2000字范文 > 新闻从业者 professional journalists英语短句 例句大全

新闻从业者 professional journalists英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-15 16:13:20


新闻从业者 professional journalists英语短句 例句大全

新闻从业者,professional journalists

1)professional journalists新闻从业者

1.On the recognition of media role for theprofessional journalists--Review on the role of subject for reporters in opinion s supervision;新闻从业者的媒介角色认知——兼论舆论监督的记者主体作用


1.Professional requirements for journalistsin the age of knowledge economy;知识经济时代对新闻从业者的职业需求

2.On the Upswing in Career and Realistic Embarrassment of Female Journalist;试论女性新闻从业者的职场崛起及现实困境

3.On the recognition of media role for the professional journalists--Review on the role of subject for reporters in opinion s supervision;新闻从业者的媒介角色认知——兼论舆论监督的记者主体作用

4.Research on the Deletion and Reconstruction of the Discourse Power for Female Chinese Sport Media Staff中国女性体育新闻从业者话语权的缺失和重构研究

5.to be a reporter a newspaperman.将来当一名记者 一个新闻从业人员。

6.Journalism Anomie and Role Practices of Media and Journalists in China"s Social Transition转型时期中国新闻媒体及其从业者的角色实践与新闻失范

7.Of, relating to, or characteristic of journalism or journalists.新闻业或新闻工作者的,具有新闻业或新闻工作者特色的

8.One whose occupation is journalism.新闻工作者以新闻工作为职业的人

9.The people involved in the media, as news reporters, photographers, publishers, and broadcasters.新闻人员从事媒体事业的人,如新闻记者,摄影记者,报刊发行人及广播员

10.Journalists should firmly object to the payoffs-aimed fournalism which deviates from press ethics.(新闻记者应坚决反对有偿新闻,因为它违背了新闻记者的职业道德。

11.News morality mainly refers to the journalists" professional ethics.新闻道德主要指新闻从业人员的职业道德。

12.in business, insurance, computers, journalism, etc从事商业、 保险业、 计算机业、 新闻业等

13.A newsman or a newswoman.新闻记者男新闻记者或女新闻记者

14.The third part is present condition of news morality.第三部分,新闻工作者的新闻职业道德现状。

15.On the Contradiction between Patriotism and Journalistic Professionalism from the Wartime News;从战时新闻看爱国主义与新闻专业主义的矛盾

16.From Freedom of Speech to Freedom of News Media: The Historical Evolution of Western Thoughts of Freedom of the Press;从新闻职业化看西方新闻自由思想的历史演变

17.The Influence on Social News Based on the Gender Difference of Editors and Reporters新闻从业人员性别差异对社会新闻的影响

18.On Competence of A Journalist;从司马迁《史记》看新闻记者的素养


professionals of TV news电视新闻从业者

3)female journalist女性新闻从业者

4)Sports media practitioner体育新闻从业者

5)exercise the profession of journalism从事新闻业

6)Quasi-news workers准新闻业者


