2000字范文 > 评估指标体系 evaluation index system英语短句 例句大全

评估指标体系 evaluation index system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-14 08:58:52


评估指标体系 evaluation index system英语短句 例句大全

评估指标体系,evaluation index system

1)evaluation index system评估指标体系

1.Studies on theevaluation index system and calculating methods of Water Resources Industry Policy;《水利产业政策》评估指标体系及测算方法研究

2.Establishment on the lossevaluation index system of Hyphantria cunea Drury s invading China.;美国白蛾入侵损失评估指标体系的构建

3.Going with the Tide of History-Redesign of the Evaluation Index System of Academic Library;重构普通高等学校图书馆评估指标体系


1.Safety Evaluation Index System and Model for RFID SystemRFID系统安全评估指标体系及评估模型

2.Development of evaluation index systems and methods for distribution networks配电网评估指标体系建立与评估方法

3.Research on the Index for Evaluation System of CoPS Innovation;复杂产品系统创新评估指标体系研究

4.Study On Security Assessment Index Of Secret Information System涉密信息系统安全评估指标体系研究

5.On the Indicator System of Local Government Performance and the Evaluating Method;地方政府绩效评估指标体系及评估方法研究

6.Study on Index System and Assessment Method for the Core Competence of the Corporation;企业核心竞争力评估指标体系构建及评估模型

7.Evaluate quota system to which 4 kinds of content you can generalize?评估指标体系可概括成哪四类内容?

8.Study on Evaluation Index System of Higher Nursing Education;高等护理教育评估指标体系构建研究

9.Study of Chinese Insurance Company s Risk Estimation Index System;我国保险公司风险评估指标体系研究

10.On the Criteria System of Local Government Performance Assessment;市(地)政府绩效评估指标体系研究

11.Study on Management Performance Assessing Index System of CIMCO;CIMCO公司经营绩效评估指标体系研究

12.The Research on the Establishment of Index System of Graduate School Evaluation;我国研究生院评估指标体系构建研究

13.A Study on Evaluating Indexes of Tourism Employment Effect in Shanghai;上海旅游就业效应评估指标体系探讨

14.Discuss on Evaluation Indexes System of Venture Capital Project in China;我国风险投资项目评估指标体系探讨

15.Value System of Feasibility Envaluation for BOT Project;BOT项目可行性评估指标体系研究

16.Research on Performance Measurement Index System of Construction Safety Management;建筑安全工作绩效评估指标体系研究

17.Undergraduate Teaching Level Evaluation Index System;本科教学工作水平评估指标体系研究

18.The Exploration and Study of the Educational Evaluating Criterion System in Junior Normal Colleges;高师院校评估指标体系的研究与探讨


assessment index system评估指标体系

1.According to the network features of local power supply companies,the input-output efficiencyassessment index system which incorporates both the coordination degree between the distribution network scale and the economic/social development level and the direct output of the network as well was constructed.针对地区供电企业网络性特点,建立了配电网规模水平与经济、社会发展水平协调程度以及电网直接产出的完整的配电网投入产出效率二层面评估指标体系,并阐述了该体系的研究原则和基本内容。

2.A series ofassessment index system suitable for Dagangshan forest ecosystem services value was set up.通过构建适合大岗山森林生态系统服务功能的评估指标体系,依据大岗山森林生态站长期、连续观测数据及多年科研成果、2次二类森林资源调查资料及社会经济公共数据估算大岗山"九五"和"十五"期间森林生态系统服务功能的总价值。

3.In this article,literature review,questionnaire,interview,data statistics,social evaluation theory,social sports theory and psychological theory are employed to theoretically construct theassessment index system of sports service for the old in rural communities.采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和数据统计方法,依据系统论、社会评价理论、社会体育学理论和心理学理论,对城市社区老年体育服务评估指标体系进行了理论建构。

3)evaluation system评估指标体系

1.It is difficult to reuse theevaluation systems for its main reasons as follows: the evaluation method too rely on the evaluation indexes system.通常评估系统难以重用的主要原因是评估方法与评估指标体系的强依赖关系。

2.Thispaper discussesthe design rulesof theevaluation system for the experimental teaching quality,designsconcrete evaluation standard system to assessthe course of PhysicsLaboratory,and analyzesthe evaluation result with Fuzzy method.通过讨论实验教学质量评估指标体系的设计原则,设计了具体的评估指标体系运用于《物理实验》课程的评估,并用模糊数学方法对评估结果进行统计分析。

4)evaluating index system评估指标体系

1.Then it constructs theevaluating index system of the discipline of military equipment.为了科学、合理地对军事装备学学科质量进行评估,达到优化学科建设体系、发挥学科建设优势、提高学科建设水平的目的,以学科质量评估目的研究为出发点,分析了军事装备学学科质量评估的基本原则,建立了军事装备学学科质量评估指标体系,最后对评估方法进行了深入研究。

2.The paper discusses the necessity and basic principle of establis hing theevaluating index system of military materials purchasing benefits.探讨了构建军队物资采购效益评估指标体系的必要性与构建的基本原则,提出了从军事效益、经济效益和社会效益三个方面评估军队物资采购效益,最后指出了评估时应注意的几个问题。

3.Anevaluating index system towards the Measure of Force Effectiveness(MOFE) of C3IEW system was put forward according to the characteristics of C3IEW system.根据指挥自动化电子战系统(C3IEW)的特点,提出对应的作战效能评估指标体系,并基于HLA构建C3IEW仿真系统框架。

5)evaluation indices system评估指标体系

1.In order to evaluate the whole scale of distribution network,transforming capacity,the number of substations,line-length and the number of loops are put forward as member indices ofevaluation indices system to describe the planning scale;social electricity consumption,highest load,population,and so on,are put forward as influence factors of the indices.为评估配电网建设规模,指导配电网建设规划及投资,提出以变电容量、座数和线路总长度、条数等为配电网建设规模定量评估的规模因子,全社会用电量及其用电构成、最高负荷、人口、城镇化率、GDP及其构成、人均可支配收入等为配电网规模发展的影响因素,运用灰色关联度分析和层次分析法原理,建立起完整的配电网建设规模评估指标体系及其综合模型。

2.Theevaluation indices system for countermeasure process of phased array radar is established finally, and an evaluation example is presented.最后针对相控阵雷达对抗的整体过程,建立了评估指标体系,并且给出了评估实例。

6)Assessment via an index system指标体系评估


