2000字范文 > 佐贰 Zuoer英语短句 例句大全

佐贰 Zuoer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-01 10:37:07


佐贰 Zuoer英语短句 例句大全




1.The investigation of the ruling areas of Zuo’er, Dianshi and Xunjian in prefectures and counties of Qing Dynasty对清代州县佐贰、典史与巡检辖属之地的考察

2.On the Traitorous Officials from the Ming Dynasty into the Early Qing Dynasty清初史学史上的贰臣——兼谈贰臣的社会文化功能

3.There are2 originals of this contract. Each party will hold1 original( s).本合同壹式贰份,甲、双方各执一份。

4.Please fill out the“ Tax Certificate Form for Sale and Payment of Foreign Exchange”.⑶胩钚础妒鄹痘憧?咚拔衿局ど昵氡怼贰

5.Please fill out the Tax Voucher Application for thd Sale and Purchase of Foreign Exchange.?胩钚础妒鄹痘闼拔衿局ど昵肷笈?怼贰

6.The Pomp of the Exhibition of Hong Kong Summer Gift Article,Household goods and Toys愀巯募纠衿贰⒓彝ビ闷芳巴婢哒故⒖隹涨

7.The engulfing waters threatened me, the deep surrounded me; seaweed was wrapped around my head.钏?啡莆遥?负跹兔晃摇I钤ㄎё∥遥?2莶?莆业耐贰

8.Aristotle. Excerpt from Nichomachean Ethics.抢锼苟嗟隆=诼甲浴赌峥陕砉怕桌硌А贰

9.The design shall be completed within twelve (12) months from the Effective date of the Contract.在本合同生效日后壹拾贰(12)个月内完成设计。

10.OTHER: This contract signed in three copies, the seller holds one copy and the buyer hold two copies.其它:本合同一式叁份,卖方执壹份,买方执贰份。

11."This contract is executed in Chinese in two counterparts, and each party shall hold one copy. "本合同用中文签署,一式贰(2)份,双方各执一份

12.Civilization is making large scale of necessities that"s not necessary? without limitation.拿骶褪呛廖尴拗频闹圃齑罅糠潜匦璧谋匦杵贰

13.Jn.13 The children of your chosen sister greet you.约贰13你那蒙拣选之姊妹的儿女都问你安。

14.Promote and sell industrial and electronic adhesive to electronic manufacturer.?攵缘缱又圃斐Ъ倚枨螅?乒愎?镜牡缱咏赫臣敛?贰

15.A Brief Talk about the System of Crown Prince in the Period of Northern Wei Dynasty简论北魏皇室“子将为储贰,其母皆赐死”制度

16.During production, automatic re-feed the main materials, control tension, get rid of waste products and correct the deviation.⒅饕?牧献远?唤恿稀⒖卣帕Α⒍?蕹?唤恿洗畏掀贰⒍?榔?

17.The Inner Feelings of Erchen and its Implication to Ci in the Qing Dynasty;论清初“贰臣”词人心态及对深化词境的意义

18.the Embarrassment of "serving a Qing Dynasy Monarch"--the living situation of WuWei-ye and the implication in his poetry;“贰臣”的尴尬——吴伟业的生存处境及其诗歌的意韵


The assistants in county佐贰官

3)Junior Two complex post佐贰杂职

4)To hold the position as an assistant佐贰之官


1.After coming back he reported that Dawan(Ferghana) had good horsis in the city ofErshi, which is now Aushi.张骞回国后报告大宛有好马 ,在贰师城。

6)renegade official贰臣

1.Because the standard of politics and morality is the leading position of the system of value judgement for a long time,renegade official is always being despised by scholars.贰臣,这是一个颇为沉重的话题。


