2000字范文 > 形貌测量 Shape measurement英语短句 例句大全

形貌测量 Shape measurement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-18 23:04:07


形貌测量 Shape measurement英语短句 例句大全

形貌测量,Shape measurement

1)Shape measurement形貌测量

1.Analysis of the shape measurement by carrier modulation in electronic speckle pattern interferometry电子散斑干涉载频调制形貌测量方法的分析

2.A shape measurement based on electronic speckle pattern interferometry(ESPI)by carrier modulation is presented.用摄像机采集该载波条纹图,利用傅里叶变换法可解调出物体高度的位相信息,从而实现物体的形貌测量。

3.A method of shape measurement based on ESPI carrierfrequency modulation is presented.用CCD采集该载波条纹图,利用傅里叶变换法可解调出物体高度的位相信息,从而实现物体的形貌测量。


1.The Technology of 3D Measurement Based on Multiple Spectral Bands and Spatial Light Modulation;多谱段空间光调制三维形貌测量技术

2.Study on the 3D Micro-topographical Measurement of the Fiber-reinforced Resin Matrix Composites" Cutting Surfaces;FRRMC切削表面三维微观形貌测量的研究

3.Research on Nano-scale Thin Film Buckling 3D Measurement;纳米薄膜屈曲三维形貌测量技术研究

4.Research on Three-Dimension Profile Measurement Method Based on the Structure Light;基于结构光的三维形貌测量方法研究

5.3-D Shape Measurement Studies Based on Phase Measurement Methods;基于相位测量法的光学三维形貌测量研究

6.Analysis on Reconstruction of Stylus Probe for Micro and Nano Surface Measurement;微纳米表面形貌测量中探针形状重建的分析

7.Optical Three-dimension Profilometry Measurement and Software Design and Development;光学三维形貌测量及其软件雏形设计与实现

8.Research on Metrology Platform and Parameters Evaluation in Surface Topography Measurement;表面形貌测量中计量型工作台及参数评定研究

9.Application in Measurement of the Complex Object Surface of the Undecided Step Phase-shifting Algorithm非定步长算法在复杂曲面形貌测量中的应用

10.Research on Digital Projection Based Three-dimensional Fringe Pattern Profilometry Technique;基于数字投影的三维条纹形貌测量技术研究

11.Application of Wavelet-Packet Analysis in Surface Roughness Measurement System;小波包分析在表面形貌测量系统中的应用

12.Study of the Technique of Shape Measurement by Carrier Modulation in ESPI;电子散斑干涉载频调制形貌测量技术研究

13.Three Dimensional Shape Measurement System Based on 3-D Multiview Connection Technique;基于三维拼接技术的360°三维形貌测量系统

14.Research on Micro Displacement Stage in Optical Probe Topography Measurement System;光探针形貌测量系统中微位移工作台的研究

15.Research on Measurement and Parametric Assessment of the 3D Surface Microcosmic Topography;表面三维微观形貌测量及其参数评定的研究

16.Research on Measurement of 3D Surface Topography Based on Scanning White-light Interferometry;白光扫描干涉三维表面形貌测量技术的研究

17.Methods Study and Experimental Device Design for Measuring the 3-D Profile of a Moving Object运动物体三维形貌测量方法与实验系统研究

18.Profilometer - A tool that is used for measuring surface topography.表面形貌剂-一种用来测量晶圆片表面形貌的工具。


profile measurement形貌测量

1.The latest development of optical non-contact 3Dprofile measurement;光学非接触三维形貌测量技术新进展

2.Application of generalized B spline filter to surfaceprofile measurement;广义B样条滤波器在表面形貌测量中的应用

3.The 3Dprofile measurement technology has widely application and promising future in fields of industrial online inspection, robotic vision, biomedicine etc.物体的三维形貌测量在工业检测、机器视觉、医学等众多领域有着广泛的应用。

3)Topography measurement形貌测量

1.Digital holography is a technology that has characteristics of simple and convenient measurement, non-contact, high resolution in topography measurement of 3D object’s surface, and has a wide perspective in application.数字全息技术用于物体表面三维形貌测量具有测量简便、快捷、无接触、高分辨率的特点,有着广阔的应用前景。

4)Micro profile testing微形貌测量

5)3D range image measurement3D形貌测量

1.A novel 3 D range image measurement method based on spatial binary code;基于空间二进制编码的3D形貌测量方法

6)3-D shape measurement三维形貌测量

1.A novel method for3-D shape measurement is presented.提出一种新的投影栅三维形貌测量的实现方法。

2.Errors that are caused by Laser speckle, mixing frequency, deformation of cosine fringes and perspective projection are corrected in the3-D shape measurement system using structured light.同时,通过将计算机算法、程序和控制硬件加以整合,最终建立了采用面结构光照明的、基于三维拼接技术的、实用、快速、精确的360°三维形貌测量系统。


