2000字范文 > SSR分子标记 SSR molecular marker英语短句 例句大全

SSR分子标记 SSR molecular marker英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-19 09:31:26


SSR分子标记 SSR molecular marker英语短句 例句大全

SSR分子标记,SSR molecular marker

1)SSR molecular markerSSR分子标记

1.SSR molecular markers were widely applied in soybean researches due to its codominance,highly polymorph,abundance with random distribution in soybean genome,etc.SSR分子标记因具有共显性、多态性丰富、在大豆基因组中分布广等众多优点而被广泛应用于大豆研究中。

2.Therefore,in order to protect Rosa resources,conserve genetic diversity and classify different rose species,this research continued for three years and focused on the investigation,evaluation on the wild and cultivar Rosa resources,as well as their genetic relationships by using phenotypic,palynology,SSR molecular markers and nrITS sequence processes.因此,为避免或减少蔷薇种质资源的进一步流失与破坏,保护其资源多样性,本研究连续3年对蔷薇野生种和传统月季品种资源进行了调查、整理、分析和评价,建立种质资源圃,并采用表型、孢粉学、SSR分子标记和nrITS序列对部分蔷薇属植物的亲缘关系进行研究。


1.AFLP and SSR Molecular Markers for Leaf Rust Resistance Gene Lr35 in Wheat;小麦抗叶锈基因Lr35的AFLP和SSR分子标记

2.Development of Chromosome-specific SSR Markers from Brassica Rapa白菜染色体特异性SSR分子标记的开发

3.Studies on the Heterosis of Liriodendron by SSR Markers利用SSR分子标记探测鹅掌揪杂种优势

4.Application of SSR Molecular Marker in Genetic and Breeding of MaizeSSR分子标记在玉米遗传育种中的应用

5.Study on SSR Molecular Markers of Kidney Bean Glyphosate Resistance Gene菜豆抗草甘膦基因SSR分子标记的研究

6.Identifying Hybrids of Golden Camellia Using SSR Molecular Markers用SSR分子标记鉴定金花茶杂交种(英文)

7.Development of EST-SSR Markers in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)花生EST-SSR分子标记的开发

8.Establishment of Paulownia SSR reaction system泡桐SSR分子标记反应体系的建立

9.Selection of Watermelon EST-SSR Molecular Marker西瓜EST-SSR分子标记的筛选

10.Advances of Studies on SSR Markers in LitchiSSR分子标记在荔枝上的研究进展

11.Examination of Seed Purity in Rice Hybrid by SSR Method;利用SSR分子标记鉴定杂交稻种子纯度的研究

12.Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Eggplants(Solanum Melongena L.) by Morphological Markers and SSR Markers利用形态学标记和SSR分子标记分析茄子种质资源遗传多样性

13.Analysis of Medicago Sativa L.,M. Varia Martyn. and M. Falcata L. with SSR Molecular Markers;紫花苜蓿、杂花苜蓿和黄花苜蓿SSR分子标记分析

14.Inheritance and SSR Molecular Markers of Resistant to Marssonina Mali in Apple苹果抗褐斑病性遗传分析与SSR分子标记

15.Association Analysis between Female Fertility and Molecular Markers in Wheat小麦雌性育性与SSR分子标记的关联分析

16.Genetic analysis and SSR markers on the traits of effective spike number per plant of wheat小麦有效穗数的遗传分析及其SSR分子标记

17.Sampling Strategy of Boehmeria nivea Population by SSR Molecular Markers利用SSR分子标记分析苎麻居群的取样策略

18.Genetic Structure of Natural Populations of Liriodendron Chinense Revealed by SSR Markers;利用SSR分子标记研究鹅掌楸天然群体遗传结构


SSR markersSSR分子标记

1.To overcome the limiting factors in the commercialization of the existing rapid purity identification system of hybrid rice seeds by usingSSR markers,the studies were conducted on the improvement of the technology system in the aspects of DNA extraction,PCR amplification procedure and gel electrophoresis.针对目前SSR分子标记技术快速鉴定杂交水稻种子纯度方法商业化应用的限制因素,从DNA提取、PCR反应体系和程序及凝胶电泳等方面进行了技术体系的优化。

2.14 phenotypic traits and 14 polymorphicSSR markers were used, to evaluate a subset of 481 lentil accessions randomly sampled from the National Gene Bank on their genetic diversity.本研究利用14个形态标记和14个SSR分子标记,对随机取样自国家种质资源库的481份小扁豆种质资源进行了遗传多样性分析,主要研究结果如下:1。

3)SSR markerSSR分子标记

1.Genetis analysis andSSR markers on fertility restorer gene of male sterility of wheat with Aegilops kotschyi cytoplasm;粘类小麦育性恢复基因的遗传分析及SSR分子标记

2.The results showed that the identification of three methods were consistent,no significant difference,so the method of the purity identification bySSR markers was accurate,reliable,fast and could be used in purity test for hybrid rice seed.以本地正季鉴定为对照,比较了5个杂交稻种子SSR分子标记和海南田间种植纯度鉴定的差异。


1.Establishment of DNA Fingerprinting withSSR for Y58S and Some Other Elite Parents of Two-line Hybrid Rice;利用SSR分子标记构建Y58S及部分重要两系杂交水稻亲本的DNA指纹图谱

2.Genetic Structure of Natural Populations of Liriodendron Chinense Revealed bySSR Markers;利用SSR分子标记研究鹅掌楸天然群体遗传结构

3.The hybrids were validated based on morphological traits andSSR markers.本文利用形态学观察与SSR分子标记相结合对5个单株进行杂种鉴定,结果确定为红刺玫和锦寒1号的杂交后代,其中杂5-2和杂5-4与父本聚为一组,杂5-1、杂5-3和杂5-6与母本聚为一组。

5)SSR molecular markersSSR分子标记

6)SSR molecular marker technologySSR分子标记技术


