2000字范文 > 旅游合作区 tourism cooperation zone英语短句 例句大全

旅游合作区 tourism cooperation zone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-07 03:22:07


旅游合作区 tourism cooperation zone英语短句 例句大全

旅游合作区,tourism cooperation zone

1)tourism cooperation zone旅游合作区

1.And on the base of this pattern,the paper partitions the city into threetourism cooperation zones according to the principles of resource complementarity They are coast-mountains interaction zone,cooperation zone of the ring around Luoyuan Bay and continent-islands linkage zone.在福州市旅游空间布局的设计中,文章选择了"点—轴"发展模式,并在该模式基础上,根据资源互补等原则,划分出三个旅游合作区:山海互动区、环罗源湾合作区和陆岛联动区。

2)regional tourism cooperation区域旅游合作

1.Regard Administrative Division in Regional Tourism Cooperation;重视区域旅游合作开发中的行政区划因素

2.Study on the Theory Basis of Regional Tourism Cooperation;区域旅游合作理论基础研究

3.Based on the present tourism industry situation of Henan Province, as well as the problem of administration regional cooperation ,this paper proposes strategic pattern ofregional tourism cooperation of Henan"Points-Axis-Circle synergistic promotion"model, promoting the formation of a unified tourism as a whole, then presents five guarantee measurement of Henan sregional tourism cooperation.区域旅游合作是旅游业发展的必然趋势。


1.Regional tourism cooperation of tourism spots in Xinzhou municipal area;忻州市旅游景区区域旅游合作的思考

2.The Transition of Tourism Industry and Regional Cooperation--On Advancing Tourism Cooperation among China, Japan and Korea;旅游业的转型与区域旅游合作——兼论中、日、韩旅游合作的推进

3.Thoughts about Regional Tourism Cooperation--Difficulties and Opportunities Facing Current Regional Tourism Cooperation in China;关于区域旅游合作的思考——当前中国区域旅游合作的难点与机遇

4.Construct Nanguikun Tour Economic Circle by Strengthening Regional Tour Cooperation;加强区域旅游合作,构建南贵昆旅游经济圈

5.Strategic Research on Tourist Cooperation and Development in Heritage Corridor Regions;遗产廊道区域旅游合作开发战略研究

6.Study on Regional Tourism Cooperation Based on Internet;基于Internet的青烟威区域旅游合作研究

7.Discussion and Analysis of the Theories and Practice of China s Regional Tourism Cooperation;我国区域旅游合作的理论与实践探析

8.The Theory and Practice of Regional Tourism Cooperation;区域旅游合作的理论与案例初步研究


10.Thoughts on the Enhancement of the Regional Tourist Cooperation Within the Yangtze River Delta;加快长三角区域旅游合作进程的思考

11.An Analysis of Evolutionary Characteristics of Space-time of Regional Tourist Cooperation in China;中国区域旅游合作时空演化特征分析

12.The Analysis of Driving Mechanism on Tourism Cooperation in “Chang-Zhu-Tan” Region;“长株潭”区域旅游合作的驱动机制

13.On the Innovation of Regional Tourist Cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta Region;长三角区域旅游合作的创新体系研究

14.Consideration on Improving Northeast Asia Regional Tourism Cooperation;推进东北亚区域旅游合作的若干思考

15.Discussion on the Benefit of PPRD Regional Tourism Cooperation;“泛珠三角”区域旅游合作利益探讨

16.Cooperation in tourism development of coastal cities in Liaoning Provice;辽宁省滨海区域旅游合作发展的思考

17.The Actuality and Countermeasures of Tourism Cooperation between Beijing and Tianjin京津区域旅游合作的现状与对策研究

18.On Strategy of Regional Tourist cooperation;区域旅游合作战略——施秉与镇远旅游城市区域联动开发研究


regional tourism cooperation区域旅游合作

1.Regard Administrative Division in Regional Tourism Cooperation;重视区域旅游合作开发中的行政区划因素

2.Study on the Theory Basis of Regional Tourism Cooperation;区域旅游合作理论基础研究

3.Based on the present tourism industry situation of Henan Province, as well as the problem of administration regional cooperation ,this paper proposes strategic pattern ofregional tourism cooperation of Henan"Points-Axis-Circle synergistic promotion"model, promoting the formation of a unified tourism as a whole, then presents five guarantee measurement of Henan sregional tourism cooperation.区域旅游合作是旅游业发展的必然趋势。

3)regional tourist cooperation区域旅游合作

1.We have not reached consensus in many basic problems concerning the study onregional tourist cooperation,such as the category of cooperative space,main body and mechanism,which restricts further development of the study.区域旅游合作研究在很多基本问题如合作空间范畴、主体和机制等方面都没有形成共识,这种状况制约着研究的进一步发展。

2.The paper analyzes a dynamic mechanism model ofregional tourist cooperation built by researchers and points out existing problems.本文对研究者建立的一个区域旅游合作动力机制模型进行了分析,指出了其中存在的问题,提出了对区域旅游合作动力机制新的理解。

4)the tourism collaboration zone of Taiwan Strait海峡旅游合作区

5)cooperation in travel industry旅游业区域合作

6)tourism regional cooperation旅游区域合作


