2000字范文 > 供配电 power supply and distribution英语短句 例句大全

供配电 power supply and distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-17 11:04:01


供配电 power supply and distribution英语短句 例句大全

供配电,power supply and distribution

1)power supply and distribution供配电

1.The design and implementation of computer simulation and display system forpower supply and distribution;供配电计算机模拟演示系统的设计与实现

2.The experience in safety management inpower supply and distribution at GISG Co.介绍了广钢供配电运行的安全管理经验,分别从安全运行的重要性、全员管理方法以及检修安全措施等 进行了阐述。

3.Thepower supply and distribution of expressway tunnel is the basic guarantee for safe running of vehicles in tunnels.高速公路隧道的供配电是车辆在隧道内安全通行的基本保证,针对高速公路隧道供配电系统设计方案中存在的若干问题进行探讨,并提出相关优化方案,可供业内同行在设计、施工时参考。


1.Code for design of electric power supply systems供配电系统设计规范

2.Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of power supply distribution system of industrial enterpriseGB/T16664-1996企业供配电系统节能监测方法

3.The Design Study of a Power Supply and Distribution CAD System in the 10kV and Following;10kV及以下供配电CAD系统的设计研究

4.Construction and management of residential supply and distribution facilities;浅谈住宅小区供配电设施建设与管理

5.Design & Realization of Drawing System of Power Supply CAD;供配电CAD绘图系统的设计与实现

6.The Key Technologies in the Development of Power Supply System CAD;供配电CAD系统开发中的关键技术

7.The System of Monitoring and Controlling Electrical Supply Based on PLC基于PLC的供配电监控系统的研究

8.wiring that provides power to electric lights.向电灯提供电能的配线。

9.Power supply system: high-voltage power supply and distribution system to low-voltage distributors (including low-voltage distributors).供电系统:高压供电及至低压配电柜供电的配电系统(包括低压配电柜)。

10.Constructing the 20 kV Distribution Network to Enlarge the Power Supply Capacity of the Urban Network建设20kV配电网 提升城市电网供电能力

11.Reliability Evaluation for Distribution Systems with Distribution Automation;配电自动化条件下配电系统供电可靠性评估

12.Power supply and distribution system: power supply and distribution system and cabling from low-voltage distributors to power users of galvanizing line.供电及配电系统:供电及配电系统,从低压配电盘(柜)至镀锌线用电设备间的线路。

13.Wudang Power Distribution Automation Study and Pilot Project;乌当供电局配电自动化试点方案研究

14.Application of Distribution Automation in Zhuhai Power Grid配电自动化在珠海供电局的应用研究

15.Parameter Matching of Relay Protection in DC Traction Power System直流牵引供电系统继电保护参数匹配

16.Two-way power supply lets you use either batteries or AC adaptor (sold separately).双程供电您使用电池或交流电配接器(另售).

17.An Overview of Live-line Work for Middle-voltage Power Distribution Line in Anshan Power Supply Company鞍山供电公司中压配电线路带电作业综述

18.The Distribution Network Reliability Assessment Considering the Distribution Generation;计及分布式电源的配电网供电可靠性评估


Power Supply供配电

1.It is necessary that the equipment for ground power supply to aerospacecraft runs reliably and measurement through umbilical harness must be correct.航天器地面供配电设备必须要确保供电控制的可靠和测量的准确。

2.With the example of the electrical design for the operation room in a hospital,the design of power supply,electrical safety,grounding and lighting for cleaning operation room was stated in this article.以某医院手术室的的强电设计为例,对洁净手术室的供配电、电气安全、接地与照明设计进行论述。

3)Power Distribution供配电

1.The Setting Value of a Microcomputer Protecting System for the Facilities ofPower Distribution and Power Supply Station in the Road Tunnel;隧道供配电设施微机保护系统整定值探讨

2.The system design of the power distribution system is mainly introduced, the realization methods of remote measurement, remote control and network communication are presented, and the design way anti-thunder is also given out.该文主要介绍了雷达供配电系统的设计 ,以及供配电系统中遥测、遥控、遥信和网络通信的实现以及系统防雷的设

