2000字范文 > 土壤流失量 soil loss amount英语短句 例句大全

土壤流失量 soil loss amount英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-17 19:25:52


土壤流失量 soil loss amount英语短句 例句大全

土壤流失量,soil loss amount

1)soil loss amount土壤流失量

1.Base on the study of the distribution of precipitation, dynamics of soil erosion in different land-use types, the results showed that: The same sequence of runoff amount andsoil loss amount in different lands were the control>orchard>Cas-tanea henryi forest>Chinese fir forests.通过对闽江上游地区的降雨分布特征,不同土地利用方式的水土流失动态的研究,结果表明:不同土地利用方式年产流量和土壤流失量的大小顺序均为对照>果园>锥栗>杉木林。

2.Using newly developed soil loss equation in Jinsha River Basin of Yunnan Province, the authors in the paper calculated the annual averagesoil loss amounts of the total land and every land use type of every county in the Basin, and analysed the characteristics of soil erosion on total land, every land type and cultivated land with different slope class in the Basin.在应用新近建立的云南金沙江流域土壤流失方程测算该流域各县(市、区)年均土壤流失总量和各地类年均土壤流失量基础上,分析了该流域水土流失的总体特征、各地类水土流失特征和不同坡度级坡耕地的水土流失特 征,为因地制宜地防治水土流失提供了依据。


1.Method of estimating loss of soil from slope plots in mountainous area to the east of Tieling city铁岭市东部山区小坡面土壤流失量的估算方法

2.Research on Amount of Soil loss in Slope Surface and Sediment into the Yangtze River in Three-Gorge Region长江三峡区的坡面土壤流失量和入江泥沙量研究

3.Regressional Equation of Soil Loss Amount on Slope Land in Dabieshan Area of Anhui Province安徽大别山区坡耕地土壤流失量回归方程的研究

4.The fine particle loss in the soil is an important issue of soil quality degradation.土壤中细颗粒的流失是土壤质量恶化的重要表现之一。

5.Soil Loss Calculature of Nitrogen in Absorbed During the Period of Paddy Planting in Jingjiang City靖江市水稻种植期土壤吸附态氮流失量计算

6.Quantitative Evaluation of Soil Erosion and Nutrients Loss for Small Watershed of Loess Plateau Based on AnnAGNPS Model;基于AnnAGNPS模型的黄土高原小流域土壤侵蚀和养分流失定量评价

7.On Soil and Water Conservation Benefits of Coastal Shelterbelt Based on RS基于土壤有机质含量流失的沿海防护林水土保持效益研究

8.The Impacts of Soil Nitrogen Loss on Soil Properties and Environments under Soil Erosion Conditions侵蚀条件下土壤氮素流失对土壤和环境的影响

9.Remote sensing quantitative monitoring of soil erosion in Three Gorges Reservoir area:a GIS/RUSLE-based research三峡库区土壤侵蚀遥感定量监测——基于GIS和修正通用土壤流失方程的研究

10.Models of Soil and Water Loss and Soil Leakage in Puding Karst Area普定岩溶区水土流失与土壤漏失模式研究

11.The threat of erosion also is reduced because no water flows on the surface and because tomatoes are given only the amount of water they need.因为灌溉水不流经地表,又因灌水量与番茄的需水量相符,所以土壤流失的危险随之减少。

12.protection of soil against erosion or deterioration.保护土壤不流失或者不退化。

13.Cadmium waste streams from the industries mainly end up in soils.工业中的废弃的镉一般流失到土壤里。

14.To the Comparison of the Loss for Natural Soil s Nitrogen and Phosphorus;太行山自然状态土壤的氮、磷流失比较

15.Effect of DMPP on Inorganic Nitrogen Runoff Loss from Vegetable SoilDMPP对菜地土壤氮素径流损失的影响

16.Areas hit by soil erosion has reached 360 million hectares, making up 38.2 percent of the country"s total land area and registering 5 billion tons of soil losses annually.水土流失面积达3.6亿公顷,占国土面积的38.2%,每年流失土壤50亿吨。

17.Soil can absorb water, so it helps keep water from flowing away.土壤能吸收水分,所以它有助于防止水土流失.

