2000字范文 > 土壤及地下水污染场址风险评估 soil and groundwater pollution sites risk evaluation英语短句 例句大全

土壤及地下水污染场址风险评估 soil and groundwater pollution sites risk evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-13 11:01:17


土壤及地下水污染场址风险评估 soil and groundwater pollution sites risk evaluation英语短句 例句大全

土壤及地下水污染场址风险评估,soil and groundwater pollution sites risk evaluation

1)soil and groundwater pollution sites risk evaluation土壤及地下水污染场址风险评估

2)health-based risk assessment of contaminated sites污染场地健康风险评价

1.on the basis of the methods ofhealth-based risk assessment of contaminated sites and the investigation of organic pollution in the A factory in Changzhou,East China, we assess the integrated human health risk of soil, air and groundwater contamination.以常州市A厂有机污染调查为依据,采用篇中讨论的污染场地健康风险评价方法综合评价由土壤、空气、地下水污染带来的人群健康风险。

3)remediation of polluted soils and underground water土壤和地下水污染修复

4)soil and underground water pollution土壤和地下水污染


1.Calculating site-specific soil and groundwater criteria under real field conditions实际野外条件下的污染场地土壤和地下水污染限值计算(英文)

2.Municipal refuse is the main contamination source of soil and groundwater.城市垃圾填埋场渗漏是土壤和地下水污染的重要来源。

3.Features of Oil Pollution of Soil and Surface Water in Northern Shaanxi Oilfield,China陕北油田土壤和地表水石油污染特征

4.Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on Nitrate and Nitrite Contamination in the Soil Water and Groundwater施肥对大棚蔬菜地土壤水及地下水硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐污染的研究

5.The Study for the Impact of Seawater Invasion and Underwater Pollution on Soil Ecological at Large Weijia of Jinzhou in Dalian;海水入侵地下水污染对土壤生态影响研究

6.seepage from land fills can pollute ground water or surface water填土的渗漏可能污染地下水和地面水。

7.When industrial waste water or urban sewage is used for irrigation, attention shall be paid to guarding against pollution of the soil, ground water and agricultural products.利用工业废水和城市污水进行灌溉,应当防止污染土壤、地下水和农产品。

8.Health Risk Assessment Systemon Remediation of Contaminant in Soil and Groundwater;土壤地下水污染治理健康风险分析系统研究

9.Study on Characteristics of Contaminants Transferring in Soil and Groundwater from Landfill Leachate and Its Prevention;污染物在土壤及地下水中运移特征与防治研究

10.Research of Regulation of the Soil Leachate Contaminating Soil and Groundwater at Haizhou Mining Dumping Site;海州露天矿排土场淋溶水对土壤及地下水污染规律研究

11.Investigation and Assessment on Arsenic Pollution of soil and groungwater in Kuitun No.123 State Farm;土壤及地下水砷污染现状调查与评价——以新疆奎屯123团为例

12.Advances in in-situ electrochemistry-kinetic remediation technique for organic pollutants in soil-groundwater土壤及地下水有机污染原位电化学动力修复技术进展

13.Study on Pollution of Zn in Soil of Vegetable-fruit Bases in Panxi攀西地区主要蔬菜和水果基地土壤Zn污染调查研究

14.The paper suggested establishing groundwater and soil suveying system, therefore, to research the effect on soil and groundwater of exploiting waster water.建议建立地下水和土壤监测系统,研究污水灌溉对土壤和地下水的影响。

15.Primary investigation of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in soils from some areas in Zhejiang浙江省部分地区土壤中二恶英和多氯联苯的污染水平初探

16.soil pollution and residue in plant土壤污染和植物残毒

17.soil pollution and plant variation土壤污染和植物变异

18.Study of Rainwater Schelping Soil Pollution into the Water;土壤污染物在径流作用下进入水体的负荷研究


health-based risk assessment of contaminated sites污染场地健康风险评价

1.on the basis of the methods ofhealth-based risk assessment of contaminated sites and the investigation of organic pollution in the A factory in Changzhou,East China, we assess the integrated human health risk of soil, air and groundwater contamination.以常州市A厂有机污染调查为依据,采用篇中讨论的污染场地健康风险评价方法综合评价由土壤、空气、地下水污染带来的人群健康风险。

3)remediation of polluted soils and underground water土壤和地下水污染修复

4)soil and underground water pollution土壤和地下水污染

5)Contaminated sites/soils污染场地/土壤

6)contaminated land assessment污染土地评估


儿童健康评价儿童健康评价evaluation of children"s health儿童健康评价(。valuati。n of。hildr。n,Shealth)判断一名儿童是否健康,般从生理和心理两方面进行检验。标准为:(l)儿童形态发育。如体重、身长符合相应年龄标准,或略高于该年龄水平,身体各器官发育正常、功能正常。(2)动作发展。包括头、颈、胸、背、四肢的发育和动作发展均达到正常。(3))匕童智力发展水平。如韦克斯勒的智力测验分数在90分或90分以上。(4)适应环境能力。儿童能够在现实生活环境中正常生活,无困难。评价方法有:(l)指数法。人体是一个整体,身体的各部分有一定比例关系,可用数学公式来表示。(2)离差法。将个体儿童发育数值和作为标准的均值作比较,评价儿童发育状况。(3)年龄增加百分数,(4)相关法。利用回归线和相关系数评价个体发育。(5)发育年龄评定法。根据儿童各方面的发育程度与标准发育年龄进行比较得出的发育评价。(6)各种儿童智力量表和社会性发展量表。(白学军撰林索德审)
