流量权重法测定断面平均含沙量的应用研究

6.Relationship between Average Velocity and Radius in Round Pipe Fluid Flow;圆管流体平均流速与管道半径的关系

7.Calculation of the Longitudinal Depth Averaged Velocity Distribution of Curved Conduit Flow弯道水流纵向垂线平均流速分布的计算

8.Average Slip Rate of Daliang Mountain Fault Zone in Sichuan in Late Quaternary Period四川大凉山断裂带的晚第四纪平均滑动速率

9.boundary pressure油水或气水界面之平均流体压力

10.Simulation of Wind Fields and Mean Flow Field of the North Part of South China Sea南海北部海面风场和平均海流场模拟

11.mean tide level平均潮面平均潮面平均潮位

12.After hydrogen injecting,firstly,a combustion flow pattern developed in the combustion chamber with the flow velocity being supersonic on average.注入氢后,首先在燃烧室内形成平均流速是超声速的燃烧流动。

13.Research on the Velocity of Flow Index Distributed Rule of U Channel;U形渠道断面流速分布规律试验研究

14.The mean maximal flow rate was 9.8±3.2ml/s(rangel5.9-14).平均最高流速为9.8±3.2毫升/秒(範围由5.9至14)。

15.A Wind Tunnel Simulation on Mean Flow Variances over Transverse Dunes横向沙丘气流平均速度变化规律的风洞模拟

16.The estimated average slip rate of the Wairarapa fault since 10000 B. P. is 10mm/y.距今10000年以来,怀拉拉帕断层的平均水平滑动速度为10毫米/年。

17.mean avoiding speed平均避碰速度平均规避速度

18.An acceleration algorithm of convex hull computing bace on the even school基于均匀分布的平面点集的凸包加速算法研究


Depth-averaged velocity in the cross-section断面垂线平均流速

3)mean axial velocity at impeller plane叶轮面平均流速

4)average cross-section平均断面

bining the practical work experience, the paper points out the shortcoming ofaverage cross-section method in computing earth and rockfill volume, and presents a new method--changeaverage cross-section method.结合实际工作经验,指出平均断面法计算土石方工程量的不足,提出改进方法——变更平均断面法。

5)average velocity in cross section of shaft kiln立窑断面平均风速

6)average flow velocity平均流速


异形断面钢材(见异形断面型材)异形断面钢材(见异形断面型材)special section steel,一、u以uu、’“飞豆on gQngC01异形断面钢材(speeial Seetion steel)见异形断面型材。
