2000字范文 > 管棚 pipe roof英语短句 例句大全

管棚 pipe roof英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-23 19:38:17


管棚 pipe roof英语短句 例句大全

管棚,pipe roof

1)pipe roof管棚

1.Optimum diameter analysis ofpipe roofs applied in underground engineering with shallow overburden;浅埋地下工程管棚法施工中合理管棚直径分析

2.Analysis of mechanical property of concrete-filled steel tubularpipe roof underpass bridge;钢管混凝土管棚地道桥力学分析

3.Tunnel construction technology of longpipe roof beneath airport taxiway;采用长管棚下穿机场滑行道施工技术


1.The Key Technology Researches of the Large Section Pipe Roof-box Jacking Method;浅埋大断面管棚—箱涵法关键技术研究

2.Application of Advance Support by Pipe-shed in Tunnel Construction超前管棚预支护在隧洞施工中的应用

3.Long pipe awning construction technology of Shanghuyu tunnel for MaLai highway马莱高速上虎峪隧道长管棚施工技术

4.Mechanical Analysis of Support Mechanism of Shed-Pipe Grouting Technology for Tunneling Construction in Shallow-Buried Soft Stratum浅埋暗挖隧道管棚支护机理力学分析

5.Application of big pipe shed and pre-grouting small pipe supporting in tunnels大管棚和超前注浆小导管支护在隧洞中的应用

6.Study on the Working Mechanism of Pipe Umbrella Reinforcement in Weak Surrounding Rock Mass Tunnel;软弱破碎围岩隧道中管棚超前预支护技术研究

7.Study on the Parameters of Barrel Vault Advanced Support of Soft Rock Double-arch Tunnels under Unsymmetrical Pressure;软岩偏压双连拱隧道管棚预支护参数研究

8.The Construction Technique of Running before to Take Care of the Shed in theFlabbiness Rounds the Rock Tunnel Engineering;软弱围岩隧道工程超前管棚支护施工技术

9.Research on Drilling and Driving Hydraulic Drive System of Forpoling Rig管棚钻机掘进与行驶液压驱动系统研究

10.The construction method of talus shallow tunnel advanced support large pipe shed堆积体浅埋隧道超前支护大管棚施工方法

11.The mine tunneling construction numerical simulation supported by pipe shed in subway tunnel地铁隧道管棚支护下矿山法施工数值模拟

12.Mechanical mechanism of piperoofs with variable coefficient of subgrade reaction in shallow tunnels浅埋隧道变基床系数下管棚的力学机制分析

13.Stability Analysis of Tunnel Face Reinforced with Advanced Pipe Grouting实施超前注浆管棚支护的隧道开挖面稳定分析

14.Analysis of Optimizing Parameters for Pipe Roof Construction to the Portal Section of Xiang"an Submarine Tunnel in Xiamen厦门翔安隧道进口段管棚支护参数优化分析

15.Optimized Design of Advance Pipe-roofing for Tunnels with Flat Roof and Vertical Walls管棚超前支护在平顶直墙隧道中的优化设计

16.Application of leading steel pipeline shed previous timbering technology in Haikedao tunnel超前大管棚预支护技术在海客道隧道中的应用

17.Analysis on Parameter Optimization of Shed-pipe Advance Support in Portal Section at Xiaoxiangsai Tunnel小相寨隧道进口段管棚支护参数优化分析

18.Application of pipe-strut curtain method on existing line frame shaped culvert construction管棚帷幕法在既有线框构桥施工中的应用


pipe shed管棚

1.The application of pre-casting technology through advanced installedpipe shed in portal section construction of highway tunnel in fault-rupture zone;管棚预注浆技术在断层破碎带洞口中的应用

2.The mine tunneling construction numerical simulation supported bypipe shed in subway tunnel地铁隧道管棚支护下矿山法施工数值模拟

3.Construction skill of karst tunnel and application ofpipe shed岩溶隧道的施工技术及管棚在施工中的应用


1.The longitudinal deformations of thepipe-roofs in the entrance of Tujiangchong tunnel are monitored by installation of a series of strain gauges to investigate the mechanical behaviors of thepipe-roofs during the tunnel excavation;and the working mechanism ofpipe-roofs in shallow tunnels is discussed.在土江冲隧道进口段采用应变计对管棚纵向变形进行监测,根据现场测试结果分析管棚在隧道开挖过程中的受力特性,讨论管棚的作用机制。

2.The article applied finite element method to analyze the stresses of box culvert structure advanced inpipe-roof under various operating modes,and the results show that the validity and rationality of our design.采用有限元方法对管棚支护下顶进施工的箱涵结构进行了多种工况下的受力分析,结果表明本设计具有有效性和合理性。

3.The paper introduces the major technologic measures of the construction of thepipe-roofs and the ground settlement control methods,analyses the distortion mechanisms of thepipe-roofs and compares the mea.98m,以大管棚作为超前支护。


1.Appliaction ofshed-pipe and steel-rib support to underground powerhouse excavation;管棚与钢支撑在地下厂房开挖中的应用

2.However,papers about the support mechanism and quantitative analysis of the support effect ofshed-pipe and grouting technology are scarce.管棚注浆法是地下结构工程浅埋暗挖时通常采用的一种超前支护技术。

3.Because the stability of the surrounding rock is poor,the degree of the slope is big,and the thickness of the overburden is thin,the longshed-pipe is applied in construction for pre-reinforced supporting.太中银小相寨1号隧道出口段围岩稳定性差,地形坡度大,洞口覆盖层薄,进洞困难,施工中采用大管棚进行超前加固处理。


1.Three-Dimensional Finite-difference Method Analysis Appliance to ThePipe-shed Entrance of Large Span Tunnel;浅埋大跨度隧道管棚支护进洞三维有限差分法分析

2.Advanced large-pipe-shed construction technology of Guanyintang tunnel under crossing Lian-Huo expressway观音堂隧道下穿连霍高速公路超前大管棚施工

3.In this paper, the way how to install the pipe-shed for whole length to the tunnel, how to link up all working procedures and how to form a loop to prevent the deformation of surrounding rock are introduced.简要介绍施工单位在实际施工中,如何做到全隧道施工管棚,如何以工序衔接紧密、及早封闭成环限制围岩变形,保证隧道施工安全。

6)overlength pipe shed超长管棚

1.The vehicle tunnels adopt box culvert advancing scheme underoverlength pipe shed,which is the first case to underpass the west L-taxiway of Beijing Capital International Airport without suspending air service during construction in China.为研究施工工法的可行性,针对超长管棚施作、开挖导洞布设下滑道、长大箱涵顶进等主要工况进行数值模拟,重点对典型施工工况引起滑行道地表沉降变形特征和规律进行分析研究。


