2000字范文 > 文化认同的困难 the predicament of cultural indentity英语短句 例句大全

文化认同的困难 the predicament of cultural indentity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-10 11:29:18


文化认同的困难 the predicament of cultural indentity英语短句 例句大全

文化认同的困难,the predicament of cultural indentity

1)the predicament of cultural indentity文化认同的困难

2)dilemma of identifying national culture文化认同困境


1.Analysis of the Culture Power and Culture Identity Dilemma in China"s Peaceful Rise中国和平崛起中的文化力与文化认同困境分析

2.The Dilemma of Identifying with National Culture: Post-colonial Enlightenment to Zhou Zuo-ren’s Betrayal;民族文化认同困境:周作人附逆的后殖民启示

3.The Cultural Identification and the Predicament of the Chinese Wushu Development;中国武术发展的困境与文化认同问题

4.The Diffusion Dilemma of Minority Cultures and the New Identity of Chinese American Literature;少数族裔文化传播困境与美国华裔文化认同之新变

5.The Role of Cultural Identity and Its Construction Difficulty in the Process of Regional Integration区域一体化过程中文化认同的作用及其构建困境

6.On national minority writers dilemma of culture approval Comments on the Alai s recent work Scattered With the Wind;少数民族作家文化认同两难困境探索——评阿来新作《随风飘散》

7.On the Dilemma of double identification of Political-Culture──A Comprehension on the Nation-state Minds of LIANG Qi-chao;双重政治文化认同的困境──解读梁启超民族国家思想

8.The Plight and Reconstruction of Individual Identification in the Context of Globalization;全球化背景下个体认同的困境及重塑

9.Cultural Identification and Puzzles ---A Look into Overseas Chinese Literature Study文化碰撞中的文化认同与困境——从林语堂看海外华文文学研究中的有关问题

10.Ideal and Dilemma:Some Reflections MulticulturalEducation in USA;理想与困境:对美国多元文化教育的再认与反思

11.Ethnic Group Cultural Development and Identification of the Hei Yi Zhuang in the Context of Globalization;全球化语境下黑衣壮族群文化发展及文化认同

12.The Role Dilemma of the Catholic Church in the Modern West:From the Perspective of Cognitive Differences among Sub-cultures;近代西方天主教会的“角色困境”——以亚文化之间的认知差异为视角

13.On the Cultural Dilemma of Psychological Science in China: A Correct Understanding of the Empirical Science;走出对实证科学的认识误区——对中国心理科学文化困境的思考

14.Dialogue between Cultures and Reconstruction of the Cultural Identity--Choice of China’s Modernization in the Context of Globalization;文化对话与文化认同的重构——全球化语境中的中国现代化抉择之路

15.showing recognition of unusually distressful circumstances.表现出对不一般的困境的认同。

16.Beyond the Dilemma in the Rise of Great Powers: Identity Construction and Transformation;大国崛起困境的超越:认同建构与变迁

17.The Discussion on Si Maqian’s Recognition and Transcendence of "Qu Yuan’s Dilemma"试论司马迁对“屈原困境”的认同与超越

18.Recognition and Compromise -On the creation of novels in the cultural-linguisticcontext in the “post modern” society;认同与妥协——论“后现代”文化语境中的小说创作


dilemma of identifying national culture文化认同困境

3)difficulties of culture views文化观的困难

4)consensus of culture文化的认同

5)cultural identity文化认同

1.Internet Communication in the International Conflict Contexts(1999-):A Cultural Identity Thesis on Expressional Pluralism;国际冲突语境中的互联网传播(1999-):多元表达的文化认同阐释

2.Sino-European Union relationship seen from the perspective ofcultural identity;试从文化认同解读中欧关系

3.Cultural Identity is a Prime Condition of Ethnic Fusion;文化认同是民族融合的先决条件

6)cultural approval文化认同

1.Then the paper offers an amendment to the Mechanism for the Acceptance of Foreign Concepts by the Target Culture initiated by Doctor Wang Dongfeng so that the new mechan:sm adds regulator system tocultural approval mechanism hypothesis and is.从宏观角度分析外来概念的引进,可以看到外来概念引进中非连续性和连续性是并存的,以其中的连续性为基础,分析了外来概念引进中"萧规曹随"现象,给王东风博士的"文化认同机制假说"增添了"调控子系统",从而使新的"文化认同机制假说"不仅能解释单个外来概念的引进,而且也能解释外来概念引进这一整体活动,为外来概念的引进提供了一幅动态全息图景。

2.Consequently, a wonderful advertisement translation should be based on getting thecultural approval from the target consumers.因而,巧妙的翻译必然要建立在已经取得目标消费群文化认同的基础之上。

3.The cultural psychology of a criminal is usually made up of thecultural approval psychology,the cultural demand psychology and the cultural conflict psychology,which are composed,has the gradation,difference,variability,and complexity in characteristics.罪犯的文化心理通常由文化认同心理、文化需求心理和文化冲突心理组成,具有渐进性、差异性、变更性、递进性和复杂性等特征。


