2000字范文 > 叶绿素合成 chlorophyll biosynthesis英语短句 例句大全

叶绿素合成 chlorophyll biosynthesis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-17 15:06:04


叶绿素合成 chlorophyll biosynthesis英语短句 例句大全

叶绿素合成,chlorophyll biosynthesis

1)chlorophyll biosynthesis叶绿素合成

1.In this study,we investigated changes ofCO_2 assimilation,chlorophyll biosynthesis,senescence and supplemental lighting,aswell as incidence of powdery milder and associated metabolism in cucumber plants inresponse to different wavelength lights.本文以黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L)为试材,研究了不同光质对黄瓜幼苗CO_2同化、叶绿素合成、叶片衰老及其在人工补光中的作用等方面的影响,并研究了其缓解黄瓜白粉病发生的生理分子机制。

pared with the control treatment,the amount of precursors including protoporphyrin Ⅸ (Proto Ⅸ),Magnesium protoporphyrin Ⅸ (Mg-Proto Ⅸ),protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) ofchlorophyll biosynthesis decreased with the increasing disease grade,while Uroporphyrinogen Ⅲ (Uro Ⅲ) was accumulated in silvered leaves and leafstalks.发病叶片和叶柄叶绿素酶活性升高,从而使叶绿素降解加速,叶绿素合成中间产物ProtoporphyrinⅨ(ProtoⅨ),Magnesium protoporphyrin Ⅸ(Mg-Proto Ⅸ),Protochlorophyllide(Pchlide)含量降低,UroporphyrinogenⅢ(UroⅢ)含量增加,表明叶绿素合成在UroⅢ到ProtoⅨ受阻。


1.Further Study on Chlorophyll Synthesis of a Chlorophyll-Less Barley Mutant NYB in Light光下叶绿素缺乏的大麦突变体NYB中叶绿素合成再探

2.Effects of MeJA,ABA and BA on Chlorophyll Synthesis in Excised Cotyledons of Cucumis sativusMeJA、ABA与BA对黄瓜离体子叶叶绿素合成的影响

3.Inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis may be caused by etiolation, mutant blocks, or streptomycin.叶绿素合成可以由黄化、突变性阻塞或链霉素而引起。

4.An Overview of Chlorophyll Biosynthesis in Higher Plants高等植物叶绿素生物合成的研究进展

5.Bacteriochlorophyll Any of several types of chlorophyll found in photosynthetic bacteria, such as the purple bacteria.细菌叶绿素:在光能合成细菌如紫细菌中发现的几种类型的叶绿素。

6.Study on the Chlorophyll Biosynthesis of a Chlorophyll b-deficient Oilseed Rape Mutant (Brassica Napus L.) Cr3529;叶绿素b减少油菜突变体Cr3529叶绿素生物合成的研究

7.Studies on the Chlorophyll Biological Synthesis in Dracaena sanderiana彩叶富贵竹叶绿素生物合成代谢的研究

8.Grignard reaction of methyl pyropheophorbide substituted at 3-position by acyl group and synthesis of chlorophyll derivatives3-酰基焦脱镁叶绿酸甲酯的格氏反应及其叶绿素衍生物的合成

9.light harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex集光叶绿素蛋白复合物

10.The Synthesis of the Photodynamic Anticancer Drugs Possessing Chlorophyll Skeleton;具有叶绿素碳架的光动力抗癌药物的合成研究

11.in the presence of light and chlorophyll在光照和叶绿素条件下;在有光和叶绿素时;借助于光合叶绿素

12.The plant can then reach the light faster and photosynthesize and synthesize more chlorophyll.这种植物被置于光下后,可迅速的开始光合作用,合成大量叶绿素。

13.The photosynthetic pigment in bacteria is bacteriochlorophyll.细菌光合作用的色素是细菌叶绿素。

14.The Synthesis of Metal Bacterial Chlorophyll and It s Basic Study in Photo Dynamic Treatment;金属细菌叶绿素的合成及其光动力学疗法基础研究

15.Synthesis of Chloro-substituted Chlorin Derivatives with Basic Skeleton of Chlorophyll-a具有叶绿素-a基本碳架的氯代二氢卟吩衍生物的合成

16.Photosynthetic Characteristics and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Chlorophyll-deficient Oilseed Rape Mutant (Cr3529);油菜叶绿素缺乏突变体Cr3529的光合作用特点及其叶绿素荧光的研究

17.It may be coloured with chlorophyll or not more than0.015% of a suitable green soap dye.它可能由叶绿素或不多于0.015%合的绿皂染料染色。

18.Isn"t sulfur important in chlorophyll formation?硫对叶绿素的形成很重要,对吗?


dark chlorophyll synthesis黑暗合成叶绿素

3)chlcrophyll biosynthesis叶绿素生物合成

4)Chlorophyll synthetase叶绿素合成酶

5)Chlorophyll biosynthesis and degradation叶绿素(Chl)合成与降解

6)chlorophyll-deficit mutant叶绿素合成缺陷突变体

1.The paper deals with the research advances in the exploitation, action mechanisms and gene mapping ofchlorophyll-deficit mutants.本文介绍了国内外在水稻叶绿素合成缺陷突变体的发掘、作用机理及其基因定位等方面的研究进展。

2.Chlorophyll-deficit mutants of rice not only play an important role in researching photosynthesis of higher plants, biosynthesis of chlorophyll, genetic differentiation and development of chloroplast, but also serve as a marker character .水稻叶绿素合成缺陷突变体不仅是研究高等植物的光合作用,叶绿素的生物合成,叶绿体的遗传分化及发育等的重要材料,而且可作为标记性状在水稻杂种优势利用中应用。


