2000字范文 > 利润源泉理论 theory of the source of profit英语短句 例句大全

利润源泉理论 theory of the source of profit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-30 19:13:53


利润源泉理论 theory of the source of profit英语短句 例句大全

利润源泉理论,theory of the source of profit

1)theory of the source of profit利润源泉理论

1.Based on differences of labor from other factors of production and theory of value, Marxist economictheory of the source of profit holds that commodity value created by labor is the sole source of profit, its essence being "putting people first".马克思经济学的利润源泉理论是以劳动与其他生产要素的差异性为前提的,是以价值论为基础的,认为劳动创造的商品价值是利润的唯一源泉,实质是"人本位"的理论。

2)Profit headspring利润源泉


1.The Analysis of the Third Profit Source Appearing in Enterprises;企业第三利润源泉凸现的经济学分析

2.Intia-Factory Logistics--Great Important Profit Source of Baosteel;厂内运输物流——宝钢不可忽视的利润源泉

3.Logistics Rationalization:The Third Profit Source of Small and Medium Supermarkets;浅论中小超市的“第三利润源泉”——物流合理化

4.Exploring the third profits source for enterprises by modern transpor-tation management;通过现代运输管理实现企业第三利润源泉

5.The Logistics Management of the Supply Chain:the Third Profit Source of the Enterprise;供应链中的物流管理:企业的第三利润源泉

6.The third profit source of enterprises──Enter into the field of modern logistical management;企业的第三利润源泉──走进现代物流管理领域

7.The physical distribution takes an emerging sunrise industry, which has become“ the third profit fountainhead”.物流作为一个新兴的朝阳产业,已成为“第三利润源泉”。

8.Scoop out the Business Enterprise s Headspring of "The Third Profits"-The Strategy of Developing The Logistics of Our Business Enterprise;挖掘企业的“第三利润源泉”——我国企业物流发展策略

9.Modern Physical Distribution:a Third Source of Profit;第三利润源泉:现代物流——一个有待充分开发的新型产业

10.The Profit Source of Enterprises in the Era of Networking: Efficient Logistics--Analysis of the Profit Mechanism of Modem Logistics Management;物流效率:互联时代企业的利润源泉——现代物流管理获利机理分析之一

11.Modern Logistics: The New Resource of Profit;现代物流——企业利润增长的新源泉

12.New profits source of enterprises--Discussion on information-based drive of logistics;关于企业利润新源泉——物流信息化的探讨

13.Wages, profit, and rent, are the three original sources of all revenue as well as of all exchangeable value.工资、利润和地租,是一切收入和一切可交换价值的三个根本源泉。

14.Study on activated clay prepared by Baiquan bentonite利用拜泉膨润土制备活性白土的研究

15.In winter the water from the hot spring was used in ancient times to grow water melons.入冬,人们又利用温泉的热源种西瓜。

16.Research of Ecological Tourism Resources and Its Exploitation and Utilization in Quanzhou;泉州生态旅游资源及其开发利用研究

17.A Study on Hot Spring Tourism Resources Development in China;再论我国温泉旅游资源的开发与利用

18.The Characteristics of Cultural Tourism in Quanzhou and Its Exploitation and Utilization;泉州文化旅游资源特色及其开发利用


Profit headspring利润源泉

3)the theoretical source理论源泉

1.Marxist scientific theory isthe theoretical source of the formation and development of the socialist economic theory with Chinese characteristics.马克思主义的科学理论及学说是中国特色社会主义经济理论形成和发展的理论源泉,改革开放条件下的中国经济建设是中国特色社会主义经济理论形成和发展的实践基础,中国特色社会主义经济理论形成和发展还借鉴和吸收了人类社会发展的许多现代文明成果。

4)Third profit source第三利润源泉

5)the third profit source第三利润源泉

1.Therefore,the economic theorists regard the "logistics rationalization" as "the third profit source".经济理论界也因此把“物流合理化”称为“第三利润源泉”。

6)source of the 4th profit第四利润源泉


