2000字范文 > 哲学角度 The perspective of philosophy英语短句 例句大全

哲学角度 The perspective of philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-15 01:25:12


哲学角度 The perspective of philosophy英语短句 例句大全

哲学角度,The perspective of philosophy

1)The perspective of philosophy哲学角度


1.On “Discourse” in the Sight of Philosophy: A Study on Mikhail Bakhtin s Theory of Discourse;从哲学角度论“话语”——巴赫金语言哲学研究

2.Analysing the Concept of "Crime"in the Criminological from Philosophy Angle;犯罪学中的“犯罪”概念哲学角度评析

ment on Contemporary Chinese Architectural Crisis from Philosophy of Technology s View;从技术哲学角度看当代中国建筑危机

4.On Double-leveled Domestication and Foreignization in Translating Tang Poetry: From Philosophical Perspective;哲学角度论唐诗翻译双层次归化异化

5.Exploration of Pragmatic Awareness:Its Essence,Content and Function from the Perspective of Materialist Dialectics;从哲学角度看语用意识的实质和作用

6.On the causality of criminal law theory from an angle of philosophy;从哲学角度谈刑法理论中的因果关系

7.Grasping the Human Quality and Quality Educationin Terms of Philosophy;从哲学角度把握人的素质和素质教育

8.On Modernity of Marxist Philosophy;从哲学转向的角度看马克思主义哲学的现代性

9.A Comparative Analysis between Political Philosophy and Administrative Philosophy;政治哲学与行政哲学的比较分析——从另一种角度探讨行政哲学

10.To consider(a matter)from a philosophical standpoint.从哲学的角度来考虑(事情)

11.reason philosophically.从哲学的角度来考虑(事情)。

12.Looking at "Communication" of Marxist Philosophy in the Perspective of Existential Ontology;从生存论的角度看马克思哲学的“交往”

13.Consider "Needam Thesis" from the Point of Philosophy Ideology;从哲学思维角度思考“李约瑟问题”

14.Recognition of Philosophical Idealism from Logical Priority;从“逻辑先在性”角度认识哲学唯心主义

15.Examining the Chinese Wushu Stransformation Development from the Philosophical Perspective;从哲学的角度探析中国武术转型发展

16.See "The Treaty Must be Obeyed" from the Aspect of Philosophy of Law;从法哲学的角度看“条约必须信守原则”

17.Reform on Marxist Philosophy from the Viewpoint of Thinking Model;从思维方式角度看马克思哲学的变革

18.Meaning and Background Knowledge--A Philosophical View;从语言哲学的角度谈意义和背景知识


A Discussion on History from the Angle of Philosophy从哲学角度谈学史

3)philosophical perspective哲学视角

1.Ecological Civilization and Its Construction from Philosophical Perspective;哲学视角下的生态文明及其构建

2.Understanding the world and studying philosophy from thephilosophical perspective of scientific practice, the Marxist philosophy marks a great revolution in philosophy.马克思主义哲学从科学实践观的哲学视角去理解世界 ,研究哲学 ,这是哲学史上的一场伟大革命。

4)philosophy perspective哲学视角

1.This article makes up an investigation inphilosophy perspective about the Assessment System of Regional Fishing Cycling Economy Development from the macro level of the relationship between man and nature.文章从人与自然关系这一宏观层面对区域渔业循环经济发展评价体系进行了哲学视角的探讨。

2.The mechanism to inspect and evaluate leading cadres at colleges and universities is analyzed fromphilosophy perspective.从哲学视角探析高校领导干部考察评价机制,提出必须坚持用历史唯物主义的观点考察高校领导干部、用联系的观点分析高校领导干部、用辩证思维的方法评价高校领导干部。

5)Indian Philosophy印度哲学

1.The development of ancient Indian philosophy to a great extent is the development of religious ideological systems.古代印度哲学的发展在很大程度上是宗教思想体系的发展。

6)philosophical dimension哲学维度

1.To clarify the special theoretical pattern of Marx s philosophy is the key point to help us to understand and defend thephilosophical dimension of Marx s theory.澄清马克思哲学特殊的理论存在样式,是理解和捍卫马克思理论的哲学维度,阐发其哲学性质、内容和功能的关键点。

2.To deeply study and practice the scientific concept of development,we need to scientifically grasp the major strategic thought from thephilosophical dimension,historical dimension,value dimension and practical dimension.科学发展观"是用深刻的哲学世界观和丰富的历史知识阐明的经验总结",深入学习实践科学发展观,必须科学把握这一重大战略思想的哲学维度、历史维度、价值维度和实践维度。


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
