2000字范文 > 结构效益 structure benefit英语短句 例句大全

结构效益 structure benefit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-25 08:12:29


结构效益 structure benefit英语短句 例句大全

结构效益,structure benefit

1)structure benefit结构效益

1.Basing on the present situation of marine economy development of Liaoning Province in the recent years,from the point of viewof static state,dynamic state andstructure benefit,this article analyzed the marine industrial structure,comparing with those of the whole country and other coastal provinces and cities.基于近年来辽宁省海洋产业发展现状,从静态、动态及结构效益等角度对辽宁省海洋产业结构进行分析,并将辽宁省与全国及其它部分沿海省市的海洋产业结构进行了比较。

2.The paper chooses Changdao County as a study object,by using statistical data and seeing about the economic characteristics of Changdao County,it analyzes characteristics of economic structure and evolution mode,and further analyzes the stability of industrial structure changing and industrialstructure benefit.以山东省长岛县为研究对象,运用统计资料,通过考察长岛县经济发展的特点,分析了其经济结构的特征和演进模式,并分析了产业结构变动的稳定性和产业结构效益,建议长岛县通过以下措施促进产业结构升级:依靠现代科技优化产业结构;扶持第二产业,合理引导就业;加大资源的开发力度,大力发展第三产业。

3.With the shift share analysis method,this paper has analyzed thestructure benefit and competitiveness of the growth of Jiangsu s service industry from 1992 to ,using Shanghai City and Zhejiang Province in the Changjiang Delta as the reference system.运用偏离份额分析方法,以长江三角洲地区的上海市和浙江省为参照系,具体分析了1990—江苏服务业增长的结构效益和竞争力状况。


1.The Analysis of the Benefits and Optimization of Tourism Industrial Structure in Zhangjiajie City张家界旅游产业结构效益分析与优化

2.Analysis of demonstration comparison of tertiary industry structure beneficial result in four province areas of South China;华南四省区第三产业结构效益的实证比较分析

3.Analysis on Structure of International Tourism industry based on Shift-share Method in Shandong Province;山东省国际旅游产业结构效益的偏离—份额分析

4.Research into ecological structure and financial benefits on Qionglai Boer Goat Farm邛崃波尔山羊场生态结构与效益研究

5.Research on the Relation between Stock Right Structure and Profits of the Listed Companies;上市公司股权结构与效益的关联研究

6.Structural equation model of road service efficiency between eastern areas and western areas;东西部公路使用效益的结构方程模型

7.Regional Industrial Restructuring in China and its Efficiency;我国地区产业结构调整及其效益分析

8.On the Scale, Structure, Quality and Benifit of a College or a University;论高校规模 结构 质量和效益

9.Equity Structure,Firm Performance and the Protection for Investers Interest;股权结构、企业绩效与投资者利益保护

10.Attaching importance to benefit indeed and accelerating adjustment of agricultural industry;切实注重效益,加快农业产业结构调整


12.Eco-efficiency Analysis on Adjustment of Energy Structure in New Countryside Construction新农村能源结构调整的生态效益分析

13.Improve Investment Efficiency Intentionally and Promote Structure Adjustment Diligently注重提高投资效益,努力促进结构调整

14.Structure Adjustment and performance Improvement of Vehicle Insurance调控车险结构 提高车险经营效益

15.The Effect of Industrial Investment Structure to Investment Benefit我国产业投资结构对投资效益的影响

16.Optimization and investment-benefit model of the weakest failure modes of structural systems结构最弱失效模式组的优化及投资-效益模型

17.The Study on Protective Effects and Structure of Farmland Shelterbelts Network in XU HUAI Plain of Jiangsu Province;江苏徐淮平原农田林网结构与防护效益研究

18.The Study of Structure Characteristics and Effectiveness Evaluation of Urban Forest in Xiamen City;厦门城市森林的结构特征与效益评价研究


structure beneficial result结构效益

1.Analysis of demonstration comparison of tertiary industrystructure beneficial result in four province areas of South China;华南四省区第三产业结构效益的实证比较分析

3)Structure and benefits结构与效益

4)industrial structure benefit产业结构效益

1.By means of shift-share method and comparative labor productivity, the author analyzed theindustrial structure benefit of Shandong since 1980.运用偏离份额方法和比较劳动生产率对1980年以来山东省产业结构效益进行了定量分析,同时与辽、苏、浙、粤等东部沿海先进省份及全国的产业结构效益作了比较;结果显示,山东省产业结构渐趋合理,效益逐步提高,但与辽、苏、浙、粤等东部沿海先进省份比较,还存在一定差异,主要表现在山东省在份额分量和区域竞争力方面在5省中虽处于中等水平,但在产业结构层次及结构效果方面却不及其他4省,这将成为制约山东区域经济持续快速健康发展的重要因素;提出了优化山东产业结构的措施。

2.By means of comparative labor productivity and shift-share model, it is analyzed that the history and actuality of the change of Hunan sindustrial structure benefit in since 1980.运用比较劳动生产率和Shift—Share模型对比分析,从1980年以来,与广东省、东部地区及全国相比,湖南省产业结构效益及其演变趋势为:①产业结构层次较低,结构效益较差,产业结构长期阻碍湖南经济快速发展;②产业结构正向合理方向演化,产业结构对经济阻碍程度逐年下降,有助于提高湖南省综合竞争力,导致湖南省经济增长率逐步接近并赶上全国经济增长率。

3.By means of comparative labor productivity and shift-share model, it is analyzed the history and actuality of the change of Hunan sindustrial structure benefit in since 1980.运用比较劳动生产率和Shift—Share模型对比分析 ,从 1980年以来 ,与广东省、东部地区及全国相比 ,湖南省产业结构效益及其演变趋势为 :产业结构层次较低 ,结构效益较差 ,产业结构长期阻碍湖南经济快速发展 ;产业结构正向合理方向演化 ,产业结构对经济阻碍程度逐年下降 ,有助于提高湖南省综合竞争力 ,导致湖南省经济增长率逐步接近并赶上全国经济增长率。

5)structure economic benefit经济结构效益

6)structure and profit of industry工业结构和效益


