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交感 sympathetic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-03 06:08:21


交感 sympathetic英语短句 例句大全



1.Radiofrequency ablation of lumbarsympathetic ganglion for the treatment of ischemic disease of the lower extremities;射频热凝损毁腰交感神经节治疗下肢缺血性疾病40例

2.Migration of neurons in the co-culture ofsympathetic ganglion and cardiac myocytes;交感神经节与心肌细胞联合培养中神经元的迁移

3.Clinical application of radiofrequency ablation of lumbarsympathetic ganglion;射频热凝腰交感神经节的临床应用


1.sympathomimetic &|拟交感神经的(药)

2.sympatholytic &|抗交感神经的(药)

3.sympathetic apraxia交感性运用不能症交感性运用不能症

4.parasympatholytic agent副交感神经遮断断药

5.chemical sympathectomy化学性交感神经切断术

6.irritative cervical sympathetic paralysis刺激性颈交感神经麻痹

7.sympathin E兴奋性交感(神经)素

8.surgical interruption of a nerve pathway in the sympathetic nervous system.阻断交感神经的手术。

9.A drug or an agent that produces such effects.拟副交感药,拟副交感剂产生这种效用的药剂

10.The heart is innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers.心脏受交感神经纤维和副交感神经纤维的支配。

11.Producing effects similar to those produced when a parasympathetic nerve is stimulated.拟副交感的,类副交感(神经)的当副交感神经受刺激时产生类似效用的

12.In non-dipper group patients, sympathetic nerve damaged during daytime. And both sympathetic nerves and vagus nerves of patients in Non-dipper group damaged at night.非杓型病人日间交感神经受损 ,夜间交感神经、迷走神经双重受损

13.transmit thoughts or feelings.交换看法或交流感情。

14.alternating current single phase induction motor交流单相感应电动机

15.cross modality ratio matching method交叉感觉比率匹配法

16.full-traffic-actuated signal全交通感应变色号志

17.Telepathy--mind to mind contact心灵感应:心与心的交流

18.inductor type synchronous alternator感应式同步交流发电机


Gan Jiao感交

1."Gan Jiao" and "Jue Jiao"——From 《Shijing·Xiaoya·Gufeng》 to 《Guang Jue Jiao Lun》;感交与绝交——从《诗经·小雅·谷风》到《广绝交论》


4)cross infection交叉感染

1.Modify the air condition design to prevent thecross infection in hospital;改进医院空调设计 防治医院内交叉感染

2.Identifying study oncross infection of tuberculosis by RAPD analysis;RAPD技术用于结核病交叉感染的鉴别

3.Biological characteristics of Botrytis cinerea from kenaf anditscross infection;红麻灰霉菌生物学特性及其交叉感染

5)sympathetic nerve交感神经

1.Experimental study of distribution and innervation ofsympathetic nerve fibers to external membrane of vertebral artery in rabbits;交感神经在兔椎动脉被膜节段性分布的实验研究

2.The microscopic observation of thesympathetic nerve around the trans verse-process part of vertebra artery;椎动脉横突段交感神经的应用解剖研究

3.Effects of denervation ofsympathetic nerves on liver blood flow in rabbits;去交感神经状态对肝脏血流量的影响

6)Nosocomial infection交叉感染


交感交感房中术语。出清·傅山《傅青主女 科·血崩》,傅山:“肝欲藏之而不能,脾欲摄之而不得,故经水随交感而至。”指性交。 详见该条。