18.Water and soil losses bore a close relationship with the rainfall and the soil moisture before raining.水土流失同降雨及降雨前土壤湿度关系密切。


soil loss土壤流失量

1.Factors necessary for analysis in prediction of soil erosion in development and construction projects are as follows: original amount ofsoil loss and permissiblesoil loss, factors causingsoil loss, patterns and ways ofsoil loss, factors ofsoil loss in construction projects and identification ofsoil loss regions, prediction period, and possiblesoil loss.开发建设项目土壤流失量预测需要分析的内容有 :原生土壤流失量和土壤容许流失量 ,土壤流失的因子、类型和方式 ,建设项目引发土壤流失的因素和流失分区 ,预测时段和可能造成的土壤流失量。

2.The pa- per is written to determine each rainfall erosivity factor by a detailed collection of rainfall intensity,rainfall kinetic energy and thesoil loss.收集了详细的降雨强度、雨量动能和土壤流失量,得到每场降雨侵蚀力因子值,运用数理统计的方法,对所采集的土壤流失量与该次采样所对应的降雨侵蚀力因子建立回归方程,通过分析确定通用方程中降雨侵蚀力因子的最佳计算模式。

3)soil fluorid loss volume土壤F-流失量

4)soil loss tolerance土壤允许流失量

1.In order to prevent from the deterioration of soil fertility and the decrease of land productivity, the factors, such as rate of soil forming, the depth of soil layer and the deterioration of soil fertility, are mainly considered in previous definitions ofsoil loss tolerance (T).已有土壤允许流失量(T值)定义多以防止土壤肥力减退、土地生产力下降为目标,考虑的主要因素为成土速度、土层厚度和土壤肥力减退,确定T值的依据是土壤侵蚀速率不大于成土速率,保证土壤资源得到不断更新。

5)newly additional soil erosion volume新增土壤流失量

6)forecast of soil loss土壤流失量预测


坡面土壤流失量估算坡面土壤流失量估算estimate of slope erosionPomian turang liushiliang gusuan坡面土壤流失全估算(estimate of slopeerosion)通过对土壤流失量与其主要影响因子间的定量分析,建立一定的数学模型,揭示坡面水土流失规律,估算在一定条件下的坡面土壤流失量的变化,为水土保持规划、设计和治理提供科学依据。坡面土壤流失量是指在中小尺度试验面积上因溅蚀、片蚀和细沟侵蚀等侵蚀方式中实际流失的土壤数量。它受气候、地形、土壤、植被、土地经营管理以及水土保持措施等主要影响因子所控制。坡面上壤流失量估算有两种基本途径:统计回归模型和参数演进模型。统计回归模型应用回归统计技术,通过分析试验小区和小集水区上实测资料所建立的土壤流失量与主要影响因子间关系的数学表达式。1940年建立了土壤流失量与坡长、坡度的关系,以后相继考虑了上壤抗蚀、植被、土地经营管理以及水土保持措施等因子,后对上述因子又作了进一步的研究、归纳,增补了降雨能量因子,最后获得了综合估算土壤流失量的统计回归模型。通用土壤流失方程(乙巧艺D统计回归模型中最为综合的模型,它于1960年由美国的威斯奇迈尔(W.H体台ckmel’er)和史密斯(D.D.Smith)在系统分析美国8250个区一年及2500个小集水区一年的土壤流失资料,并以基本侵蚀原理的实验与理论推导的基础上提出的。60年代,又使用人工模拟降雨装置,补充室内外观测资料,1965年后进一步提供了在更多的土地利用、气候及经营管理措施下估算各因子的当地数值,扩大了通用上壤流失方程的应用范围。该方程的形式为: A二RKLS(汾〕式中A为预报的单位面积多年平均土壤流失量;左为降雨侵蚀力因子;K为土壤可浸蚀性因子;L为坡长因子;S为坡度因子;C为植被与经营管理因子;尸为水土保持措施因子。通用土壤流失方程,除在美国外,在日本及澳大利亚,以及非洲的象牙海岸、尼日利亚,都各自进行了研究,并不断深化。它除了已应用在农坡地上外,又进一步扩展到城市泥沙控制,公路侵蚀控制系统,荒地环境,小流域非点源污染控制及经济分析等。参数演进模型在模拟地表径流形成和演进过程以及泥沙输移过程基础上建立的土壤流失量随时间变化的数学模型。1976年美国李月明(Ru”一MZ松gL自等建立了降雨一侵蚀模型,该模型一方面根据径流模型由降雨推求径流量,然后结合泥沙运动方程求出地表径流的输沙能力;另一方面,由前期暴雨剥离遗留下的松散土壤的起始深度、雨滴打击的土壤分离量以及地表径流的土壤分离量估算泥沙补给量。土壤流失量根据地表径流输沙能力与泥沙补给量之间的对比确定。中国各地根据当地土壤流失量试验资料,提出了一些适用于各地区具体条件下估算坡面土壤流失量的统计回归模型,但还没有建立一个能在全国范围内普遍适用的降雨侵蚀土壤流失通用方程。参数演进模型仅处于起步研究之中。(孟庆枚)
