2000字范文 > 电压源 voltage source英语短句 例句大全

电压源 voltage source英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-05 03:58:15


电压源 voltage source英语短句 例句大全

电压源,voltage source

1)voltage source电压源

1.Reasonable match betweenvoltage source or current source and load;电压源、电流源与负载的合理匹配

2.A 2.5 V 19-ppm/℃ bandgap referencevoltage source;2.5V 19-ppm/℃的带隙基准电压源设计

3.In the electrotechnics basis theory, it"s very convenient to solve one branch"s voltage and current by the equivalent transformation between thevoltage source and current source.利用电压源与电流源之间的等效变换求解某一支路电压、电流,是电工基础理论中非常方便的方法。


1.Calculation of Three-pulse Harmonic Voltage Source for HVDC Transmission高压直流输电3脉动谐波电压源计算

2.AC current or voltage source. DC offset can be specified.交流电流源或电压源。可指定直流偏移。

3.Design of Uni-Polarity Voltage Mode Inverters with High Frequency Link单极性电压源高频链逆变电源的研制

4.A simple bandgap voltage reference with high PSRR一种高电源抑制比的基准电压源设计

5.Research on Whole Parameter Equivalent Transform between Voltage Source Circuit and Electric Current Source Circuit;电压源电路和电流源电路的全参数等效变换

6.operating voltage of auxiliary source辅助电源的工作电压

7.low idle voltage arc-welding power supply低空载电压的弧焊电源

8.Laser Power Supplies, Module Power Supplies, Fully-encapsulated Power/ Voltage/ Current Transformers.固体激光电源、导体激光电源、块电源、装式电源变压器、压电流互感器。

9.a device for producing a high voltage from a low-voltage source.从低电压电源产生高电压的装置。

10.Low voltage DC power is also provided for control power and emergency power.低压直流电作控制电源和应急电源。

11.Voltage Regulation Characteristics Analysis of Power Supply for High Voltage Electrostatic Precipitators高压静电除尘用电源调压特性的分析

12.Low voltage high PSRR band-gap voltage reference低电压、高PSRR的带隙电压基准源

13.Study on the Electrified Railway Power Supply Voltage Rating;电气化铁路供电电源电压等级的研究

14.full-automatic alternating current stabilized voltage supply全自动交流稳压电源

15.multi-function stable voltage and constant current power supply多功能稳压-衡流电源

16.transistorized regulated DC power supply晶体管直流稳压电源

17.high-voltage glow-discharge ion source高压辉光放电离子源

18.RF oscillator high-voltage supply射频振荡器型高压电源


voltage reference电压源

1.A novel super performance CMOSvoltage reference circuit was designed based on the theory of bandgapvoltage reference.介绍了带隙基准电压源的基本原理,设计了一种高精度带隙基准电压源电路。

2.Bandgap reference voltage has advantages of low temperature coefficient,high PSRR,lowvoltage reference, long-term stability, and so on.带隙基准电压源是利用PN结电压的负温度系数和不同电流密度下两个PN结电压差的正温度系数电压相互补偿,而使输出电压达到很低的温度漂移。

3)source voltage电源电压

1.Based on the power-supply demand before erecting the X-ray set,this paper discusses on the basic requirements of the X-ray set for the power-supply,and connecting with the power-demand features of the X-ray set,analyzes on the basic calculation methods for the source capacity,source resistance,source voltage,and source frequency,etc.以医院X射线机安装前电源需求为背景,论述了X射线机对于电源的基本要求,并且结合X射线机的用电特点,分析了电源容量、电源电阻、电源电压和电源频率等的基本计算方法,为医院X射线机选择最合理的供电设施,最大限度地节约能源,以及减少医院不必要的维修成本提供了参考。

4)Supply voltage电源电压

1.In data output circuit, the MOS transistor works at a high speed when the supply voltage increases in low temperature.数据输出电路在电源电压升高而温度很低的情况下,MOS管工作速度快,会使输出信号变化率过大而产生许多干扰信号。

