2000字范文 > 合同规制 regulation by contract英语短句 例句大全

合同规制 regulation by contract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-14 23:03:35


合同规制 regulation by contract英语短句 例句大全

合同规制,regulation by contract

1)regulation by contract合同规制

1.On the basis of this,the text suggests that the regulation reform in Chinese public utilities marketization should turn toregulation by contract.基于此,本文提出,我国城市公用事业市场化中的规制改革应以合同规制为主并进一步地对合同规制的具体内涵及实施的有效制度环境进行了有益的探索。

2)regulation contract规制合同

1.However, the government must face and solve the adverse selection when designing theregulation contracts because the regulated enterprises stood the upper hand in the circumstances of information asymmetry.网络产业所具有的自然垄断特性使政府规制成为必要,但在信息不对称的情况下,被规制企业所具备的信息优势使政府在设计规制合同时必须面对和解决逆向选择问题。

3)Contract law system合同法规制

4)the regulation of the standard contracts格式合同规制

5)Regulation of Electronic Standard Contract电子格式合同规制

6)E-contract Legal Regulation电子合同法律规制


1.UCITA and Building of Chinese Electronic Contract Law System;从UCITA论我国电子合同法律规制之建立

2.Perfection of E-business-contract Legal Regulation in China;论我国电子商务合同法律规制的完善

3.Research on Legal Regulation of Standard Terms in Electronic Contract电子合同中格式条款的法律规制研究

4.Legal issues of electronic signature and authentication in EDI contractEDI合同电子签名与电子认证法律问题

5.On Contrary Quality by the Standard Form Contract as for the Law and its Law Standard论格式合同之于法律的相悖性及其法律规制

6.Legal Regulation on Formal and Substantial Contracts in Construction Market论建筑市场“阴阳合同”的法律规制

7.The contract concluded in violation of the compulsory provisions of the law and administrative regulations is invalid.违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定的合同无效。

8.The Study on the Legal Regulation to the Acts of Evading the Labor Contract Law of Employers用人单位规避劳动合同法行为的法律规制研究

9.Validity of A Contract Against Mandatory Provision of Law or Administrative Regulation违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定合同的效力

10.A Study on Special Legal Issues of Electronic Contract;关于电子合同的特殊性法律问题研究

11.On the Legal Issues in the Procedure of Concluding An Electronic Contract;试析电子合同订立程序中的法律问题

12.Special Problems of the Electronic Contracts and Legal Countermeasures;电子合同的特殊问题及法律对策研究

13.The Legal Problems of the Safety Certification of the Validity of E-Contract;电子合同效力安全认证法律问题研究

14.Legal Regulations on Electronic Contracts : Mode and Framework;电子合同法律调整:模式与框架的探讨

15.Legal Validity of Electronic Contract and Countermeasures电子合同的法律效力问题及对策研究

16.The Legal Regulation of Labor Dispatch in the Context of New Labor Contract Law;新劳动合同法背景下劳务派遣的法律规制

17.Research on Personnel Guarantee Contract;论人事保证合同的法律性质及立法规制

18.By Honors an Agreement to Guarantee the Insurance Contract the Legal Attribute and the Rules and Regulations;论履约保证保险合同的法律属性和规制


regulation contract规制合同

1.However, the government must face and solve the adverse selection when designing theregulation contracts because the regulated enterprises stood the upper hand in the circumstances of information asymmetry.网络产业所具有的自然垄断特性使政府规制成为必要,但在信息不对称的情况下,被规制企业所具备的信息优势使政府在设计规制合同时必须面对和解决逆向选择问题。

3)Contract law system合同法规制

4)the regulation of the standard contracts格式合同规制

5)Regulation of Electronic Standard Contract电子格式合同规制

6)E-contract Legal Regulation电子合同法律规制


