2000字范文 > 陕北能源开发区 Energy development zone in northern Shanxi英语短句 例句大全

陕北能源开发区 Energy development zone in northern Shanxi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-18 08:18:56


陕北能源开发区 Energy development zone in northern Shanxi英语短句 例句大全

陕北能源开发区,Energy development zone in northern Shanxi

1)Energy development zone in northern Shanxi陕北能源开发区

2)northern shaanxi resources development陕北资源开发


1.The Thinking on Northern Shaanxi Resources Development;关于陕北资源开发中若干问题的思考

2.Some Thoughts on Sustainable Development of Northen Shaanxi Coal Resources;陕北煤炭资源可持续发展之开发思路

3.The Exploitation of Intellectual Resources in the Northern Shaanxi Problems,Causes and Solutions;陕北人才资源开发:问题、原因与对策

4.The Strategic Program to exploit water Resource in Shaanxi;陕西水资源开发的战略工程:南水北调

5.The Study of the Developmental Strategy of Human Resource on the Northern Shaanxi Base of Energy Resources & Chemical Industry;陕北能源化工基地人力资源开发战略研究

6.Development of Manor Cultural Tourism in Shanbei;陕北庄园特色文化旅游资源的评价与开发研究

7.Problems and Countermeasures for Coal Resources Development in Northern Shaanxi;对陕北煤炭资源开发中存在问题的思考

8.Managerial system of the exploitation of agricultural resources in northern Shaanxi province;陕北农业资源开发中管理体制与相关机制研究

9.Bio-Resources Exploitation and Industrial Base Construction of C_(14)H_(42)O_(21) in Northern Shannxi Province;陕北生物资源开发与水苏糖基地的建设

10.Research on Status Quo and Countermeasures to the Exploit of Human Resource of Athletic Sports in the North of Shaanxi Province陕北竞技体育人力资源现状与开发对策研究

11.The Conflict between Mining Rights of Oil and Gas Resources and Land Property Rights:A Case Study on the Development of Oil and Gas Resources in North Shaanxi;油气资源矿权与土地产权的冲突——以陕北油气资源开发为例的分析

12.Estimating of Environmental Loss Caused by Developing Non-Renewable Energy Resources in North Shaanxi Province;陕北地区非再生能源资源开发的环境破坏损失价值评估

13.Research on Development of Female Human Resources and Zoology Construction of Village in North Shaanxi Province;陕北农村妇女人力资源开发与生态环境建设研究

14.Research On the Ecological Compensation System in Northern Shaanxi Energy Development Zone;陕北能源开发生态环境补偿对策研究

15.The Analysis of Economic Investment on Manganese Resources in Shanxi;陕西省锰矿资源开发的投资经济分析

16.Sci-Tech Human Resoures Potential Releasing of Shaanxi Universities Research;陕西高校科技人力资源潜能开发研究

17.Protection and Exploitation of Tourist Resources of Folk Culture in Shanxi Province;陕西民俗文化旅游资源的保护与开发

18.Exploitation of Agricultural Resources Druing the Resistance Against Japan in Shan-Can-Nine Borders;抗战时期陕甘宁边区的农业资源开发


northern shaanxi resources development陕北资源开发

3)Northern Shaanxi energy陕北能源

1.In order to analyze the development of new energy bases,the model of Shenfu coalfield,it is necessary to point thatNorthern Shaanxi energy and heavy chemical industry base must solve the interest relations among central government,large state-owned enterprises,local governments and local residents from the viewpoint of economics,industry economics and finance theory.为了对中国新型的能源基地——神府煤田的发展模式加以分析,通过采用理论分析等方法,从制度经济学、产业经济学和融资理论等角度,指出陕北能源重化工基地必须解决好中央政府、国有大型企业、当地政府和当地居民几个方面的权益关系,充分利用市场配置资源的机制和融资机制,走新型工业化发展道路,使陕北能源重化工基地步入良性的可持续发展轨道。

4)development of the north of Shaanxi陕北开发

5)the Northern Shaanxi Energy Resource Base陕北能源基地

1.Study on Water Resources Continuous Support Economy Planning inthe Northern Shaanxi Energy Resource Base;陕北能源基地水资源永续支持经济优化规划研究

6)northern Shaanxi陕北地区

1.Study on relationship between annual sediment reduction benefit and reservoir indices in Northern Shaanxi;陕北地区坝库参数与年均减沙效益关系研究

2.A Discussion on the Practical Techniques with Drought-resistant Afforestation in Northern Shaanxi;陕北地区节水抗旱造林实用技术的探讨

3.Sustainable Development of Resource-Rich Areas in Northwestern China:An Example From Northern Shaanxi Province;从陕北地区面临的问题看资源富集区可持续发展


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
