2000字范文 > 财税体制 finance and taxation system英语短句 例句大全

财税体制 finance and taxation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-26 04:12:05


财税体制 finance and taxation system英语短句 例句大全

财税体制,finance and taxation system

1)finance and taxation system财税体制

1.Finance and taxation are the important means of national central macro-adjustment and macro-control and so this paper analyzes the influence of thefinance and taxation system reformation on the central,local and enerprise economy.本文分析了财税体制改革对中央、地方和企业的影响。

2.However,the foundation of social harmony has being severely eroded by serious problems emerging in the currentfinance and taxation system including the lack of public services,shortages of financial support to basic-level adm.现行财税体制及其运行中存在的公共服务职能缺位、基层财政困难、地区间财政能力差距扩大、政府收支行为不规范等突出问题,严重侵蚀着社会和谐的根基。


1.A new tax and financial system was functioning effectively.新的财税体制有效运行。

parison of the Finance and Tax System among China, Russia and England in the Later Feudalism Times;制税权·财政危机·赋税结构——中、俄、英封建晚期财税体制比较

3.Fiscal and taxation systems continued to improve, and financial reform was accelerated.财税体制继续完善。金融改革步伐加快。

4.Tremendous achievements have been made in the reform of the fiscal and taxation system.财税体制改革取得巨大成功。

5.Increase Peasants Income through Reform in Fiscal & Taxation System;深化财税体制改革 确保农民收入增长

6.Reform Finance Tax System, Speed up the Rural Logistics Development;改革现有财税体制 加速农村物流发展

7.Reforms of the Taxation System in 1994: Retrospection and Reflection1994年财税体制改革的历史回顾与思考

8.A Study of Local Financial System Reform of the Divided Tax System;分税制条件下地方财政体制改革研究

9.The Tax Distribution Fiscal System:Practice,Problems,and Solutions;分税制财政体制:实践、问题与对策

10.Reform Goal of Tax Distribution System and its Evaluation;分税制财政体制改革的目标及其评价

11.An Idea of Perfecting Our System of the Tax-Division Fiscal System;关于完善我国分税制财政体制的构想

12.Practice of the Distributive Tax System in Modern China;中国近代史上分税制财政体制的尝试

13.Tax Distribution Fiscal System:Operation Effects and Policy Suggestions;分税制财政体制:运行效应与政策建议

14.We should deepen the reform of the fiscal, taxation, banking, investment and financing systems.深化财政、税收、金融和投融资体制改革。

15.-- Reforms of the banking, fiscal, taxation, investment and financing systems were deepened.——金融、财税、投融资体制改革继续深化。

16.fiscal system with separate categories of taxes, designated scope of revenues and expendituresand responsibility contracts at various levels“划分税种,核定收支,分级包干”财政体制

17.Deepen fiscal, taxation and financial restructuring and improve macroeconomic regulation.(七)深化财税、金融等体制改革,完善宏观调控体系。

18.Certain Ponders of the Finance System of an Area under a City s Jurisdiction Since Tax Distribution;关于分税制以来市辖区财政体制的若干思考


finance and tax system财税体制

1.Our reform offinance and tax system strengthened national economic development before the 11th-five-year plan,but which existed some shortcomings."十一五"之前的财税体制改革对我国经济发展起到了积极促进作用,但也存在不足。

3)new financial afars and tax system新财税体制

4)the division-tax financial system分税制财政体制

5)Tax-sharing Fiscal System分税财政体制

6)allocation system of public finance and taxation财税分配体制


