2000字范文 > 浙江和甘肃地区 Zhejiang and Gansu areas英语短句 例句大全

浙江和甘肃地区 Zhejiang and Gansu areas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-30 16:44:18


浙江和甘肃地区 Zhejiang and Gansu areas英语短句 例句大全

浙江和甘肃地区,Zhejiang and Gansu areas

1)Zhejiang and Gansu areas浙江和甘肃地区

2)Hezheng area of Gansu甘肃和政地区

3)Gansu region甘肃地区

1.The spatial\|temporal features of moderate earthquakes in theGansu region are studied.研究了甘肃地区中强地震的时空分布特征。


1.The effect of the response to earthquake of the precursor abnormal information of the Geo-resistivity in Gansu area甘肃地区地电阻率前兆异常信息的映震效果

2.Etiological Investigation of Cattle Blind Disease in the East District of Gansu Province;甘肃省陇东地区牛瞎眼病病因学研究

3.A Study on County Economic Development of Longdong Region, Gansu Province;甘肃陇东地区县域经济发展问题研究

4.A Study on Rural Industrialization of Ethnic Areas in Gansu Province;甘肃省民族地区农村工业化问题研究

5.The Study on Urbanization Development Pattern in Southeastern Region of Gansu;甘肃陇东南地区城镇化发展模式研究

6.The Study of Han Immigrants of Taomin Area in Gansu during the Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期甘肃洮岷地区汉族移民研究

7.A Study on the Psychological-harm on Pupils in Poverty Areas of Gansu Province;甘肃省贫困地区小学生心理伤害研究

8.Research on Adjusting of Hexi Region Agricultural Industrial Structure in Gansu;甘肃河西地区农业产业结构调整研究

9.The Study on Cultivating Underpinning Tourism Industry of Gansu Minorities Areas;甘肃民族地区旅游支柱产业培育研究

10.Thinking about Development of Circular Agriculture in Hexi Region of Gansu;甘肃河西地区发展循环型农业的思考

11.Research on the Urbanization Level in the Prverty Regions of Gansu Province甘肃省贫困地区城镇化发展水平研究

12.Gansu Jialing River Santan Tourist Scenic Zone Foundation Soil Characteristic甘肃嘉陵江三滩旅游景区地基土特征

13.Studies on seed plant diversity of Mazong Mountain in Gansu Province甘肃马鬃山地区种子植物多样性研究

14.The Empirical Analysis on The Rural Social Security Status in Ethnic Minority Areas of Gansu Province--Taking Linxia County of Gansu Province as an example甘肃省民族地区农村社会保障现状实证分析——以甘肃省临夏县为例

15.Analysis of Terrestrial Molluscs Fauna and Zoogeography in the Southern Gansu Province, China;甘肃南部地区陆生贝类区系及其地理分析

16.Zhaocun is a typical mountain village in east Gansu Province.赵村是甘肃省东部地区一个典型的山区村庄。

17.Pure Breeding Effects of Border Leicester in Min Miountain District of Gansu Province边区来斯特羊在甘肃省岷山地区的纯繁效应

18.Study on Seed Industry Regional Economic Effect of Hexi Region in Gansu Province甘肃河西地区制种业的区域经济效应研究


Hezheng area of Gansu甘肃和政地区

3)Gansu region甘肃地区

1.The spatial\|temporal features of moderate earthquakes in theGansu region are studied.研究了甘肃地区中强地震的时空分布特征。

4)regional economic cooperation between Gansu and Zhejiang甘肃与浙江区域经济合作

5)Zhejiang area浙江地区

1.On the basis of the moderate and Small Seismic waveform data recorded by Zhejiang digital telemetry seismograph network,which occurred inZhejiang area and adjacent sea area,the epicenter parameter and site response of the station were inversed in this paper.根据浙江数字地震台网记录的发生在浙江省及其附近海域的中小地震的波形资料,采用Moya方法[1],反演浙江地区震源参数和场地响应特征。

2.As a coastal advanced province with developed cities, guided by scientific development view, according to the actual conditions of the province,Zhejiang area puts forward objective of struggle for realizing modernization within the province in and f.作为沿海发达省市的浙江地区,以科学发展观为指导,根据浙江的实际,提出了到全省基本实现现代化的奋斗目标,并为此制定了"八八战略",在全面建设小康社会和率先实现现代化的过程中进行了有益的实践。

6)Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces江浙地区

1.Research on the Reform of Silkworm Seeds in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces (1898-1937);江浙地区的蚕种改良研究(1898-1937)

2.Qi Liu Suo which appeared inJiangsu and Zhejiang provinces during the Jiaqing and Daoguang reigns were the response to the petty official s extortion,their relieving object and measures were both limited.江浙地区在嘉庆、道光年间出现的栖流所,主要是作为地方社会应对胥吏滋扰的手段而出现的,其救助对象和救助手段均非常有限。


浙江1.水名。即钱塘江。《庄子》作制河,《山海经》﹑《史记》﹑《越绝书》﹑《吴越春秋》作浙江,《汉书.地理志》﹑《水经》作渐江水。古人所谓浙渐,实指一水。参阅王国维《浙江考》。 2.省名。简称浙。在我国东部沿海。以境内钱塘江旧称浙江得名。
