2000字范文 > 书画社团 painting and calligraphy society英语短句 例句大全

书画社团 painting and calligraphy society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-12 20:27:33


书画社团 painting and calligraphy society英语短句 例句大全

书画社团,painting and calligraphy society

1)painting and calligraphy society书画社团

1.The Yuyuan Garden Painting and Calligraphy Charity Association was founded in 1909, which is the first modernpainting and calligraphy society of Shanghai owning a whole set of regulations and organization.成立于1909年的豫园书画善会是近代上海画坛第一个拥有完整章程及组织机构的书画社团,是上海的书画家在近代上海美术市场激烈的竞争中为谋求生存、扩大市场影响、售卖画作、维护自身利益、赈灾联谊等而建立的一种互惠互济的组织。

2)painting association绘画社团

1.The emergence and existence of numerouspainting associations is a kind of important and remarkable phenomenon.绘画社团的大规模涌现及其历史性存在,是近代绘画史上极为重要甚至相当精彩的现象。

3)West painting Associations西画社团

4)Calligraphy & Painting Service书画社


1.Currently he is director of Chinese Calligrapher"s Association, chairman of Anhui Calligrapher"s Association, advisor of the Painting and Calligraphy Society of Anhui People"s Political Consultative Conference and the first-class art designer of china.现为中国书法家协会理事、安徽省书法家协会主席、安徽省政协书画社顾问,国家一级美术师。

2.Life of Calligraphers and Painters (1912-1937) in Republic China民国时期上海书画家社会生活(1912-1937)

3.I like drawing, reading and riding a horse.我喜欢画画、读书、骑马。

4.I like drawing and reading.我喜欢画画和读书。

5.children"s picture, drawing or coloring books儿童图画书、绘画书或涂色书

6.The Integration of Calligraphy and Painting --On the WEI Zhe s Art of Calligraphy and Painting;书中有画意,画里见书神——魏哲书画艺术管窥

7.They combine humorous words, funny pictures, and social opinion.这些书文字幽默,图画有趣,并且还有对社会的观点。

8.He paints love letters and their recipients.他画情书和情书收信人;

9.Connection of Picture Story Books with Serial Pictures, Comic Strips and Illustrations;图画故事书与插图、漫画、连环画之关系

10.Style is the Man:Painting and Calligraphy;画乃吾自画 书乃吾自书——从《平南论画》看魏晋南北朝书画自觉

11.This World Community Service project built the school, supplied backpacks and uniforms, and revitalized the community.这个世界社区服务计画不但盖了学校、供书包和制服,还让社区恢復生气。

12.A Brief Comment on Yu Shaosong s Explanatory Notes of Indexesto the Works of Calligraphy and Painting;书画目录学的丰碑——简评余绍宋《书画书录解题》

13.Painting history equal to painting study: Deng Yizhe’s aesthetics in painting and calligraphy and its methodological significance;画史即画学——邓以蛰书画美学及其方法论意义

14.e.g., illustrate a book with drawings.例如用图画图解一本书。

15.Are these your picture-story books?这些是你的图画书吗?

16.It "s amusing .这本图画书挺有趣的。

17.These picture books are for you, Ann.安,这本图画书是给你的。

18.I loved picture books.我以前喜欢图画书。


painting association绘画社团

1.The emergence and existence of numerouspainting associations is a kind of important and remarkable phenomenon.绘画社团的大规模涌现及其历史性存在,是近代绘画史上极为重要甚至相当精彩的现象。

3)West painting Associations西画社团

4)Calligraphy & Painting Service书画社

5)reading clubs读书社团

6)emerging engraving associations新兴版画社团

1.The newlyemerging engraving associations of The Republic of China which is a historical product under special times adapts to the social objective situation and conditions and grows up.民国新兴版画社团是特殊时代下的历史产物,是适应社会客观形势和条件而成长起来的。


