2000字范文 > 《中国史纲》 outline of Chinese history英语短句 例句大全

《中国史纲》 outline of Chinese history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-27 11:23:27


《中国史纲》 outline of Chinese history英语短句 例句大全

《中国史纲》,outline of Chinese history

1)outline of Chinese history《中国史纲》

1.As a textbook for the students in high schools and elemental schools, hisoutline of Chinese history fulfilled his theory and obtained high achievements.张荫麟是近代著名学者 ,在史学方法论和历史哲学上均有建树 ,对于中国通史的编撰提出了独到的理论和认识 ,对通史撰述的意义、笔削的标准、用以组织史料的范畴等问题作出阐发 ,其通史理论的实践———《中国史纲》在体裁形式、历史见解及历史文学方面都取得了高度成

2)An Outline History of China中国人史纲

1.Then, three books are introduced to readers:An Outline History of China, The Joy of Thinking, The Kitchen of Beitai.故推荐作者喜欢的三本书:《中国人史纲》、《思维的乐趣》、《贝太厨房》,以其与同仁共享。

3)Outline of Modern Chinese History Teachin《中国近代史纲要》


1.On Passion Teaching in the"Outline of Modern Chinese History"Course;激情教学法在《中国近代史纲要》教学中的运用

2.Six Elements for 《Essentials》Teaching;《中国近现代史纲要》教学之“六要”

3.Analysis report of the basic teaching situation on "outline of Chinese modern history";《中国近现代史纲要》教学概况分析

4.Some Thoughts on Teaching "Outline of Recent and Modern Chinese History";略谈对《中国近现代史纲要》的实践认知

5.Probe into the Teaching of the Course of China Modern and Contemporary History;中国近现代史纲要课程实践教学探索

6.A Study on Education and Teaching of the Chinese Modern History Summary(A New Course);《中国近现代史纲要》教育教学研究

7.The Initial Research of Compendium of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History Curriculum Construction;《中国近现代史纲要》课程建设初探

8.Several Suppositions on Teaching of Essentials of Chinese Modern History;“中国近现代史纲要”教学的几点设想

9.On the Method of Teaching "A Sketch of Modern Chinese History";“中国近现代史纲要”课程教学方法初探

10.Reflections on the Course“Chinese Modern History Outline”;关于“中国近现代史纲要”课程的思考

11.On Outline of Modern and Contemporary History of China;关于《中国近现代史纲要》教材的解读

12.Some Thoughts On Teaching Outline of Chinese Modern History讲授“中国近现代史纲要”课的几点体会

13.New teaching Methods for "The Outline of Chinese Modern and Contemporary History "《中国近现代史纲要》课程教学新探

14.A Probing into the Actual Effect of "The Outline of Modern History of China" Teaching《中国近现代史纲要》课教学实效性

15.An Exploration of the Teaching System about "Outline of Chinese Modern History"“中国近现代史纲要”课讲授体系探索

16.On the Relationship between the Point View of Modernization and the Core of the Compendium of Modern and Contemporary History of China;现代化视角与《中国近现代史纲要》主线的把握

17.Education of Patriotism:the Emphasis of the Course Essentials ofChinese Modern History;“中国近现代史纲要”课重在突出爱国主义教育

18.Application of Stereoscopic Teaching Mode in the Summary of Modern & Contemporary History of China立体教学法在《中国近现代史纲要》课程中的应用


An Outline History of China中国人史纲

1.Then, three books are introduced to readers:An Outline History of China, The Joy of Thinking, The Kitchen of Beitai.故推荐作者喜欢的三本书:《中国人史纲》、《思维的乐趣》、《贝太厨房》,以其与同仁共享。

3)Outline of Modern Chinese History Teachin《中国近代史纲要》

4)"Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy"《中国哲学史大纲》

1.The New Paradigm of Hu Shi’s “Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy”;胡适:《中国哲学史大纲》的新范式

5)the Syllabus of the General Chinese History中国通史纲要

1.The managing of historical nationality-relations in Professor BAI Shou-yi’sthe Syllabus of the General Chinese History;白寿彝主编《中国通史纲要》对历史上民族关系的处理

6)a concise outline of Chinese history中国历史纲要


