2000字范文 > 实施效益评价 assessment of implementation benefits英语短句 例句大全

实施效益评价 assessment of implementation benefits英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-01 02:39:27


实施效益评价 assessment of implementation benefits英语短句 例句大全

实施效益评价,assessment of implementation benefits

1)assessment of implementation benefits实施效益评价

1.Theassessment of implementation benefits of general land use planning based on emergy——A case study of Langfang基于能值的土地利用总体规划实施效益评价研究——以廊坊市为例


1.Preliminary Study of Implementing Benefit Evaluation to Land Consolidation Project;土地整理项目实施效益评价初步研究

2.The assessment of implementation benefits of general land use planning based on emergy--A case study of Langfang基于能值的土地利用总体规划实施效益评价研究——以廊坊市为例

3.The application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation(FCE) in efficiency evaluation of general land use planning implementation--A case study in Lanzhou City模糊综合评价法在土地利用总体规划实施效益评价中的应用——以兰州市为例

4.Discussion on Benefit Appraisal and Ecological Compensation Technology of Henan Provincal Natural Forest Protection Project--Taking Luanchuan County as an Example;河南天然林保护工程实施效益评价与生态补偿技术探讨——以栾川县为例

5.Performance Evaluation and Countermeasures of Enterprise Knowledge Management;企业实施知识管理的效益评价及对策

6.Primary Evaluation on Comprehensive Performance of National Public-spirited Wood in Yangtan Town;杨滩乡实施国家级公益林综合效益初步评价

7.Evaluation on Implementation and Benefit of General Land-use Planning of Qionglai City;邛崃市土地利用总体规划实施及其效益评价

8.Evaluation on Sustainability of the Benefit of Urban Infrastructure System城市基础设施系统效益可持续性评价

9.Evaluation for the Synthetic Benefit of the Enterprise Hospitals with the Systems of TOPSIS and RSR;应用TOPSIS法和RSR法实施厂矿医院综合效益评价的研究

10.The Ecological Non-commercial Forest Compensation Policy Performance Analysis and Appraisal in the Mountainous Area of Beijing;北京市山区生态公益林补偿政策实施成效分析及评价


12.Study on Evaluation Indicator System of Conservation Tillage Technology Implementary Benefit in Beijing Rural Areas;京郊农田保护性耕作技术实施效益的评价指标体系研究

13.The Strategy of Differential Marketing: Choice、Implement and Evaluation;差异化营销策略:选择、实施与效益评估

14.Research on the Evaluation of ERP Implementation of Manufacturing Enterprise制造业企业ERP实施效益评估研究

15.The true legal benefit is that the inside audits the foundation that is appraised.;真实合法效益是内部审计评价的基础

16.Practice of Specialized Lab Construction and Its Benefit Evaluation;专业实验室建设模式及效益评价探讨

17.Research on Public Expenditure Benefit Evaluation"s Theory and Practice财政支出效益评价的理论与实践研究

18.Research on Investment Efficiency Scale Efficiency and Decision Management of Urban Infrastructure;城市基础设施投资效益、规模效益评价与决策管理研究


evaluation on implement and benefit实施及其效益评价

3)implementation effect evaluation实施效果评价

4)implementary benefit实施效益

1.Based on the analysis of conservation tillage technology implementary significance,this paper analyses the procedure of itsimplementary benefit evaluation indicator system establishment,puts forward evaluation indicator system elementary design.在分析农田保护性耕种技术实施意义的基础上,剖析了构建农田保护性耕作技术实施效益评价指标体系的程序,最后提出了构建农田保护性耕作技术实施效益评价指标体系的初步设想。

5)evaluation of implementation实施评价

1.An Empirical Study on the Evaluation of Implementation of General Land Use Planning;土地利用总体规划实施评价的实证研究

2.The methods used inevaluation of implementation of general land use planning are almost qualitative description one at present,which lacks strictly scientific evaluation system,and is hard to pass a judgment objectively and scientifically on the results of implementation of general land use planning.目前沿用的土地利用总体规划实施评价的方法多为定性的直接描述法,缺乏科学的评价体系,难以对规划实施的效果作出客观、科学的评判。

3.This paper defines theevaluation of implementation of land use planning and summarizes the results of researches on the evaluation.结合实际定义土地利用规划实施评价的概念,对国内外土地利用规划实施评价进行综述。

6)implementing evaluation实施评价

1.On the basis of purposes and claims of land use planning,the article advances the meaning of land use planningimplementing evaluation,through introducing policy science theories.基于土地利用总体规划实施评价的目的和要求,引入政策科学的理论,提出土地利用规划实施评价的内涵;在此基础上,提出了三种类型的土地利用总体规划实施评价的内容;然后结合柳州市土地利用总体规划实施的实际,探讨了城市土地利用总体规划评价方法;对于规划的执行评价采用了主要指标对比法、因素分析法等,对规划实施的影响评价尝试了土地可持续利用评价法,对土地利用状况做出了评述。

2.The paper briefly analyzes some problems aboutimplementing evaluation to the general planning of land utilization,and provides some methods and countermeasures to solve these problems.土地利用总体规划实施评价是土地利用总体规划系统工程的重要组成部分,适时进行土地利用总体规划评价,有利于规划措施的落实和规划目标、任务的实现,有利于及时总结规划实施效果,并根据客观情况的变化适时调整规划。


