2000字范文 > 对偶结构 dual structure英语短句 例句大全

对偶结构 dual structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-16 00:52:00


对偶结构 dual structure英语短句 例句大全

对偶结构,dual structure

1)dual structure对偶结构

1.Quantum version of the curved exponential family is studied where itsdual structure with different metrics.研究量子统计中曲指数族子流形的不同度量的对偶结构。


1.The second and contrasting part of such a juxtaposition.第二项,后项对偶结构中对比的第二部

2.Vertex Algebra Associated with a Class of Symmetric Self-dual Lie Algebra相应于一类对称自对偶李代数的顶点代数结构

3.The Influence of C-normality and θ-pairs of Subgroups on the Structure of Finite Groups;子群的C-正规性、θ-子群偶对有限群结构的影响

4.The Influence of θ-Pairs for Maximal Subgroups and Semi-normal on the Structure of Finite Groups极大子群的θ-偶、半正规对群结构的影响

5.Effect of Nozzle Parameters on Diesel Engine for Meeting Stage Ⅲ Emission Regulation喷油嘴偶件结构参数对国Ⅲ柴油机排放的影响

6.Effect of Iron on the Structure, Intrinsic Electric Dipole and Pyroelectric Properties of Tourmaline;铁对电气石结构、固有电偶极矩及热释电性能的影响

7.Miniaturize the Endoscope Localizing Sensor by Regular Tetrhedron Shaped Differential Magnetic Dipoles;基于正四面体结构差分磁偶极子对内窥镜定位探头微型化的研究

8.Dual K-quasi-additive Fuzzy Number Valued Integral and Fuzzy Number Valued Integral Based on Fuzzy Structuring Element对偶K-拟可加模糊值积分与基于结构元表示的模糊值积分

9.Effect of Molecular Structure on Character of All-Optical Poling about the Azo Compound Thin Films分子结构对偶氮化合物薄膜全光极化特性的影响

10.Sometimes an eighth level is used for a parity character. Sometimes an eighth level is used for a parity check.有时,它采用第8 层结构作奇偶校验。

11.Structure Model and Function of Azoreductase AZR偶氮还原酶AZR的结构模型与功能研究

12.It was emphatically elaborated structural difference and quick diffusion component in unsymmetric diffusion couples influence on the amorphization of metal multilayered films.着重阐述了组元结构差异以及不对称扩散偶中快扩散组元对固相反应的影响。

13.It also emphasized the structure of the lines formed under the influence of the parallelism in literary compositions which is characteristic of the Chinese language.并强调了由汉语特点形成的文学上的对偶句式影响下的音乐句式结构而最终形成的,

14.The structure of knowledge base for mechanism kinematic schemes, screw theory and dual vector representation are introduced briefly.简要介绍了机械运动系统方案设计知识库的结构和螺旋理论及对偶矢量表达。

15.A person viewed as a prospective marriage partner.配偶意中或约定的结婚对象

16.Blind worship of this idol must be ended.对这个偶像的盲目崇拜应该结束了。

17.Spaces Which are Dually Special Property P and Related Conclusions与特殊性质P对偶的空间及相关结论

18.Extremal Self-Dual Binary Codes with Automorphisms of Type 3-(8, 14);具有3-(8,14)自同构的二元自对偶极值码


structure duality结构对偶

3)dual-block diagonal structure对偶方块角形结构

1.In practical engineer,a lot of problems can be abstracted to the model of large scale multiobjective programming withdual-block diagonal structure.为研究对偶方块角形结构的大系统多目标规划模型有效解的性质,首先给出了这类问题偏有效解及拟有效解的概念,然后讨论了有效解、偏有效解与拟有效解之间的关系。

2.The model of large scale multiobjective programming withdual-block diagonal structure was considered.针对具有对偶方块角形结构大系统多目标规划模型,充分利用模型本身的信息进行求解。

4)Pair node对偶结点

5)dual isomorphism对偶同构

1.In this paper , we discussed some properties of lattice\|semigroups or semigroups on lattice and gave a sufficient and necessary condition for a semigroup on lattice as a lattice\|group by using the tool of adual isomorphism.利用格上半群的对偶同构这一工具,研究格上半群的一些性质,并给出格上半群构成格群的一个充分且必要条件。

2.In this paper, the author studied the properties of lattice - order semigroups and gave a sufficient and necessary conditin for a lattice - semigroup as a lattice - order group by using the tool of adual isomorphism.主要利用格序羊群的对偶同构这一工具,研究格序半群的一些性质,并给出格半群构成格序群的一个充分必要条件。

6)dual node pair对偶结点对

1.Elaborate analysis on characteristics of thedual node pairs in the equation thereout simplifies its calculational formula.对样本点为N=2γ的离散傅里叶变换,按照库利ˉ图基按时间抽取的方法,得到一组等价的迭代方程,对方程中对偶结点对的性质作了详细分析,由此简化了方程中的计算公式。


