2000字范文 > 土豆淀粉 potato starch英语短句 例句大全

土豆淀粉 potato starch英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-13 03:10:32


土豆淀粉 potato starch英语短句 例句大全

土豆淀粉,potato starch

1)potato starch土豆淀粉

1.In Microwave Field the Preparation and Performance of Potato Starch Acrylic Grafted Size;微波场中土豆淀粉丙烯酸接枝浆料的制备及性能

2.The urea starch can not be made from mixture ofpotato starch and urea during cooking process.探讨淀粉加尿素的混合物是否就是尿素淀粉问题,研究了土豆淀粉与尿素机械混合物在煮浆过程中的反应性能,合成了尿素淀粉浆料。

3.In this paper,the synthesis and sizing properties of carbamatepotato starch are systematically studied.系统研究了氨基甲酸酯土豆淀粉浆料的合成与浆纱性能。


1.Potato starch consists of the granules separated from tuber of potato by a physical process.土豆淀粉,通过对土豆块茎的物理加工及分离而获取的粉粒。

2.Study on Synthesis of Potato Starch Maleic Ester and its Properties土豆淀粉马来酸酐酯的合成、表征及性能研究

3.Potato starch is used in extruded cereal and snack food products and in dry mixes for soups and cakes.土豆淀粉用于压模成形谷物、小吃、干的混合汤料和糕点。

4.Preparation and Practice of Potato Modified Starch关于土豆变性淀粉浆料的研制与实践

5.Q6.When dieting,avoid starchy foods,such as bread or potatoes.6.减肥时,不要吃含淀粉食品,例如面包和土豆。

6.Tuber (Potato) and root (tapioca) starches have weak intermolecular bonding and swell greatly to give high-viscosity pastes.块茎(土豆)和根(木薯淀粉)中获得的淀粉有弱的分子间键并溶胀成高粘度糊料。

7.Analysis, Preparation and Properties of Faba Bean Resistant Starch;蚕豆抗性淀粉的测定、制备和性质研究

8.Characteristics of Mungbean (Vigna Radiata) Starches and Influence cf storage on Mungbean Quality绿豆淀粉的特性及储藏对绿豆品质的影响研究

9.Study on the application of phosphate monoester modified starch in mung bean jelly磷酸单酯变性淀粉在绿豆凉粉中的应用研究

10.The rest of the family of seven was sitting on the dirt floor eating a hopless meal of beans and farina.这个七口之家的其他成员正坐在土地上吃着用豆子和淀粉做成的难以下咽的东西。

11.A South American plant(Solanum tuberosum)widely cultivated for its starchy, edible tubers.土豆,马铃薯因含淀粉的可食根而被广泛种植的南美植物(马铃薯茄属)

12.User:For grinding of water-soaked bean,rice and grain to make soybean milk,bean curd,starch,etc.用途:适用于水浸大豆、大米及杂粮的磨浆,用于制做豆腐、豆皮、淀粉等。

13.A Preliminary Study on Preparation of Super Sluper of Cross-Linking Starch from Cajanus cajan Graft Acrylic Acid木豆淀粉接枝丙烯酸制备超强吸水剂研究初探

14.Study on the Processing and Properties of Mung Bean Starch by Sour Liquid;酸浆法生产绿豆淀粉工艺及性质的研究

15.Effect of Hydrothermal Treatment on the Structure and Properties of Thermoplastic Pea Starch;水热处理对热塑性豆类淀粉结构和性能的影响

16.Improved Hypolipidiamic Effect of Resistant Starch-Soybean Dregs Mixture in Rats豆渣与抗消化淀粉复合增强降血脂效果

17.Effect of Fermentation and Germination on the Viscosity of Mung Bean Starch发酵与发芽处理对绿豆淀粉黏度性质的影响

18.Effects of NaCl Stress on Seeds Germination and α-amylase of SoybeanNaCl胁迫对大豆种子萌发及α-淀粉酶活性的影响


potato starch waste water土豆淀粉废水

3)Faba bean starch蚕豆淀粉

4)legume starch豆类淀粉

5)mung bean starch绿豆淀粉

1.Soaking technology for raising starch extraction ratio from mung bean during production of thin noodles frommung bean starch;粉丝生产中提高绿豆淀粉收率的浸泡工艺研究

2.Study on the physicochemical properties ofmung bean starch from two different processing;两种绿豆淀粉理化特性比较

3.Effects of metal ion on physicochemical properties ofmung bean starch by sedimentation;金属离子对自然沉降绿豆淀粉理化性质的影响

6)pea starch豌豆淀粉

1.The composition, structure and physicochemical properties of wrinkled and smoothpea starch were summarized and compared in the paper The extraction ofpea starch and crystalline structure ofpea starches were discusse对豌豆淀粉包括光滑豌豆淀粉和皱皮豌豆淀粉的组成、结构和物理化学性质进行了综述 ,比较了光滑豌豆淀粉和皱皮豌豆淀粉在组成、结构和物理化学性质上的差异 ,同时对豌豆淀粉的提纯和豌豆淀粉的晶体结构进行了讨论。


土豆淀粉食用糯米纸土豆淀粉生产食用糯米纸糯米纸生产工艺并不复杂,但控制工艺条件及产品质量要求严格。工艺流程 淀粉乳化→过筛→调糊(加热水磷脂乳液)→蒸汽保温→抄膜→卷及→切膜→包装→成品制作方法 主要设备是糊化锅及抄膜机。1.过筛:原料淀粉要经过100目筛选,加50~55℃的温水使之乳化,水用量为淀粉的2.5~3倍,配制后浓度为浓美度15~17度,不断搅拌,使淀粉全部均匀分散在水中,然后过100目铜筛,用注射泵打至糊化锅中。2.磷脂乳液的配制:磷脂是生产糯米纸不可缺少的原料,在抄膜过程中,它有助于薄膜与铜带剥离,同时还可防止膜与膜之间的粘结。将1~2%烧碱溶液加热至85~100℃在搅拌情况下加入磷脂,并加热使之全部溶于碱液中,冷至30~40℃,过100目筛,配成浓度为1~2%的磷脂溶液,烧碱用量为磷脂的0.8~1.8%,磷脂乳液的酸碱度ph值为8~9,显弱碱性。3.糊化淀粉:将淀粉乳液送入糊化锅加热到50℃时开动搅拌,加入84~90℃热水,保温1~2小时。搅拌速度以每分钟40转为宜,浓度控制在7~8%。4.抄膜:抄膜机是由两个直径600毫米的铝制烘缸和一条长13米、宽400毫米、厚0.7毫米的紫铜带联成一个整体,由蒸汽加热烘缸,同时以每分钟1转的速度带动紫铜带前进。淀粉糊经一个宽为0.14~0.15毫米的狭缝流向铜带上(供料糟高度8~10厘米),刮成均匀薄膜,膜厚为7~10微米,烘干后绕在卷纸筒上。抄纸机本身构成一个密封体系,控制一定的温度与湿度。烘缸中的蒸汽压力控制在0.15~0.25公斤/厘米2(表压),压力不可过高,否则会使膜产生很多气孔,压力太小则膜不干。机内要喷入蒸汽调湿,气大操作困难,气小使膜发脆。成品糯米纸含水不要低于10%。为提高糯米纸的强度,可在淀粉糊化前加入1%的褐藻胶,抗拉强度能提高10%左右。
