2000字范文 > 纳税成本 tax cost英语短句 例句大全

纳税成本 tax cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-02 16:10:29


纳税成本 tax cost英语短句 例句大全

纳税成本,tax cost

1)tax cost纳税成本


1.Enlightenment Obtained from Management on Cost of Taxpayers in Western Countries西方国家纳税成本管理对我国的启示

2.An Analysis on Impacts of Tax Compliance Cost on Tax Compliance Behaviors;税收遵从成本对纳税遵从行为的影响

3.On Relationship between Tax Cost and Tax Levy and Paying;试论税收成本与税收征纳关系的关系

4.Analysis of Taxation Cost and Taxation Planning of Logistics Enterprises;我国物流企业税金成本及纳税筹划浅析

5.The differences and tax-paying plan between tax revenue and accounting under the costing law;成本法下税收与会计的差异及纳税筹划

6.Guangzhou Tax Service Research on the View of Tax Cost基于税收成本视角的广州市纳税服务研究

7.The Relationships between Tax Compliance Costs and Taxpayer Services企业税收遵从成本与纳税服务关系研究

8.Taxpayers have until midnight to file.纳税人必须在午夜之前完成纳税。

9.The taxable income of a foreign enterprise shall be the net income in a tax year after deduction of costs, expenditures and losses in that year.外国企业每一纳税年度的收入总额,减除成本、费用以及损失后的余额,为应纳税的所得额。

10.Staffing the polling stations and counting the electronic ballots will cost taxpayers an estimated$130,000.投票站工作人员的成本和计票费用估计要花费纳税人130000美元。

11.For trading and service enterprises, the historical cost of com- modities purchased includes purchase consideration and taxes payable.商业和服务企业购入的商品以买价和应缴纳的税金作为实际成本。

12.Current Tax Demand Note Latest 2 years" (current & last year) Tax Demand Note本年缴纳税款通知书最近二年(本年及上年)的缴纳税款通知书

13.Study on General Tax Code from the Perspective of the Protection to Taxpayers’ Rights;基于纳税人权利保护的税收基本法研究

14.Taxpayer"s Right Protection: Realization of Equality Nature of Tax Law纳税人权利保护:税法本质公平的实现途径

15.Taxation programs are successful only through the voluntary compliance of entities being taxed.只有纳税主体的自觉配合才能使税收制度成功。

16.The paper analyzes the right and duty for enterprise to pay tax and put forward the methods for enterprise plan to economize the amount tax.本文分析了税法赋予纳税人的权利和义务,提出了企业纳税筹划的具体方法,达到了节税的目的。

17.Publicize and consult in all kinds of local tax laws and regulations on foreign enterprises, servicing for the taxpaying.(五)责本县涉外地方税收的税法宣传、收政策咨询和纳税服务工作。

18.All Republic of China taxes in respect of the Premises, including, without limitation, the housing tax and land tax, shall be the responsibilities of the Landlord.本租赁物应纳之一切税费,如房屋税、价税等,皆由甲方自行负担。


cost ratio of tax compliance纳税成本率

1.Administrative efficiency of taxation mainly reflects in cost ratio of collecting tax,cost ratio of tax compliance and average amount of tax,and it\"s a important criterion for scientific evaluating the work of revenue departments.税收行政效率主要体现为征税成本率、纳税成本率和人均征税额,是衡量税务机关工作效果的重要指标。


1.Thetaxpayer-oriented concept of finance law is the starting-point and the end-result of finance law s basic theories,so the specific problems in economic and social progress should be solved by taking a full advantage of the allocation functions of .以纳税人为本的财政法理念是财政法基本理论的出发点与归宿。

4)tax cost税务成本

1.When facing division enterprises would strategize for their taxation, take into account related businesses and preferred taxation policies before and after the division, to minimize the extratax costs resulted from the enterprise division.为了降低分立所增加的税务成本,企业在分立时应结合分立前后的相关业务事项及相关税收优惠政策进行税收策划。

5)tax cost税收成本

1.Reducingtax cost and improving tax efficiency;降低税收成本 提高税收效率

2.Author points out that financial management plays an major role in economic activities of enterprises to reducetax cost and realize maximizing economic returns.介绍了企业在税务筹划中所应遵循的基本原则、基本方法 ,对企业在进行投资、筹资、运营等经济活动中减少税收成本、实现收益最大化具有指导性意

3.The two relations must be dwelt with well in controlling ourtax cost,the relation of administering tax by law and controllingtax cost,the relation of cost of levying cost and cost of paying tax,and short-term cost and long-term cost.当前控制我国税收成本应正确处理两种关系:依法治税与税收成本控制的关系;征税成本与纳税成本、短期成本与长期成本的关系。

6)tax revenue cost税收成本

1.It has become an inevitable issue to pursue the minimization intax revenue cost and the maximization of enterprise s own profits to strengthen the competitiveness.中国加入WTO后,中国企业直接融入了全球市场的竞争,追求税收成本的最小化、实现自身价值的最大化以提高竞争能力就成为必然之举。

2.Especially after China joins WTO, private enterprises directly compete with the global marketing, thus it has become an inevitable issue that they pursue the minimization intax revenue cost and the maximization of their own profits to raise their competitive power.特别是中国加入WTO后,民营企业直接融入了全球市场的竞争,追求税收成本的最小化、实现自身价值的最大化以提高竞争能力就成为必然之举。

3.Being in it, thetax revenue cost is not isolated existent, it has a close contact with economic society, and usually restricted by many factors, such as the level of productive force development, the complete degree of tax law system construction, th.税收成本作为税收活动必须付出的代价,是一种客观的经济范畴。


