2000字范文 > 幽默 humor英语短句 例句大全

幽默 humor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-21 08:04:51


幽默 humor英语短句 例句大全



1.The Analysis of English Humor in Relevance Theory;用关联理论分析幽默言语


1.IPAT Humor Test of PersonalityIPAT性格幽默测验

2.a humorous writer, remark幽默的作家、 话语

3.Americans have a strong sense of humor.美国人的幽默美国人是很幽默的。

4.gallows humors充满怨恨的幽默[美]面临大难时的幽默

5.Homor is everywhere. We cannot live without it.幽默无处不在,生活需要幽默。

6.Humor and Gender: Humorous Speech Acts and Pragmatic Strategies;幽默与性别:幽默言语行为及语用策略

7.The Study of Humor and Humor Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory;从关联理论角度研究幽默和幽默翻译

8.Pragmatic Analysis on Humor--Discussion on Humor and English Teaching;幽默的语用分析——兼谈幽默与英语教学

9.The Comparison of Humor in English and Chinese: Ambiguity and Humor;英汉语言幽默方式之比较——歧义与幽默

10.Humour is a Flower from Heart and Soul--On Lin Yutang s Writing Style;幽默是心灵开放的花——论林语堂的幽默

11.Humor and Humor Translation-A Case Study of Fortress Besieged from the Perspectives of the General Theory of Verbal Humor and the Relevance Theory;幽默和幽默翻译:从文字幽默总论和关联理论的角度看《围城》

12.she didn"t appreciate my humor; you can"t survive in the army without a sense of humor.他不能欣赏我的幽默。

13.Also the English are famous for sense of humour.英国人还以幽默而出名。

14.A book that crackles with humor.一本充满着幽默的书

15.Sort of joke and humor .某种玩笑与幽默的节目。

16.I have plenty of humorous tales.我有许多幽默的故事。

17.He is a person who likes humour.他是一个幽默的人。

18.He is a humorous salesman .他是一位幽默的推销员。



1.Research onHumour in English Grammar Teaching;浅论英语语法教学幽默化

2.A probe into "humour" and "farce" from etymology and aesthetics;幽默与滑稽的词源学探源和审美分析

3.A brief discussion on the humour in the creative works of Mark Twain, Guo Geli and Lu Xun;略论马克·吐温、果戈理和鲁迅创作中的幽默


1.Talking about thehumorous constituent of the lines of "My Own Swordsman" in terms of the rhetoric of words从修辞的角度看《武林外传》台词的幽默性

2.Anticlimax, ahumorous figure of speech, refers to a sudden change of speech from something serious or exciting to something unimportant or uninteresting.本文通过引用英文的经典范例,指出这种有“虎头蛇尾”之嫌的修辞手段,能使文句产生画龙点睛、诙谐幽默的效呆。

3.The language in Li Yu s novels is characterized by its tackiness but elegance,which is known as follows: he is good at using some surprising words or expressions and using witty and vivid dialogues in addition to hishumorous and interesting descriptions and extraordinary comments.主要表现为:好造奇语,对话机智生动,叙述语言幽默风趣和爱发奇论。

4)Humor and Humorous Characters幽默与幽默文学

5)Sense of humor幽默感

1.The Study on Preschool Children s Structure of Sense of Humor and Its Developmental Characteristics and Relationship with Temperament: Based on Teachers Perceptions;3~5岁幼儿幽默感的结构、发展特点及其与气质的关系

2.A popular view is that sense of humor can enhance both psychological well-being and physical health.幽默感是个体在幽默活动中表现出来的惯常的行为、经验、情感、态度和能力的差异,是一种稳定的人格特质。

3.A long-term research has indicated that sense of humor is closely related to children s development of cognition,personality,social skills and emotions.长期以来的研究发现,幽默感与儿童认知、人格、社会技能、情绪等的发展有密切联系。

6)Humor therapy幽默疗法

1.Humor therapy belongs to the category of mental therapy.幽默疗法是心理疗法的一种。


