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极限强度 ultimate strength英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-21 21:21:43


极限强度 ultimate strength英语短句 例句大全

极限强度,ultimate strength

1)ultimate strength极限强度

1.Investigation on theultimate strength of unidirectional tapes and plain cloth hybrid laminates;单向带/平纹布混杂铺层层合板极限强度研究

2.Analysis ofultimate strength and sensitivity for oil tankers based on IACS common rules;基于IACS共同规范的油船极限强度及敏感性分析

3.Research development ofultimate strength of hull structure;船体结构极限强度研究进展


1.The Methodology and Analysis of Computing the Ultimate Strength of Hull and Damaged Hull;船体极限强度及受损船体剩余极限强度分析

2.Research on Ultimate Strength of Ship Hulls and Residual Strength of Damaged Ships;船体结构极限强度及破损剩余强度的研究

3.Analysis of Ultimate Strength and Residual Strength for Oil Tankers;油船完整极限强度及破损剩余强度研究

4.Research on Ultimate Strength of Bulk Carriers and Residual Strength of Damaged Ships;散货船完整极限强度及破损剩余强度的研究

5.collapse method of structural design结构设计的极限强度计算法


7.Reliability Research on Ultimate Ship Hull Girder Strength;基于船舶总纵极限强度的可靠性研究

8.The Analysis of Ultimate Strength of 300,000DWT VLCC;30万吨级VLCC结构极限强度分析

9.Progressive Collapse Analysis of Ship Hulls under Longitudinal Bending;逐步破坏法计算船体梁总纵极限强度

10.The Calculation and Analysis on Longitudinal Ultimate Strength of Ship Hull Girder for Bulk Carrier;散货船船体梁总纵极限强度计算分析

11.Study of Ultimate Hull Girder Strength of Large Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers大型液化天然气船船体极限强度研究

12.Ultimate strength analysis of composite laminated ship panels复合材料船体层合板的极限强度分析

13.Type C, under situation of discontinuous training, preparetory phase being shorter and body functioning being bad, technical training takes middle tensity as the domnant factor.C类型——对训练间断、机能状态差的,以中等强度为主,慎用大和次极限强度,不用极限强度。

14.Fatigue and Ultimate Strength Analysis Based on IACS CSR for Bulk Carriers;基于IACS散货船结构共同规范的疲劳强度与极限强度分析

15.Fatigue and Ultimate Strength Analysis Based on CSR for Double Hull Oil Tankers;基于结构共同规范的油船疲劳强度与极限强度研究

16.Ultimate Strength of I-Girders Under Eccentric Patch Loading:Derivation of a New Strength Reduction Coefficient小偏心荷载作用下I形截面梁极限强度:推导新强度换算系数

17.Only when the stress reaches the "ultimate strength" does failure, i. e., breakage, occur.只有当应力达到极限强度时才会造成损坏。

18.Residual Ultimate Strength Analyses of Cracked Ship Structures;具有裂纹损伤的船舶结构剩余极限强度分析


Limit strength极限强度

1.Wilson"s simplified calculation formulation for coal pillar used widely in our country exists some limitations was induced by analysis some elements that influence limit strength of coal pillar under triaxial stresses at present.通过对三向应力状态下的煤柱极限强度影响因素分析得出:我国目前普遍应用的A H 威尔逊计算理论存在因简化带来的问题。

2.Analyze the change law of basic performance index of mechanics such as yield strength,limit strength and extensibility under corrosion in marin climate basing on the mechanics property experiment on building material made of steel under the condition of corrosion in order to supply basis to research the anticorrosion of steel.通过对钢结构建筑材料在腐蚀条件下的力学性能试验 (单向拉伸试验 ) ,分析了在海洋气候腐蚀条件下钢材的屈服强度、极限强度和伸长率等基本力学性能指标的变化规律 ,为研究钢结构的防腐提供依

3.This apparatus can not only record automatically the maximal force on cement blocks and limit strength of cement blocks,but also print the result of experiment.本文为建材试验室的混凝土试块抗压试验设计了一个智能化仪表,它用在压力试验机上,能自动记录试块所能承受的最大压力、极限强度,并能将结果打印输出,提高了测量精度,减轻了试验人员的劳动强度,确保了试验数据的客观性与科学性。

3)limiting strength极限强度

4)strength limit强度极限

1.The result of the experiment indicated that thestrength limit and elastic modulus of the material can increase after annealing treatment within the temperature range, but at the same time, the material became crisp and its plasticity declined remarkably.试验结果表明:在一定温度范围内退火处理可以大幅度提高该材料的强度极限和弹性模量,但同时使材料变脆,塑性显著下降。

5)Ultimate strength强度极限

1.Using thermal strength experiment to test and determine the pivotal parameters such as ultimate strength and thermal stress at the complicated condition of transient heating is very important for reliability estimation,life prediction of aerospace materials and security design of high-speed flight vehicle.通过热强度试验,测试并确定航空航天材料在复杂高速热冲击条件下的强度极限等关键参数,对于航空航天材料和结构的可靠性评定、寿命预测以及高速飞行器的安全设计具有重要的意义。

6)ultimate stress强度极限

1.Both the tensileultimate stresses and the relations between them are examined.应用了高维分形理论 ,计算了颗粒复合材料CaCO3 ABS拉伸断口表面分形维数 ,测定了该种材料的拉伸强度极限 ,并对两者之间的关系进行了研

2.In this paper,a two dimension variation method is applied to compute tensile fracture surface fractal dimensions of a grain composite material LDPE/CaCO 3,and set the relationship of tensile fracture surface fractal dimensions and tensileultimate stress and material filler weight content percent.应用计算断口表面分形维数的二维变差法,计算了颗粒复合材料LDPE/CaCO3拉伸断口的分形维数,并且建立了断口分形维数与强度极限和填料颗粒含量之间的关系。


