2000字范文 > 主流报 Mainstream Newspapers英语短句 例句大全

主流报 Mainstream Newspapers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-23 23:40:10


主流报 Mainstream Newspapers英语短句 例句大全

主流报,Mainstream Newspapers

1)Mainstream Newspapers主流报

1.The conception ofMainstream Newspapers is a product of Post-City Newspaper Age in China.进入21世纪之后,随着社会政治、经济和文化的迅速发展,对不同于传统主流媒体——党委机关报——的“新主流报”的市场需求迅速出现。


1.The Empirical Research of Mainstream Print Media in Western Countries How to Report China"s National People"s Congress (NPC) and Political Consultation Congress (PCC)对西方主流报纸两会报道的实证研究

2.Studies on the China-related Reports in the Mainstream-Papers of America in Recent Years;近年来美国主流报纸涉华报道的倾向性研究

3.A Research on the Extraction and Analysis of the Newspaper Theme Words Group Based on the Dynamic Circulating Corpus;基于中国主流报纸动态流通语料库的对外汉语报刊新闻主题词群及相关研究

4.The Current Language of Mainstream Newspapers Nanjing Research Ethics对南京市主流报纸语言伦理问题的调查与分析

5.An Investigation of Idioms in Chinese Newspapers Based on the Dynamic Circulation Corpus(DCC);基于中国主流报纸动态流通语料库(DCC)的成语使用情况调查

6.A Comparison of News Discourse between Chinese and British Main Stream Economical Newspapers in Coverage of "Anti-dumping"中英主流经济类报刊对“反倾销”报道的话语分析

7.They cover iss ues that receive little attention by mainstream media.他们报导不受主流媒体关注的议题。

8.Automatic System of Hydrologic Data Collection and Transmission on the Right Main Tributaries of Nen River;嫩江右侧主要支流水情自动测报系统

9.Researching an Implicit Rule of US Mainstream Media Coverage;探析美国主流媒体涉华报道的潜规则

10.Study on the Operational System of Ar eal Rainfall Forecast in main Drainage Area of Shanxi山西省主要河流流域面雨量预报业务系统研究

11.Study on the Comparison of the Style of the Editorial Pages between the Main Chinese English-language Daily Newspaper in Mainland and the Main American Daily Newspaper in the Contemporary Era;当代中国大陆主流英语日报和美国主流日报言论版风格的实证比较研究

12.An Analysis of Western Mainstream Media Coverage of Chongqing Bombing--A Case Study of the Christian Science Monitor西方主流媒体对重庆大轰炸的报道分析——以《基督教科学箴言报》为例

13.The $60 includes a telephone, a major international newspaper...60美元包括一部电话,一份国际主流日报……

14.Analysis on Main Source Media Report Frame of China-Asean Expo;“中国—东盟博览会”主流媒体报道框架分析

15.The Strategy for Transforming from Metro Newspaper to Mainstream Media in the View of Media Ecology;从媒介生态看现阶段都市报主流化的策略

16."Mainstream" and "resident" confusion--Difficult that metropolitan newspaper develops chooses;“主流化”与“市民化”的困惑——都市报发展的艰难抉择

17.Weathervane of mainstream news media represented as newspaper expression of public opinions;报纸言论建设是体现主流新闻的风向标

18.A Survey of Chinese-English Online Dictionaries in China当前国内主流中英文在线词典调查报告


quality newspaper主流大报


1.Besides by themainstream-paper, people have some new channels to get news or information.在市场化的进程中,主流报纸如何顾及读者需要、如何将主流的声音与当地的实际情况相结合作出最好的解读、如何扭转发行量下降的局面、如何改善主流报纸发行覆盖面不科学、如何提高主流报业的经济实力等等,都是主流报纸在新闻业务和报业经营上迫切需要解决的问题。

4)Mainstream key players主流财经大报

5)mainstream financial newspaper主流财经报纸

6)mainstream newspapers in GB英国主流报纸


