2000字范文 > 红花酢浆草 Oxalis corymbosa英语短句 例句大全

红花酢浆草 Oxalis corymbosa英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-01 00:43:06


红花酢浆草 Oxalis corymbosa英语短句 例句大全

红花酢浆草,Oxalis corymbosa

1)Oxalis corymbosa红花酢浆草

1.Synthesis Preventing and Controlling Technique of Snail inOxalis corymbosa红花酢浆草中蜗牛的综合防治技术

2.The method was applied to evaluate the risk ofOxalis corymbosa in the area.参照国内外专家对有害生物风险分析的方法,结合南岳外来有害植物的特点,初步探讨适应于南岳外来有害植物风险评价的定量分析方法,并采用该方法分析红花酢浆草在南岳的入侵风险,结果表明,红花酢浆草的风险值R为1。

3.In recent years,Oxalis corymbosa DC.引起红花酢浆草叶斑病的假尾孢属真菌红花酢浆草假尾孢(Pseudocercospora oxalidisGoh&Hsieh)适合生长的培养基有红花酢浆草叶片煎汁+葡萄糖20 g、V8汁和Richard培养基。


1.Study on Biological Characteristics of Pseudocercospora Oxalidis on Oxalis Corymbosa;红花酢浆草叶斑病病原生物学特性研究

2.Efficacy of Several Pesticides against Ptrobiabari Ewing on Oxalis corybasa几种药剂对红花酢浆草岩螨的防治效果评价

parison of the Characters of Absorbing Cd between Brassica Campestris and Oxalis Rubra红花酢浆草和油菜对镉的吸收特征比较

4.wearingsome shamrock on his lapel他西装翻领上戴着白花酢浆草.

5.Study on the Technique System of Tissue Culture and the Character of Photosynthesis of Oxalis Vidacea L.;红叶酢浆草的组织培养技术及光合特性的研究

6.The tubers of this plant.酢浆草块茎这种植物的块茎

7.On St Partrick’s day, it seems as if every other man you meet is wearing a shamrock (=half the men you meet seem to be Irish.)在圣帕特瑞克节(爱尔兰守护神)似乎所遇上的人都一半佩戴有白花酢浆草(爱尔兰国花)。

8.A perennial plant(Oxalis tuberosa)of the high Andes, grown for its edible tubers.酢浆草一种产于安地斯多年生植物(酢酱草属块茎酢酱草),其块茎可食

9.Study on Insect Community of the Oxalis Lawn in the North Area of Henan Province豫北地区酢浆草草坪昆虫群落调查分析

10.Upon a biological level, Sorrel assists with cellular communication.在一个生物性水平上,酢浆草协助了细胞通讯。

11.Phenology and Life Cycle of Oxalis griffithii in Woodland and Interpopulation Difference林下山酢浆草的物候、生活史及种群间差异

12.Study on Tissue Culture and Effect of Carbon Sources in Oxalis Triangularis Subeg. Triang;三角紫叶酢浆草组培及碳源效应的研究

13.Study on Inducing Condition of Somatic embryogenesis and embryoid Growth of Oxalis train gularis Subsg.Trian;紫叶酢浆草体细胞胚诱导和发育条件研究

14.Research on Tissue Culture of Oxalis Triangularis by Leaf Blade;三角紫叶酢浆草叶片外植体组织培养研究

15.tasting the pungent wood sorrel; pungent curry; a pungent smell of burning sulfur.品尝味道刺激的酢浆草;辛辣的咖喱;燃烧的硫磺的刺鼻的气味。

16.Effect of Drought and Salt Stress on the Photosynthetic Properties and Osmotic Adjustment Ability in Oxalis vidacea L.干旱和盐胁迫对紫叶酢浆草光合性能和渗透调节能力的影响

17.Chinese herb with palmately compound leaves and small greenish flowers and forked aromatic roots believed to have medicinal powers.中国的一种草本植物,小叶,花小,淡绿色,伞状花序,结成鲜红的浆果。

18." Oxalic acid: Colourless, crystalline, toxic carboxylic acid found in many plants, especially rhubarb, wood sorrel, and spinach."草酸:无色结晶有毒的羧酸类有机化合物。许多植物中有草酸,尤其是大黄、酢浆草和菠菜。


oxalis corniculatal pigment酢浆草红花色素

3)Oxalis vidacea L红叶酢浆草

1.Oxalis vidacea L.红叶酢浆草叶片优美,是一种优良的地被植物。

4)white wood sorrel白花酢浆草

5)oxalis spider mite酢浆草红蜘蛛


parative Study of the Physiological Indices Between the Exotic Species Oxalis corymbosa and Native SpeciesO.corniculata under NaCl Stress;盐胁迫下外来种铜锤草和本地种酢浆草的生理指标比较研究

2.A comparative study of the growth,physiological properties and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of the exotic species Oxalis corymbosa and the native species O.分别采用单一与混合种植方式和不同梯度的水分胁迫处理,对外来种铜锤草和本地种酢浆草的生长、生理指标、叶绿素荧光参数进行了比较研究。


红花酢浆草红花酢浆草介绍 红花酢浆草 (Oxalis rubra)科属: 酢浆草科 别名: 形态特征: 根状茎被棕色鳞片。叶丛生,叶柄较长,具小叶3枚,倒心形,叶缘具黑斑。伞形花序顶生,花葶高出叶丛。小花数朵,桃红或枚红色具深色脉。有白花变种。分布与习性:原产巴西南部,为多年生草本植物。耐寒性不强,冬季温和地区可地栽越冬。喜阴湿环境、富含腐殖质、排水良好的砂质土壤,花期4-11月。繁殖与栽培:分株或播种法繁殖。应用:红花酢浆草叶色青翠,花期长,花色鲜艳。常盆栽观赏,或用于花坛。图片:
