2000字范文 > 时代品格 Character of the times英语短句 例句大全

时代品格 Character of the times英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-23 10:57:16


时代品格 Character of the times英语短句 例句大全

时代品格,Character of the times

1)Character of the times时代品格

2)modern characteristics现代品格

1.Desolateness and Modern Tragedy——On themodern characteristics of Zhang Ai-ling s tragedy;苍凉与现代悲剧——谈张爱玲悲剧的现代品格


1.Desolateness and Modern Tragedy--On the modern characteristics of Zhang Ai-ling s tragedy;苍凉与现代悲剧——谈张爱玲悲剧的现代品格

2.Post-Modern Essence and Value of Tao;“道”世界观的后现代品格及其价值

3.Literary choice in culture conflicts--On modernistic character of Chinese modern literature;文化冲突中的文学选择——中国现代文学的现代品格

4.An interpretation of Omniscient Narrators in Mao Dun’s Short Stories;论茅盾短篇小说中的全知叙述者的现代品格

5.lacking in smartness or taste.缺乏现代风格或者品位。

6.His official integrity and moral quality have modern significance.陆亘的官品人格也颇具现代意义。

7.A Study on the Design Compatibility Centering on Essence of New Ceramics Art;基于现代陶艺品格的设计兼容性研究

8.The Quality Improvement of Modern Products and Six Sigma Management;现代产品的质量改进和六西格玛管理

9.The Phenomenon of Medical Representative and the Reform of Drug Price Policy;医药代表现象与药品价格政策的改革

10.The Process Philosophy of Modern Academic Methodology and Quality of Practical Innovation;现代学术的过程哲学与实践创新品格

11.Analysis of the Modern Practicality of Cai Yuanpei s Aesthetic Education Theory;试析蔡元培美育观的现代性实践品格

12.Secular Modernity:On the Nature of Bo Yang"s Works世俗的现代性——论柏杨创作的品格

13.The Unique Personality and Modern Significance of Ancient Chinese Aesthetics;中国古代美学的独特品格及其现代意义

14.Imagination and Identification of Modern National Community --On the Modernity of the “Seventeen-Year Literature”;现代民族共同体的想象与认同——论“十七年文学”的现代性品格

15.Modern First light of Day in the Transmutation and Conversion--on the modernity in Su Manshu s novels;蜕变、逆转中的现代曙光——论苏曼殊小说的现代性品格

16.Modern Poetics: Its Establishment and Humanistic Character- A Review of Pan Songde s “A History of Theoretical Criticism on China s Modern New Poetry”;现代诗学创建的人文品格——评潘颂德《中国现代新诗理论批评史》

17.John Nash produced some of the most exemplary works embodying the concept. See also folly.纳西创作了最具代表性的作品来体现这种风格。

18.Research on Narration and Presentation of the Postmodernist Film Aesthetic Characteristics;后现代主义电影美学品格的叙述与展示探究


modern characteristics现代品格

1.Desolateness and Modern Tragedy——On themodern characteristics of Zhang Ai-ling s tragedy;苍凉与现代悲剧——谈张爱玲悲剧的现代品格

3)contemporary style当代品格

4)modern character现代品格

1.Hence the uniquemodern character of the new literature of the May Fourth period .“五四”新文学中感伤情感涵蕴的精神向度是现代意识觉醒的表征,其情感主题的生成是多种合力作用的结果,由此形成“五四”新文学感伤情感的独特现代品格。

2.It proposes that themodern character of New Literature of the May 4th period lies in removing the patriarchal culture,which has Confucian culture as its symbol,and tries to construct a myth of feminism.由于五四新文学的这种现代品格 ,使五四文学话语迥异于以往旧的文化话语 ,五四文学话语不仅以白话文出现 ,而且在更大程度上是一种欲望话

5)modern quality现代品格

1.These characterize her prose with a unique and clear style, and attached some flavor ofmodern quality in her prose.这些 ,使张爱玲的散文具有独特性和鲜明性 ,更具有了散文的现代品格。

6)pattern of the times时代格局


