2000字范文 > 旅游消费需求 tourism consumption英语短句 例句大全

旅游消费需求 tourism consumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-19 12:12:15


旅游消费需求 tourism consumption英语短句 例句大全

旅游消费需求,tourism consumption

1)tourism consumption旅游消费需求

1.Harmonious services andtourism consumption in well-off society小康社会旅游消费需求的发展趋势


1.Present Situation and Countermeasures Analysis of the Rural Residents Tourist Consumption Demands;我国农村居民旅游消费需求的现状及对策分析

2.Causes of and Measures for Inadequate Tourism Consumption Demand in China;我国当前旅游消费需求不足的成因及对策

3.Study on the Demand and the Tendency of Tourist Consumption in Urban-rural Areas of Chongqing;重庆市城乡结合部旅游消费需求与趋势研究

4.Quantitative Analysis on Demanding Structure of Sports Tourism Consumption for Citizens;居民体育旅游消费需求结构定量分析——兼与张贵敏先生商榷

5.On the Comparison Analysis of the Demand of Foreign and Domestic Tourists in Yangshuo Village Tour;阳朔乡村旅游国内外游客消费需求比较分析

6.Investigation and Research on Current Tour Consumption and Demand of Hengyang Citizens衡阳市民旅游消费现状及需求调查研究


8.The psychological needs of consumers in religious tourism--A Case Study of Xinjiang religious tourism;浅谈宗教旅游消费者需求心理——以新疆宗教旅游为例

9.Using Travel Cost Model to Estimate Typical Consumers Tourism Demand and Its Surplus:An Empirical Study of China;运用旅行费用模型估计典型消费者的旅游需求及其收益:对中国的实证研究

10.A Study on the Passengers Tourist Activitesand Their Mind of Consumption Needs in Railway Station --Take as an examlpe the sampling investigation about travellers in Shanghai Station;铁路车站旅客游憩活动与消费需求心理的初步研究——以上海站旅客问卷抽样调查为例

11.The diversification demand of market is the ultimate reasons in faultiness of consumption structure.从里层看:体验水平低,市场需求多样化是导致旅游消费结构不完善的深层次原因。

12.Entry-Tourist Market Demanding Consumption Guiding--Taking Songshan Shaolin Temple as an example;入境旅游市场需要引导消费——以嵩山少林寺为例

13.The Analysis On Consumption Structure and potential of Tourist --A study of foreign tourist arrivals tourism consumption;旅游者旅游消费结构及潜力分析——以入境旅游者旅游消费为例

14.Foreign tours involve a lot of expense.国外旅游需要很多费用。

15.Sustainable Tourism Consumption and Sustainable Tourism Development;可持续旅游消费与旅游业可持续发展

16.Tourist Contract and Protection of Tourists Consumer Rights;旅游消费者合同及其消费权益的保护

17.Analysis on National Tourist Consumption with Demonstration;我国消费者旅游消费行为的实证分析

18.schedule of consumer demand消费者需求表列的性质


Consume demand of tourist旅游者消费需求

3)the Traveling Demand Tendency旅游消费需求倾向

4)Tourism demand旅游需求

1.A study on relationship of conservation and tourism demand of world heritage sites in China;中国世界遗产地保护与旅游需求关系

2.This paper intends to present a new support vector machine(SVM) model based on statistical learning theory,then modifies the model with least square support vector machine aiming at the small samples and complicated effect factors in Yunnan tourism demand data,at last,countermeasures are analysed.旅游需求预测研究是实现旅游业持续健康稳定发展的理论基石和前提。

3.There are few empirical studies of tourism demand model,because it is difficult to acquire tourism statistical data,and the nonlinear behavior of tourism development.由于旅游业各种统计数据较难获得,以及旅游业的复杂性,旅游需求模型应用的实例研究很少。

5)tourism demands旅游需求

1.Tai tourism district, the regularities of time - space distribution about thetourism demands are very noticeable, and the changes of tourists amounts within one day, one week or one year always obviously exist.泰山旅游需求存在着明显的时空分布规律。

6)consumption requirement消费需求

1.Theconsumption requirement has the directive and promoting function on the economic increase.消费需求对经济增长具有拉动和导向作用。

2.The fundamental reason for the slow increase inconsumption requirement lies in the differences of income distribution, which has been quickly enlarged in recent years.经过连续数年实行扩张性的宏观经济政策,目前继续依靠扩张投资需求拉动经济增长的空间已十分有限;制约我国内需扩大和经济增长的主要矛盾是居民消费需求不足,而消费需求迟迟无法全面启动的根本原因在于近年来迅速扩大的收入分配差距;非法非正常收入是造成收入差距过大的主要根源;因此,无论从经济增长还是从社会发展角度看,现在都是突出地提出和解决收入差距过大问题的时候了。

3.On the basis of investigation, apply the methods of economic measurement to the analysis of urban people sconsumption requirement, them findout the factors which influence urban people sconsumption requirement, and present some referential suggestions that are good for our country to expand national requirement.在调查研究的基础上 ,运用经济计量的方法对我国城镇居民消费需求和消费结构进行分析研究 ,找出我国城镇居民消费需求的因素 ,提出一些有利于我国扩大国内需求的参考意