3.Along with the fast development of economic construction, many large corporations need highness security of the power distribution system, especially th.随着我国经济建设的飞速发展,许多大型企业,尤其是钢铁、冶金、石化行业的企业,对供配电的可靠性要求非常高,因此开始了企业配电综合自动化系统的研究,它在21世纪初才刚刚兴起,它的研究与发展晚于电力系统变电站综合自动化。

4)power supply & distribution供配电

1.According to the technological process of Zhongtiaoshan Smeler, the paper proposes design concept ofpower supply & distribution and automatic control system and basis for selecting main equipment, sums up inadequacy in the design and gives general concept for its improvement.针对中条山冶炼厂的工艺流程提出了供配电和自动化控制系统的设计思路及主要设备选型的依据 ,总结了设计的不足 ,提出了改进的总体思

5)supplying electricity and power distribution供电配电

6)distribution network供配电网

1.The concrete requirements and characteristics about IEC Low voltagedistribution network to all kinds of earthing ways and spread of low voltgae distribution system of three-phuse five-wire system are presented.介绍了IEC关于低压供配电网中对各种接地方式的具体要求和特点,以及三相五线制低压配电系统的推广。

2.The skill and technique of application of GIS todistribution network management are analyzed And under the GeoStar of a movable platform, the function of the module of GIS in distribution net is develope分析GIS用于配电网管理中的部分技术方法 ,以及在GeoStar平台下开发供配电网地理信息模块的基本功


电缆供油装置允许供油压力计算电缆供油装置允许供油压力计算calculation of the permissible pressure for cable oil feeding equipmentd旧nlan gongyou zhuangZh【yunXU gongyou yol一J,suon电缆供油装t允许供油压力计算(calculationof the permissible pressure for eable 011 feedingequipment)为使充油电缆的油压保持在允许范围内,根据电缆线路的最大和最小允许工作压力,对电缆线路在环境温度最高的夏季满载时供油装t的最大允许供油压力,和在环境温度最低的冬季不带电时供油装t的最小允许供油压力的计算.最大和最小允许供油压力.取决于电缆线路的长度、高差、负荷和环境沮度等因素。如图所示为由压力供油箱(见充油电垅供油装!)在一端供油的充油电缆线路最大和最小允许供油压力分布情况.P叮mi。P X 10一2~尸“m‘。十nP’r一几人沪万不万万二气陪片l一一一一一一一一一一一一_一产尸一 终端头.|一|州|||人;点叠掩__支________--一丁----------一终瑞头压力箱卜屯电组旦老 电缆线路由压力供油箱在一端供油时的压力分布静态压力计算在电缆线路的负荷不变时,电缆内部的油压为静态压力。(1)在夏季满载时压力箱的供油压力最大,线路最低处B点的油压为线路上的最大静油压,此值要小于电缆的最大允许静油压,即式中尸PT。、。为压力箱的最小允许供油压力,MP。;h、为电缆线路最高处A点的高程,m;Pcsml。为电缆的最小允许静油压,MPa,其余符号的意义同式(l).暂态压力计算在电缆线路的负荷变化时,电缆内部的电缆油因膨胀或收缩而产生的油流在油道内分别产生暂态压力升或暂态压力降,两者均简称为暂态压力。在油压变化的暂态过程中.作用在电缆上合成的瞬时压力为暂态发生前的静态压力与暂态压力升之和。(”电缆负荷增加时,在电缆线路的最低处B点出现最大瞬时压力不得大于电缆的最大允许瞬时油压。暂态压力升的最大值出现在冬季电缆线路由不带负荷状态突然满载时,但此时B点的静态压力最小.最大静态压力是在夏季满载时,但在夏季接近满载时产生的暂态压力升并不是最大值。因此要正确计算静态压力和暂态压力升两者之和的瞬时压力的最大值是很复杂的,但可按图所示近似地把B点的最大静态压力与最大暂态压力升之和视为最大瞬时压力,于是压力箱的最大允许供油压力应满足下列条件 尸p,二,二△尸,一尸。T,~‘井锣终;十h。
