2000字范文 > 生态林补偿 ecological forest compensation英语短句 例句大全

生态林补偿 ecological forest compensation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-16 20:52:20


生态林补偿 ecological forest compensation英语短句 例句大全

生态林补偿,ecological forest compensation

1)ecological forest compensation生态林补偿

1.The suggestions are proposed to im- prove the policy,theecological forest compensation mechanism and increase the forest compensation standards,etc.在对北京市山区生态公益林补偿政策实施状况调查研究的基础上,分析了生态林补偿政策实施取得的成就与存在的问题,提出了健全与完善生态林补偿管理制度、提高生态林补偿标准等若干建议。


1.Ecological Forest Compensation System in Beijing: Background,Progress and Assume;北京生态林补偿制度:背景、进展及设想

2.Discussion on standard of compensation for public forest;生态公益林补偿资金补偿标准的探讨

3.Thoughts on Ecological Ethics of Forest Tourism Eco-compensation森林旅游生态补偿的生态伦理学思考

4.The capital source and compensative Process of Ecology Compensation of The Forest Resources;森林资源生态补偿资金来源及补偿方式

5.The analysis for compensation necessity and criterion of ecological forests;生态公益林补偿的必要性及补偿标准的分析

6.Measurement and implementation of the compensation fee of ecological benefits of Guangzhou forests;广州市森林生态效益计量及生态公益林补偿

7.Research on Assessment of Ecological Benefits of Forests and the Ecological Compensation in Jilin Province吉林省森林生态效益评估及其生态补偿研究

8.Theoretical Research on Compensation System of Forest Eco-benefit in China;中国森林生态效益补偿制度理论研究

9.Discussions on Several Issues of Forest Eco-compensation Mechanism;森林生态补偿机制若干重点问题研究

10.Research on Eco-Economic Compensation System for Conversion of Cropland to Forest Project (CCFP) in China;退耕还林(草)工程生态补偿机制研究

11.On Market Mechanism of Ecological Benefit Compensation of Non-commercial Forest;公益林生态效益补偿的市场机制研究

12.Analysis of Perfecting the Compersation System of Forestry Ecology Benefit in China;浅析完善中国森林生态效益补偿制度

13.An integrated method for estimating compensations for environmental services of forests;森林生态效益经济补偿综合评估(英文)

14.On the Perfecting of the Ecology Environment Compensation System in the Forest Law of China;论我国森林法上生态补偿制度的完善

15.A Study on the Eco-compensation Mechanism of Jiangsu Coastal Shelterbelt江苏省沿海防护林生态补偿机制研究

16.Study on the Problem of Forest Ecology Environment Compensation in Changqing Region, Ji"nan济南市长清区森林生态环境补偿研究

17.Review on Progress of Forest Ecological Benefit Compensation Standard in China我国森林生态效益补偿标准研究进展

18.Practice of International Forest Ecological Compensation and Effect Evaluation国际森林生态补偿实践及其效果评价


ecological forest compensation system生态林补偿制度

1.The paper brings forwards the assume ofecological forest compensation system in Beijing through the statement and search of the background,progress and evaluation ofecological forest compensation system in Beijing and others.通过对北京市生态林补偿机制的背景、进展、评价及其他情况的论述,提出了北京生态林补偿制度的设想,并结合生态补偿制度和生态力评价,分析了如何构建、完善生态林补偿制度。

3)ecological public welfare forest compensation生态公益林补偿

1.In our country,theecological public welfare forest compensation has experienced from the process of individual adjustment by governmental policy to universal adjustment by national legislation gradually,even partial regional,Guangzhou,legislation and enforcement spots has received some topical experiences.我国生态公益林补偿历经由政策个别调整到立法普遍调整的渐进过程,且部分地方(如广东省)立法及政策试点实践已获得某些示范性经验。

4)Environmental benefit compensation fee of forest resources森林生态补偿费

5)forest ecology compensation森林生态补偿

1.According to the above,the basic conclusions about the research of ecology compensation mechanism at home and abroad are induced from two aspects offorest ecology compensation and watershed ecology compensation.在以上基础上,从森林生态补偿和流域生态补偿两个方面归纳了国内外关于生态补偿机制实践的研究的基本结论:一套广泛适用的生态补偿机制的形成需要BPP原则,即"谁受益,谁补偿"原则的有效实施;而变"输血式"补偿为"造血式"补偿、解决补偿标准问题是生态补偿机制今后努力的方向。

6)Compensation mechanism of ecological public welfare forest生态公益林补偿机制


