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语文教育思想 Chinese education thoughts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-03 13:51:57


语文教育思想 Chinese education thoughts英语短句 例句大全

语文教育思想,Chinese education thoughts

1)Chinese education thoughts语文教育思想

1.This dissertation s study object is Gu Huangchu sChinese education thoughts.本论文以顾黄初语文教育思想为研究对象,除绪论和结语外,主体部分展开为五章。

2.With a concept of "Students are human beings" , he drew out someChinese education thoughts on the base of his .本文运用史料实证、辩证批判和比较的方法,分别从教育目的、教育内容和教学原则等方面,详细总结了《教童子法》的语文教育思想和方法原则,同时通过与夸美纽斯和卢梭的教育思想的比较,评价分析它的语文教育思想的得失,又与《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》对比,体现传承和价值。


1.On the National Characteristics of Ye Shengtao s Chinese Education Theory;试论叶圣陶语文教育思想的民族特性

2.The Study of Chinese Education Thought s Changes in Previous Half Period of 20~(th) Century;20世纪上半期语文教育思想变迁研究

3.On the Educational thought in Yan s Surname Parental Precepts;《颜氏家训》中蕴含的语文教育思想探析

4.On Wang Yun Humanistic Thought of Chinese Education;论王筠“以人为本”的语文教育思想

5.The Enlightenment Zhu Ziqing"s Thoughts on Chinese Teaching Bring to the Contemporary Education试论朱自清语文教育思想对当代教育的启示

6.The Enlightenment to Contemporary Chinese Education of WANG Yun s Humanistic Thought of Chinese Education;王筠"以人为本"的语文教育思想对现代语文教育的启示

ments on Educational Thought of the Distinguished Chinese Educator Lu Shuxiang不可漠视的语文教育家吕叔湘——吕叔湘语文教育思想研究述评

8.Study on Chinese Language Educational Thought in Tang Biao s Family School Methodology;唐彪《家塾教学法》中的语文教育思想研究

9.Give Back Literature the Proper Position --The New Understanding Studying Ye Shengtai sChinese Educational Idea;还文学教育以应有的地位——对叶圣陶语文教育思想的新认识

10.How to Teach Chinese to Achieve the Purpose of Not Teaching--With Comments on Ye Shengtao s Chinese Pedagogical Thought;语言要怎么“教”才能达到“不需要教”——叶圣陶语文教育思想的启示

11.The Research on Infiltrating the Morals Education Through Chinese Language Teaching in Vocation High School;职高语文教学渗透思想道德教育研究

12.The Influence of Various Foreign Language Educational Schoolsof Thought on Chinese language Education;国外语言教育思想流派对中国语文教育的影响

13.Ponder Language Education Value Conception Middle School Language New Teaching Material;沉思语文教育价值 构想中学语文新教材

14.Thoughts on Humanities Education Through Teaching Chinese at Military Colleges军校大学语文教学贯彻人文教育思想的思考

15.On Current Middle School Chinese Education from Perspective of Education Democratization Thought;从教育民主思想看当前的中学语文教育教学

16.On the Revelation of Zhuangzi Concerning Chinese Language Teaching;试论《庄子》思想对语文教育的启示

17.The Inspiration of the Pre-Qin Confucian s Thought of Education to Today s Chinese Education;先秦儒家教育思想对当前语文教育的启示

18.Kong Zi s Education Concept to Chinese Language Education for All-around Development Inspiration;孔子的教育思想对语文素质教育的启发


thought of Chinese situational-education语文情境教育思想

3)the ideology of modern Chinese education现代语文教育思想

4)Ideology of Chinese democratic education语文民主教育思想

5)the Zhu Xi"s ideology of Chinese language education朱熹语文教育思想

6)Mr Li Jinxi"s Ideology of Chinese Language Teaching黎锦熙语文教育思想


语文教学中发掘文学作品的教育作用语文教学中发掘文学作品的教育作用making use of the educational function of literary works in Chinese teaching语文教学中发掘文学作品的教育作用(making use of the edueational funetionof literary works in chinese teaehing)青少年学生由于缺乏经验,直接自发地从文学作品中接受教育是有限的,因此,语文教学要发挥教师的主导作用,使文学作品能对学生发挥较大的教育作用,就需要注意以下几点:(l)教师要探情、注重迁情,做到文章情、学生情、教师情的三情合一。(2)适当疏通文字、沟通今古,以促进理解,便于展开联想与想像。(3)创设情境,引导学生进入意境,产生共鸣,得到体验。创设情境既可运用直观手段创设相应气氛,也可以是提出问题造成愤徘状态。如学习《祝福》后,可以提问:鲁迅写的是祥林嫂的悲惨命运,为什么用祝福这个吉祥的词作标题?启发学生深挖主题思想,进入意境,把握艺术形象,形成共鸣。创设情境是为了诱发学生的联想和想像以获得相应的情感体验,是为了进入作品的意境引发共鸣便于内化。要努力引导学生把作品的语言文字诉诸形象,自觉调节表象形成想像,才能进入意境。这就需要引导学生发现和欣赏作品中的景物美、人物美和意境美。在想像中受到感情的熏陶、得到难以言传的美的享受,在物我相融中陶冶情操。(4)必须拨动学生情感的琴弦,要感而动之。主要是使学生通过想像的替代作用进入意境,在物我相融中受到感染,由表同而认同,将作品的高尚情操悦纳内化为自己的心灵。(5)在把美育与德育结合起来的同时,也要在美的鉴赏中进行创造性的实践活动。(6)在文学鉴赏指导中,要注意限制一些消极作用,进行正面引导。(梁息全撰巨巫查{审)
