2000字范文 > 换流站 converter station英语短句 例句大全

换流站 converter station英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-10 04:47:44


换流站 converter station英语短句 例句大全

换流站,converter station

1)converter station换流站

1.Noise treatment in Three Gorges-Shanghai ±500kV DC transmissionconverter stations;三沪直流工程换流站噪声治理

2.Research of software architecture ofconverter station s transformation MIS supporting maintenance decision-making;支持检修决策的换流站变电MIS软件体系结构探讨

3.Key factors of site selection for a HVDCconverter station;高压直流换流站的关键建站条件


1.Replacement of the Line-side Winding for No.408329 Converter Transformer in Guangzhou Converter Station广州换流站408329号换流变压器的网侧绕组更换

2.Analysis and Practice of Replacement of Y/Y Type Converter Transformers at Different Converter Stations不同换流站Y/Y型换流变压器置换分析与实践

3.Wide-band Modeling of Converter Systems in HVDC Converter Stations高压直流换流站换流系统宽频建模研究

4.Analysis on Energizing Inrush Current of No-Load Converter Transformer in 500 kV Gaoling Back-to-Back Converter Station500kV高岭换流站换流变空载充电励磁涌流分析

5.Measurement and Analysis of Harmonic Wave about Gezhouba 500kV DC Converter Station;葛洲坝500kV直流换流站谐波测试与分析

6.Study on the Noise Control Scheme for UHVDC Converter Stations特高压直流换流站噪声控制方案研究

7.Main Technical Principles for Combining HV AC and DC Converter Station Construction高压换流站交、直流合建主要技术原则

8.Basic analysis on the valve cooling system"s switching control problem of Zhaoqing converter station,Gui-Guang HVDC project贵广直流肇庆换流站阀冷切换控制系统浅析

9.Partial Discharging Test Research on Converter Transformers in Gaoling Converter Station高岭换流站换流变压器局部放电试验分析

10.Improvement of Power Supplies for Directly Ultra-Speed Telecommunication at the Pole Control of Shenzhen Converter Station and Zhaoqing Converter Station深圳换流站、肇庆换流站极控独立快速通信通道电源的改造

11.Discussion of DC Yard Connection and Equipment Configuration of ±800kV DC Convert Station±800kV直流换流站直流侧接线及设备配置方案探讨

12.External Insulation Characteristic for AC Field in DC Projects Converter Station of Qing-Tibet Plateau青藏直流工程换流站交流侧外绝缘特性

13.The Study on the Immunity Requirement of Monitor and Control Equipment and Systems in Converter and Substation;换流站与变电站监控系统抗干扰试验研究

14.Review on methods of noise reducing for equipment in substations, converter stations and transmission lines变电站、换流站和输电线路噪声及其治理技术

15.Measurement and Analysts of Electromagnetic Disturbances in Substations and Converter Stations变电站和换流站电磁骚扰的测量与特征分析

puter Aided Analysis of Wave Propagation of Substation and DC Converter Station交流变电站和直流换流站波过程计算机辅助分析

17.Structure Form Selection of the Valve Hall and Control Building of ±800 kV DC Converter Station±800kV换流站阀厅和主控楼结构选型

18.Calculation of Electromagnetic Radiation of VSC-HVDC Converter StationsVSC-HVDC换流站电磁辐射计算



1.The Study on the Immunity Requirement of Monitor and Control Equipment and Systems in Converter and Substation;换流站与变电站监控系统抗干扰试验研究

2.Based on HVDC transmission system, this paper presents a design approach to decentralized robust adaptive controllers forconverters.针对高压直流输电系统 (HVDC) ,提出了一种换流站的分散鲁棒自适应控制器的设计方法。

3.Based on the characteristics of ultra-high voltage direct current (UHVDC) transmission, the sequence controls in UHVDCconverter station are discussed, including sequence controls atconverter level, pole level, bipolar level and station level.针对特高压直流输电的特点,详细探讨了特高压直流输电换流站的顺序控制,包括换流器层的顺序控制、极层的顺序控制、双极层的顺序控制和站层的顺序控制,及各种顺序控制在极控系统、阀组控制系统和直流站控系统中的实现。

3)converter substation换流站

1.Aconverter substation is a special type of substations,whose functions and roles are more important than those of traditional AC substations,and its structure is also more complex.换流站作为一种特殊形式的变电站,其作用和地位比常规变电站更为重要,其结构也更为复杂。

2.The corona characteristics of busbar in 800 kV HVDCconverter substation affect the optimal design and economic operation of tubular busbar inconverter substation.为实现±800kV直流换流站母线电晕特性影响换流站管母线的优化设计和经济运行,对不同对地高度的φ250和φ300管母线的起晕电压、无线电干扰、可听噪声和地面合成场强进行了实验室试验。

3.The HVDC busbar corona characteristic is the main factor taken into account for choosing busbar of HVDCconverter substation.直流母线电晕特性是换流站选择母线的主要考虑因素。

4)550 kVconverter station550kV换流站

5)±500 kV converter station±500kV换流站

6)±800 kV converter station±800kV换流站

1.The MOA arresters are used as a main overvoltage protection device for±800 kV converter station.±800kV换流站的过电压保护主要采用无间隙的氧化性避雷器。