2.The causes for aberration rate are analyzed by testing the wave form aberration rate of supply voltage.通过对电源电压波形畸变率的测试 ,分析了影响畸变率大小的原因 ,阐述了当电源电压波形畸变率较大时 ,电动机运行性能将变坏 ,同时对仪器仪表的读数也会产生一定影响 ,使试验结果出现误差 。

3.A scheme of stepless adjustable supply voltage is presented in this paper.提出一种无极可调电源电压的设计方案及其实现。

5)piezoelectric power supply压电电源

1.Studies a new energy storagepiezoelectric power supply that can be used in a mechanical electronic fuze, and its mathematical model is established in the energy storing process.本文对一种用于机电引信的新型可蓄能压电电源的工作原理进行了分析研究 ,建立了该电源在外力作用下蓄能过程的数学模型 ,分析了其主要参数对蓄能速度和蓄能能量的影响 ,并对其在高炮引信中的应用进行了研究。

2.Based on the tests, the energy storage characteristics of multiplayerpiezoelectric power supply were studied The experimental results show that the charged voltage of capacitance C is directly proportional with the layer numbers and is inversely proportional with the volume of C.通过试验对多层压电电源的储能特性进行了研究 。

6)power voltage电源电压

1.But under the high accruacy of power will the accuracy of measurement increase ifpower voltage is increased properly?Will if be that the lower the inner resistance is the more accurate the measurement will be? In this paper some investigations concerning the specific problems in the experiment are conducted.在物理实验中,电源的精度直接影响着测量精度,但是在电源精度足够高的情况下,是否适当提高电源电压可以提高测量精度呢?是否电源的内阻越低测量精度越高呢?本文将根据具体的实验问题做一些探讨。

2.It is discovered,on the basis of an experiment on 8Hz quartz clocks,that by picking up current signal of 8Hz quartz clock,the power consumption,daily rate andpower voltage can be obtained simultaneously.在对连续式(8Hz)石英钟实验的基础上发现:通过拾取石英钟整机电流信号,经信号处理,可同时测出连续式石英钟的功耗、日差、电源电压等参数。

3.As the peak current of the improved single output will be dropped by one third,it will along with an optimum pattern of routing,effectively preventpower voltage from decreasing so as to achieve a normal and stable efficiency of performance for the chips.通过分析数字集成芯片多输出中电源电压瞬间下降的原因,对常规驱动电路结构进行改进。


电压源电压源voltage sourcesd}onyay七」on电压源(voltage sourees)其端电压与通过的电流无关的有源元件。它是一个二端电路元件,其端子间的电压保持为一恒定值或一确定的时间函数,而与通过它的电流无关。电压源中的电流可为任意值,随所接的外电路的不同而不同。当电压源的电压为某一恒定值时,称其为直流电压源;当为某一时间函数时,则可按其具体的函数形式而定名,如正弦电压源、方波电压源等。在电路理论中,电压源一般用图1所示的图形符号表示,直流电压源也可用图2中的图形符号表示。电压源的电压、电流关系,在如图所示的参考方向下,可表示为{)彩硅意值U一仁认几 图1电压源的图2直流电压源 图形符号及电路的图形符号及电路对于直流电压源,若把电压。和电流乞分别取为纵坐图3电压源的伏安特性标和横坐标,所画出的电压、电流关系曲线称为伏安特性曲线。电压源的伏安特性是一条与。轴交于队且与u轴垂直的直线,如图3所示。实际电源中,如蓄电池、直流发电机、电子稳压电源等的伏安特性近似于直流电压源,但其端电压会随着电流的增加而有所减小,如图4所示。实际电源的电路模型可用一个电压源和一个电阻的串联来表征,见图5。图中R,称为电源的内阻。当电流为艺时,电源端龟压的变化△“一us一可视为其内阻的压降即△汉*尺J。一图4买际电源图5买际电源的伏安特性的一种模型 三相电路中常采用三相电压源,可以看成是由三个二端电压源组合而成(见三相电源)。
