2000字范文 > 非典型雇佣 atypical employment英语短句 例句大全

非典型雇佣 atypical employment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-15 03:01:17


非典型雇佣 atypical employment英语短句 例句大全

非典型雇佣,atypical employment

1)atypical employment非典型雇佣

1.Atypical Employment of Toyota:Experiences and Lessons丰田公司非典型雇佣模式的经验与借鉴


1.Atypical Employment of Toyota:Experiences and Lessons丰田公司非典型雇佣模式的经验与借鉴

2.The Development Trends & Countermeasures of Non-standard Employment in the New Situation新时期非典型雇佣的发展趋势及策略分析

3.The employment type of business not as the optimal model;劳动雇佣资本型企业并非企业的最优模式

4.Convention on the Elimination of Mercenarism in Africa取缔非洲境内雇佣军活动公约

5.Convention for the Elimination of Mercenarism in Africa消除非洲雇佣军制度公约

6.To hire, feed or shelter illegal immigrants is a crime.雇佣、帮助和庇护非法移民就是犯罪

7.an open shop employs nonunion workers.开放式的商店雇佣非工会的工人。

8.Added health Regeneration to all hireling types.给所有的雇佣工类型添加健康恢复.

9.Then it"s definitely a black bag job. They employ an in-house technician?.那肯定是非法勾当,他们雇佣内部技术人员?

10.Employed only part-time when one needs and desires full-time employment.未充分就业的需要或想全日雇用但只得到非全日雇佣的

11.Employment, especially for a specified time.雇佣雇佣或聘请,尤指为特定时间的雇佣

12.Lohnarbeit und Kapital《雇佣劳动与资本》

13.Long-term Employment,Idiosyncratic Human Capital and Key Competitiveness of Enterprise;长期雇佣、异质型人力资本与企业核心竞争力

14.Seeing Employer′s Expectation and Bias from Categorized Thinking;基于类型思维的雇佣决策者预期及偏差

15.Hired for service in a foreign army.雇佣的被外国军队雇佣来服役的

16.The work of a journeyman.雇佣性工作雇佣工的工作

17.All employment contracts involving manual workers, or non-manual employees with monthly wages not exceeding $20,000, must be attested by the Commissioner for Labour.所有体力劳动雇员或月薪不超过2万元的非体力劳动雇员的雇佣合约,均须由劳工处处长核签。

18.In the total number of employers fined$5,000 or more for this was zero- not much of a deterrent.在,没有雇主由于雇佣非法移民被罚款超出5000美元,这就向这些雇主开了绿灯。


typical employment典型雇佣

1.In designing the system of labor dispatch, such factors as market access, industries distribution and time limit should be regulated, so that we can form a good mechanism for linking labor dispatch andtypical employment.在劳务派遣的制度设计中应从市场准入、行业分布范围及派遣期限等方面予以规制,建立劳务派遣与典型雇佣之间衔接的良好机制。

3)non-career employment非终身从业雇佣


1.author has distinguished labour contract, contract ofemployment, labour service contract from concept, legal nature , enable reader s understanding the relation between the three better.文章对劳动合同、雇佣合同、劳务合同从概念、法律性质上加以区分,使读者更好地理解三者之间的区别与联系。

2.In classical enterprises and some modern shared company, it s a fact that capitalemploys labor.在古典企业和某些现代股份制企业中 ,资本雇佣劳动是一个不争的事实。


1.On assumption of “labor-employment capital”;关于“劳动雇佣资本”命题的理性思考

2.Right Construction of Enterprise in Knowledge Economy: Can Fundamental Changes from Capitalemployment Labor to Laboremployment Capital Take Place;知识经济中的企业权力结构——会发生从资本雇佣劳动到劳动雇佣资本的变革吗

3.The owner of human capital can t become the real bearer of enterprise risks;knowledge economy can t lower the importance of material capital;The enterprise of "labor-employment capital" isn t the best enterprise system.人力资本所有者不可能成为企业风险的真正承担者 ,非人资本的重要性并没有因为知识经济的兴起而降低 ,“劳动雇佣资本”型企业并非更具有生命力。


1.To this, historians basically consider that it washire.对此,史学界基本上认为是雇佣。

2.So, it is a basic choice that inttelligencehires capital for the disposition of enterpriese ownership.知识经济 ,智能是社会的核心资源 ,智能雇佣资本则是相应的权利安


