2000字范文 > 比喻教学法 metaphorical teaching method英语短句 例句大全

比喻教学法 metaphorical teaching method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-10 16:16:24


比喻教学法 metaphorical teaching method英语短句 例句大全

比喻教学法,metaphorical teaching method

1)metaphorical teaching method比喻教学法

1.This article mainly deals with the utilization ofmetaphorical teaching method in the related concepts of The Principle and Applicatio.比喻教学法是一种较为有效的授课方法,如果能很好地掌握这一技巧,学生的学习效果将会明显改善,教学质量将会有很大提高。

2.This article proposesmetaphorical teaching method to instruct abstract and obscure basic theory of electrotechnics course so that students could profoundly understand and adroitly master basic electronic knowledge.本文针对电工学课堂上较为抽象晦涩的基础理论学习提出比喻教学法,使学生从比喻中深刻理解和熟练掌握基本的电工学知识。


1.The Utilization of Metaphorical Teaching Method in The Principle and Application of Microcomputer;比喻教学法在《微机原理及应用》中的运用

2.Teaching Facility Planning & Logistics with Metaphors;“设施规划与物流分析”的比喻法教学

3.Application The Comparison And Analogy In The Electrician s Basic Course Theory Teaching;浅谈比喻法、类比法在电工基础课理论教学中的应用

4.Idea Field,Contrast,Metaphor and College English Teaching;思想场、对比、隐喻与大学英语教学

5.A Discussion of Analogy, Demonstration and Imitation in the Teaching of Vocal Music;漫谈声乐教学中的比喻、范唱与模仿

6.A Metaphor Study of English Version and French Version of The Zither《锦瑟》英译和法译的隐喻学对比研究

7.Discussing the Discourse Teaching of CSL from the Grammatical Metaphor Theory从语法隐喻理论探对外汉语语篇教学

8.Grammatical Metaphor and Its Implications for EFL Writing;语法隐喻及其对外语写作教学的启示

9.Empirical Research on the Validity of Metaphoric Approach to Teaching English Polysemants英语多义词隐喻教学法的有效性研究

10.The figurative use of a word or an expression, as metaphor or hyperbole.比喻,转义语言或措辞的比喻用法:隐喻或夸张

11.Tropes include metaphor, simile, metonymy, synecdoche, etc.比喻包括隐喻、喻、喻、喻等,是语义修辞法的重要组成部分。

12.Contrastive Study of English-Chinese Metaphors and Its Uses in English Language Teaching;英汉隐喻对比研究及在英语教学中的应用

13.The application of metaphors in the teaching of An Introduction To Electrical Engineering Technology;浅谈比喻在电工技术基础教学中的作用

14.A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric Metaphor,Cognitive Metaphor and Grammatical Metaphor;修辞隐喻、认知隐喻、语法隐喻的对比初探

15.Rhetoric devices of figurative language:their application in college English and their appreciation;比喻修辞手法在《大学英语·精读》中的运用赏析

16.Grammatical Metaphor and Cognitive Metaphor:A Comparative Study;语法隐喻与认知隐喻的理论比较研究

17.Analysis of Chemistry Textbook Based on Study Method of Metaphor in Junior Middle School;基于隐喻学习方法的初中化学教科书分析

18.Paraphrase Mode of Metaphorical Meaning and Its Cognition Foundation;比喻义释义模式及其认知理据——兼谈词义教学和词典编纂中的比喻义处理


metaphoric approach隐喻教学法

1.Based on the research finding,a teaching experiment has been done to test the validity ofmetaphoric approach to teaching English polysemants.统计结果显示,采用隐喻教学法的实验组的成绩显著高于采用传统的词汇教学法的控制组的成绩。


1.The paper explains the important meaning of electrician s basic course theory teaching , and analyses the function ofcomparison , analogy in theory teaching.阐述了电工基础课理论教学的重要意义,分析了在理论教学中运用比喻法、类比法作用,指出了运用此教学方法对该课程教学的价值与意义。

2.The examples of utilizing thecomparison method and analogy method in the Principle of Microcomputer teaching are introduced.阐述了在微机原理教学中运用比喻法、类比法例子,指出了运用此教学方法的原则及其价值与意义。

4)Usage of the Figure of Speech比喻用法

1.The Contrast of theUsage of the Figure of Speech in English and Chinese Idioms and Their Contrastive Translation;英汉习语中比喻用法的对比与翻译

5)metaphor teaching隐喻教学

1.A contrastive study is made on the cultural differences between the Chinese and English metaphors, on the basis of which it is reinforced thatmetaphor teaching is an integral part of the culture teaching and some problems involved inmetaphor teaching are put forward.探讨隐喻、思维和文化三者的关系,对比分析英汉两种语言中隐喻使用现象的异同及其根源,指出隐喻教学是文化教学的一部分以及在隐喻教学中应注意的问题。

6)comparative teaching approach比较教学法

1.According to the characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) teaching at colleges and universities of western medicine and demands of higher education institutions for cultivating students,the paper proposes introducingcomparative teaching approach in TCM teaching.通过分析目前西医院校中医学教学的特点,根据高等院校对培养学生的要求,提出将比较教学法应用于西医院校中医学教学过程中,认为该教学方法有利于学生对中医基本理论的准确掌握和学生探索性思维的培养,结合中医学教学实践介绍了比较教学法的应用,并指出应用这种教学方法时应注意的问题。


