2000字范文 > 景观质量等级 landscape quality grade英语短句 例句大全

景观质量等级 landscape quality grade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-12 15:17:16


景观质量等级 landscape quality grade英语短句 例句大全

景观质量等级,landscape quality grade

1)landscape quality grade景观质量等级


1.Landscape Quality Grade Evaluation of Ecotourism Scenic Spot in South-eastern Tibet and the Exploitation of Ecotourism Products藏东南生态旅游景区景观质量等级评价及生态旅游产品的开发

2.China forest park landscape resources grade evaluation中国森林公园风景资源质量等级评定

3.Using the Objective Parameter of Concert Halls in Sound Quality to Evaluate Its Subjective Level用音乐厅的音质客观参量预测其主观评价等级

4.Perspective on the Judgment of Talent Quality Under the Situation of Higher Education Popularization;论高等教育大众化背景下的人才质量观

5.Perspective on the Quality Concept in Mass Higher Education高等教育大众化背景下的教育质量观探析

6.A Survey To the Evaluation of The Pleasant Impression Quantity Grade of Mountain Mian′s front Range对绵山前山风景区美感质量(评价等级)的调查研究

7.Application of Natural Scenery Quality Evaluation Method in Classification and Grading of Tourist Resources in Mianyang City;自然风景质量评价法在绵阳市旅游资源分等定级中的应用

8.Research of Landscape Health and Aesthetic Landscape Qulity of Fuzhou;福州市景观健康与景观美学质量研究

9.judging on a scale of 1 to 10.质量标准分为10个等级。

10.Quality Concept of Chinese Talents Training With Higher Education Popularization;高等教育大众化背景下我国人才培养的质量观研究

11.Analysis on the Viewyoint Higher Education Quality from the Angle of Popularization;试析大众化背景下高等教育应具备的教育质量观

12.capable of being graded (for quality or rank or size etc.).能够分出等级(对质量、等级或者尺寸大小等)。

13.On the Quantity and Quality Views for Adult Higher Education;略论成人高等教育的数量观与质量观

14.Scenic area with middle quality was defined as Middle-Quality Scenic Area(MQSA).中质景区是指旅游综合质量中等的景区。

15.Quality Guarantee and Views on Quality on the Background of Popular Higher Education;大众化高等教育的质量观和质量保障

16.On the Subjectivity Rank of the Quality-adjective-predicated Sentence试论性质形容词谓语句的主观性等级

17.A position in a scale of size, quality, or intensity.等级,级别以尺寸,质量或密度衡量所处的位置

18.Thoughts on Educational Value and Quality Control Outlookof Higher Education;关于高等教育价值观和质量观的思考


landscape degree景观等级

3)landscape quality景观质量

1.Both statistical data of feel reactions to the landscape elements for the Palace visitors made and the weighted factors of the elements are analyzed according to the tables tourists filled in,which listed the elements response for thelandscape quality,and the grades made by some experts and scholars.确定了骊山唐华清宫景群景观质量评价要素 ,通过现场游客填写景观质量要素响应表和专家学者评分相结合的方式 ,确定出唐华清宫景群各景观要素质量等级响应分值和权重 ,并采用加权数量化模式评价了唐华清宫景群的景观质量 。

2.The current situation of researches on forestlandscape quality evaluation were summarized according to the assessment methods,assessment way and the evalutor.对国内外森林景观质量评价的研究现状进行了评述,分别从评价方法、评价途径以及评价者等方面进行了分析,并对今后的研究趋势进行了展望:(1)各种评价方法综合应用,取长补短;(2)加强公众参与,体现“以人为本,景为人用”的理念;(3)加强数字图片编辑和森林景观可视化研究;(4)以森林景观评价促进森林景观建设,促进森林游憩事业的发展。

4)quality grading质量等级

1.The present status and the existed problem in Chinese grape winequality grading system construction were illustrated and the basic models of international grape winequality grading system were introduced.分析了我国葡萄酒质量等级制度建设的现状与存在的问题,介绍了国际葡萄酒质量等级制度的基本模式。

5)Quality grade质量等级

1.In order to make tungoiltree industry and tung oil quality grade standardization,so as to meet the export requirements,it is necessary to establish the Tung Oil Quality Grade,which includes tu.为规范油桐生产和桐油等级及适应外贸出口的需要,必须制订油桐产品质量等级标准。

2.Applying binomial distribution of probability sets up a mathematical model of partial building project quality grade.单位工程的质量等级是由分部工程的质量等级来保证 ,而分部工程的质量等级又是由所含分项工程的优良率来确定 。

3.Quality grade of unit building project must be guarranteed by that of partioced building project,on the other hand,the latter was determined by that of the partioned building project it had.单位工程的质量等级是由分部工程的质量等级来保证 ,而分部工程的质量等级又是由所含分项工程的优良率来确定。

6)quality rank质量等级

1.First , the conception ofquality rank is introduced .从质量等级的概念入手,通过比较采用不同质量等级的元器件的电源系统的平均故障间隔时间,详细论述了元器件质量等级对系统可靠性的影响。


陵墓等级也森严-商周陵墓的“羡道”等级陵墓等级也森严-商周陵墓的“羡道”等级 古代统治阶级厚葬成风,在坟墓上糜费大量人力和物资。帝王一级称“山陵”,是从秦汉开始的词。一般说,陵墓分为地下和地上两部分。地下,主要是安置棺柩的墓室;开始(约从商代到汉)用木椁室,随后出现砖石结构墓室,东汉以后成为主流。这种地下砖石构筑物,发展到后来,规模宏大,结构严密,真正成为“地下宫殿”。还有一类墓室,由天然山岩中开凿而成;开凿岩墓始见于汉代,但是用于陵墓一级则主要是唐代。我国早期砖石结构资料,多数来自古代墓葬,表现古代对砖石结构在力学和材料施工技术方面达到的水平;古代墓葬,又包括防水、排水、密封等技术方法的历史资料;古代墓葬的地下结构物较地面建筑保存为多,其中包含大量古代建筑的形象和雕刻、绘画艺术等多方面资料;地面部分,主要是环绕陵体而形成的一套布置,其作用则是给人以严肃、纪念的气氛,是为影响后人而设的。从地形选择到入口、神道、祭祀场所、陵体,从建筑到绿化,长期积累了不少经验,创作了纪念性建筑群和严肃静穆环境。但是,地面部分比较容易受到破坏,最早的资料只及于商代,而且残缺不全;商周陵墓,地下以木椁室为主,其东、南、西、北四向有斜坡道由地面通至椁室,称“羡道”,天子级用四出“羡道”,诸侯只可用两出(南北两向)。椁室、羡道及墓葬附近则殉葬大量车、马、器物、祭器以至奴隶。有些商代陵墓,地面不起坟,而在墓上建造祭祀性建筑。
